Tengu's great adventures

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Hello all!

So, now my BD is 16 months old and she is at 42cm long and 355g. We believe she is fully grown and would like some advice on feeding.

Currently she gets fresh salad every day and 20 L size crickets once a day. Should we now start decreasing the amount of crickets? She LOVES them of course and salad is like a "Do I have to eat it?"

So any advice at the age she is at etc?

Thank you in advance


Juvie Member
Original Poster
Hi there

So live bugs were a bust as well. I think that because she is no an adult she has turned to veg, because everyday she chows down all veg. I will keep trying with protein but I do believe she has now suddenly thought "hmmm I am now an adult so I prefer veg" WEIRD girl!!!

She has taken to sleeping on her hammock all night now, looks super comfy and stays there a lot during the day as well.

Quick question for you.... As far as giving calcium goes, can I mix a little water with it so I can do two jobs at the same time?

Thank you


BD.org Sicko
Retired Moderator
I've never done that, but I guess it wouldn't matter as long as she drank all of it. See what she does, you can always give her a bit more calcium.

As to why she won't eat her bugs, I have no idea, unless she's just tired of crickets. I know mine went off crickets at just over a year, I had to switch them to super worms because they just wouldn't eat crickets anymore. They need their protein, they can't live on veg only, honest. I did the same with Leo last spring, gave him mostly greens and he got sick. So can you get a different type of bug in Japan? Or do they only have crickets? She needs at least 30 bugs a week to stay healthy. I don't think it's that important that she go without for a month, but after that you'll have to figure out how to get protein into her. You can always get something called Carnivore Care, it's a meal replacement that is made by Oxbow company but I have no idea if it can be found in Japan. Maybe ask your reptile shop owner?

Keep me updated, they can be so stubborn!

And guess what, I bought a baby beardie today, wasn't expecting to, but he just caught my heart, so Leo's tank has a new owner. His name is Impulse because he was a total impulse buy. I went to the pet shop to buy crickets for my crested gecko and liquid calcium. I even took my big boy Gabriel to the shop to introduce him to a friend who works there. And came home with this little guy. I haven't had a baby in 8 years, this is going to be interesting!

Just home

After bath, these are his real colours, he's 63 grams, so tiny

Enjoying Leo's log and basking platform

Snuggling with Mom and a sleeping Nathaniel, he kept looking over as if saying "what is that big log over there?"

Sleeping, at first opened his eye
Then went right back to sleep

He is just so cute but so lightweight!


Juvie Member
Original Poster
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww cute and lucky guy!! Impulse, what a great name!! LOL

My stubborn little princess is crazy at Winter time I have decided!!! Today she ate three crickets and that was it. She did have a huge run around out the tank today which was fun to watch I must admit and then after 20 minutes she went to sleep in the dark! So back to the tank she went!

I did do the water and calcium thing and worked well :) a few drips off her chin but I believe she is getting more calcium this way than cricket spraying because spray doesn't go just on the crickets so.....

Yes I will get super worms again but she didn't go for them either last week. We have all kinds of bugs here so that's no problem but roaches make her have loose business. Carnivore Care we can get here so if she doesn't eat super worms etc I will get that. SO WEIRD!!!!!!!!

Awwwwwwwwwwwwww again to your new baby! I want pictures as she grows. So funny the size difference!!!!!

Thank you


BD.org Sicko
Retired Moderator
Impulse is a boy, I made sure. Cierra will be my fast female. Just too much to cope with once they start laying eggs. Cierra laid 2 clutches last May, 27 eggs each clutch, but I'm hoping she'll just never mind any more. So any future beardies I get, all males. it's not really fair to have a female in my house with 4 boys, too many hormones floating around, hahahaha

I'm very pleased with my little guy, he already likes to snuggles. Because he's so young, he gets a bath every morning, then a bit of calcium and has roaches in his dish (which he's not eating out of, plus greens in another dish. I'm hoping he finds his appetite, maybe later this am. It's all new to him.

I woke Cierra up yesterday for her bath but she didn't got back into her hide, instead she's having a snuggle with me. I was surprised but not feeding her yet until I know she's up, will give her a couple of days.

Time to feed the big boys, Nathaniel and Gabriel, their greens, still won't eat on their own, oh well, just means I get up earlier, like 7-7:30 instead of 8a like usual.

And yes, you should try other bugs. Why don't you buy a few silkworms & see if she likes them. Also just a few super worms, too. By a few, I mean like 5, just to see if she likes them. At least she ate 3 crickets this am, so that's a start. They are so picky in the winter time, I hate this time of year, just because of that. If I didn't feed Nathaniel and Gabriel, I swear they'd starve.

