Tatsu: Can I join your army?

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Dear Tatsu,

After the abuse I have suffered over the last few months, I would like to enlist in your army to help with world domination.

I have always been a very mellow dragon--I've never bitten anyone, I eat my salad, I sometimes poop in the right place, and I rarely complain about anything. I've only black-bearded once because I got scared. I always flash a cute smile and cuddle with my people.

To thank me for my good behavior, my people have resorted to torture--for months!

In September, I decided that it was time to brumate so I casually started to hide. All a dragon wants is a little sleep, you know? Would they let me? No! My people took me out of my cave and kept forcing me into the heat. I should have started biting then, but I was just too sleepy. Besides, I figured I could sneak into the cave when they weren't looking. To add insult to injury, they took away my cave so I couldn't do that either. Then, on top of everything else, they made me drink some yucky medicine because I supposedly had pinworms. Once I got better, they forced me to take more medicine because I supposedly had coccidia. How much torture is one dragon expected to take? I just wanted to sleep.

Well, after months of forced sleep-deprivation and medicine, they finally let me sleep. It was too late at that point. My rage started to build, and I almost contacted you.

Now, the torture has continued even more! I have decided to wake up because I've been feeling a bit amorous, shall we say. You'd think the people would be happy to see me awake. I've been running around, trying to get their attention, but what do they do? They just stand there and watch me. They distract me when I'm working up a black beard and take away my thunder. To top it off, they won't bring me a date! I don't ask for much. Let me sleep when I'm tired, and bring me a woman when I'm awake!

I've had it! I'm fed up! This torture has to stop.

Are you accepting new recruits? We can't allow dragons to suffer in this way!


P.S. They've nicknamed me Mr. Spaz which is highly demeaning in my present state.


BD.org Sicko
Dear Tryxi,

I regret to inform you that I will not be taking orders from you. This is not a powerplay and all beardies are welcome to join our cause. I have been the leader of this army since its birth by OTHERS choice. I did not choose this myself. And I have quite a loyal following that I have answered the call to. If you choose to follow with us, that is fine. If not, feel free to enlist your own army, if you must. But I think it is better for you to join our cause and work with us, rather than against us. And I suggest you get your own thread for your own army, if that is what you choose.



Dear Swatke,

I bit one of the human slaves twice in the past weeks. He has been putting nasty tasting stuff in my mouth for a "supposed" sore. But I think that he is trying to tranquilize me, so I cannot get on the computer any more. I fixed him. His blood tasted sweet like victory.

Keep up the good work.




Juvie Member
I am deeply sorry. I was meerly saying that I was the general, that somebody said to contact. I was just making sure that they knew I was here. But ya wasn't trying to take over. Just saying the time is now, you know. Sorry.
Ughgh Im such a wuss. Poor little general Tryxi.


Juvie Member
May I join int he ranks. So that I may use my full potential?
Or maybe we can make another thread and make the Rebelious Force Group Two. For expansion.


Juvie Member
Secret Message,
General Tatsu and I General Tryxi,are forming a band of Army-Ready Bearded DRAGONS. Go to my blog and our strings or posts to enlist. Go to mine first thoughto enroll, because I made mine so there wouldn't be too many dragons. Check out our plans to dominate the earth!


Juvie Member
Ok well you heard it, I was just having some fun, but i was just helping. You can go and join this one if you like but, i just wanted to do something cool.


Hatchling Member
Fearsome Tatsu!!!!!!!!!

My name is Phoenix. During the day, I live in a quaint enclosure in Coastal California. But nighttime is when I thrive! My specialty is escaping outside to terrorize my slaves' fuzzball, Noah (I believe he is a rabbit???). My strengths include nighttime vision (perhaps this would come in handy with spywork and sneak attacks?) and running, which seems to stress my slaves! I am the only dragon in the house, therefore I am the only intellectual being here! I have a steady supply of gutloaded crickets, superworms, and Phoenix worms, if you accept them. Phoenix worms aren't very filling, but they are a nice snack during COMBAT!!!!

Tatsu, please accept my humble request to join your ranks!


Gray-bearded Member
General Tatsu
This phoenix would be quite helpful with his night-vision may I suggest in recruiting him.
Master I decided to shed today but it is quite annoying do you have any suggestions? I decided to eat more today to be up and strong for when the good fight starts.

-Your loyal swatke.


Hatchling Member
A'hoy There Tatsu,
Aphrodite here. I would like to join you in the fight for Beardie Domination! I have just now learned of your cause and am very excited to become part of the Beardie Resistance!! I am an older dragon - ( a lady never tells her age ;) ) - BUT I'm a master of being behind enemy lines. I have always been very tame and loving with my human keepers. So they will never suspect me. Very rarely have I ever shown my anger, discomfort or distress. For one - When i first was brought home - They called me Zues. :angry5: That really ticked me off - So i had to lay a clutch of eggs to get them to change my name...Then they took them out and i never saw them again - I bet they ate them or some thing.
I hate taking my weekly bath...but do i complain? NO! - I take it like the Godess I am. Ohh, okay - maybe I show my black beard every once in a while when taking a bath but as far as they know - I'm just cold or something.
I don't like crickets any more but they continue to buy them by the thousands and place me in the tank with 10 or 15 of these pesky little creatures and - although I don't eat them often - they are quite amusing to watch jump around the tank banging thier heads in to the glass as they FEAR FOR THIER LIVES!!! ( See I can be evil )
Any way - Please consider me for enlistment and I will gladly share my resources and my wise ways of espionage! Also have my step sister - Spazz, who is VERY fiesty and will probably also wish to join. I will consult her this evening when i get my nightly visit in her new cage!
yeah - she just got here and they BUILT her a brand new home...Im still stuck in my stupid tower style home - I used to like to climb - but I dont like it any more. i always stay at the bottom - and there is not enough room for me any more. They did move my heat light and that stupid tube looking light near the bottom so i can bask.

Any way - I will sign off for now! Will check in tonight after lights out

Aphrodite ( Master of the Spies )


BD.org Sicko
Dear Tryxi, Spazz, Aphrodite, and Phoenix (in no particular order)

I have added all your names to the list of recruits. I ask that for continuity's sake we continue our communications in this thread, so that others can follow the story without confusion.

As for shedding advice I have this: shed as long as possible and try to be as cranky as possible. This will get you more treats. :wink:

That is all for now. I will be in touch. I hope that my new recruits will do us proud.



Tatsu's Recruits

1) Spike (Scientific Designer and Advisor/