Castiel went into his hide yesterday to sleep for the night. He's awake and has his head poked out of it this am, but I'm not pulling him out, it's up to him what he wants to do, he has worms and greens in their dishes, I won't feed him, I have to have at least a few dragons that will eat on their own!

I'm glad you like Impulse's name, Imp for short :mrgreen: . A friend of mine came up with the name because he was a total impulse buy :lol: I've never done anything like this before, ever. At least I got $60 off his price, which was good & spent the last of my Xmas money from my parents, but will never tell them I bought a dragon, they would have a fit! My mom thought 4 was quite enough but I hate an empty tank.

Keep me updated on Princess Tengu's feeding issues. Yes, you should get some Carnivore Care anyway, it has a very long expiration date, just keep it in the fridge.


Juvie Member
Original Poster
I wonder how you can tell it is a boy at that age? I thought they had to be older to tell.

He sounds like a lot of fun already :) IMP LOL

Well princess Tengu is currently watching me as usual. She has her claws i the window slide and standing up, she is very good at that. I let her out and we had a snuggle but she hasn't done her business yet so she isn't allowed out yet. I may give her a bath as her tail is white! She is so golden at the moment, like an Autumn leaf!! I think today we will go to the reptile shop and see what bugs we can get. If she doesn't eat anything I will get the carnivore care. May I ask you, do you open their mouth to feed them with syringe or how do you do it? Water is easy as you place a drop and they lick it or not but with food?

I cannot believe next year she will be different again!!!


BD.org Sicko
Retired Moderator
You can tell if they're boy or girl about 3 months if you know what to look for.

And yes, you feed food the same way, drop a drop on their nose so they can lick it. I hope they have a bug that she likes besides crickets.

I fed Impulse carnivore care this am, put some bee pollen into it, too and he ate alot of it. This was after he ate 3 dubia (small), so I think he's getting the drift about eating. He ate another 2 dubia tonight, too. When he was done eating the Carnivore Care, he decided it was a good idea to jump on the bag :lol:

Right now he's sleeping on my chest, under my chin, after sitting on the ramp, we were watching a bit of TV and he jumped down to my knee, shimmied down to the floor and ran over to the super worm bins, so I put the ramp light back on & he ran up the stones to the top, then he licked the balcony window :lol:
He discovered that pillow and just stayed there, so cute :love5:

I'm glad Princess Tengu is getting out alot and snuggling with you, it makes you feel so good when they do that. :D


Juvie Member
Original Poster
hahahahahahhhaa cute!!!! IMP looks right at home already!! Quite amazing how quickly he has settled in.

Three months really? wow!

Pictures are funny!! Jumping on the bag LOL :lol: :lol: it is like they do something which to them is a great idea and when they have done it they seem to sit there and think hmmmm not such a good idea.

Tengu was out a lot today. She was climbing all over me and running about and then tried to walk over kitchen stuffs, had to grab her four times!!! She was out and about three times. She had a bath but no business. Tried her with crickets as she shows interest but as soon as I give them her she clams up!

Oh question for you.... Today's calcium by syringe seems to of left a white stain on her nose because its a drip right so just water to get it off? I have put water on twice but stil; a little there. Old tooth brush with water to get it off?


BD.org Sicko
Retired Moderator
Yes, water and toothbrush to get it off. Strange, I've never had that happen. It's liquid calcium added with water, right? Oh well, that should do the trick.

I'm so glad she's getting out more, it's good for them for exercise, too.

Impulse is still not eating much, but he loves carnivore care + bee pollen, ate over 4 mls this am.

And yes, he seems to be very comfy in his new home.

I have to go to work today, from 4p-8p, means I'm not home until 9:30p but no crutch, only an ankle brace for the journey in. So I'll talk to you tomorrow!


Juvie Member
Original Poster
How was work?

The calicum is spray form and it says to spray crickets three times with it which is around 1/2 ml so cannot see why I cant use it with water for her.

Anyway, it is off now and today we went to the reptile shop and found they have dubia, honey worms and silk worms and they had a jelly that is protein that can be mixed with veg if they don't eat protein :D :D :D

We got home and held our breath as we put in one roach, her eyes went tiny and she devoured it in about one second!!!!! So we gave her the other two and same thing, and then a honey worm and gulp! LOL she then went to her lap and stood high like a cat that got the cream!!!

So obviously she likes live food nowadays. So my big question to you is this; Now she is 21 months old she shouldn't have protein everyday anyway right? So should I give a mix of dubia, silk, honey worms every other day like Monday, Wednesday and Friday with the spray on calcium? veg as normal of course?

Also the owner of the shop said I can take a photo of her White beardie :D :D cannot wait to get some lovely pictures of her, shes so pretty!!

As I type this I look over to princess and she is purring under her light :lol:

How is IMP?


BD.org Sicko
Retired Moderator
Imp is very cute and has become much more comfy here. As a result I have to fun after him alot. I had him on my bed and he ran to the end & almost jumped off, my goodness that made my heart beat too fast :lol: He then was on my shoulder and ran behind my neck to the other shoulder and ran down my arm. He's also into jumping in a big way. He hasn't explored his tank too much, so I'll put him in different areas tomorrow. He's also not very intimidated by the big boys, which is wonderful. So all in all, he's really getting used to his new home and his new Mom. This is how I found him sleeping tonight :lol:

And from shoulder to down my arm

He's got a shed going on his tail, 2 back legs and head, so not sure when those will get going.

Oh your Princess Tengu, she was getting tired of crickest. Yes, every 2nd day is fine, as many as she'll eat. She was eating 25 large crickets a day, right? She should be eating about 45 bugs a week at her age and probably for the rest of her life, mix of those 3 bugs is great, but more dubia & silkworms than the others. And please don't spray the bugs, the usually die if they get wet, especially the worms. She should be getting .1 ml per 100 gr wt 3x a week. So .5 ml 3x a week max is what she needs. So you should continue giving it to her by liquid form & fill the rest of the syringe up with water if you want. I never thought my crew got enough calcium when I was using powders, especially after 2 yrs old because they didn't always eat as much as I wanted them to, that's why I starting giving them liquid calcium. That way I can control it better. So hope that helps.

You'll have to post the pics of the white beardie, I've heard they are beautiful but I've never seen one.

Work was good but the journey in and back is stressful. I can go up and down stairs going in, but need to use the elevators at night because my leg is aching a bit by then. But otherwise it's all good. When I went to the physio on Tuesday she was impressed with how well I'm walking, no limp and walking quickly now. But she said I wasn't standing straight & that's when I told her my left side, from my elbow to my head, hurt terribly, so she worked on that instead. Not sure what happened but my left side is my weaker side because of being thrown off a motorcycle when I was 18. I was the passenger and when my boyfriend at the time did a U-turn because he went by my street, we were hit by a scooter. I flew off the bike and landed on my cheekbone & that's when I damaged the left side of my body. I broke my cheekbone in 3 places and had surgery to put it back in place twice. I found out years later that I damaged soft tissue on the left side of my neck, too, as well as still have residue of nerve damage under my left eye, down to my jawbone. This all affected my whole left side and I'm still working on getting it all better. That's why I see the chiro so often, to readjust my neck and back, hips and knees. This affects my whole left side and sometimes the muscles get into knots and that's when I start seeing the physio again. Luckily I have good chiro and physio that know what they're doing. Being 60 years old doesn't help either, but I manage.

But enough about me...thank you for keeping me updated about you and Tengu, I'm glad you found different bugs for her. Now no more freeze dried crickets for her!


Juvie Member
Original Poster
Wow you have had it hard (injury wise)

IMP looks like Tengu I think so, especially when Tengu was 9 months old. Colors are very similar too.

This made me laugh....... "intimidated by the big boys" LOL :lol: :lol: I can imagine them watching him.

Pictures are very cute! The third one really reminds me of Tengu when she was young. Same colors, same pattern.

I didn't know that about spraying the bugs killed them..... no worries I am quite used to giving her calcium and water. Yes she gets three sprays off it which is .5ml funnily enough LOL.

Yes, no more frozen crickets for her. She has made it very clear! That pet shop will love me now! I showed her picture of Tengu and she said "WOW shes big!!" I suppose I am used to it and dont see it like other people do.

Yes for sure I will show you the picture of the white beardie once I get round to taking it.

Okay thanks for your answer and I hope work gets easier :)


Juvie Member
Original Poster
Another thing

I am "hatchling poster" as a moderator do you know when my status goes up? LOL it sounds so silly but I think I have posted so much so I was wondering.


BD.org Sicko
Retired Moderator
Work will get easier, I felt better leaving today and had more energy than Monday, so it will get easier as time goes by. It's just getting used to doing my job after being off for 3 1/2 mo. I had forgotten alot of it but sat with someone for 3 1/2 hrs today listening, so that was very helpful. I'll get on the phone on Friday, even though I still don't have one system up, has to be reinstated for me with a new id.


BD.org Sicko
Retired Moderator
Just saw your other question, I have no idea but I can ask. You can change the picture anytime, I know that. I can't remember as I've been on here for 9 years now!
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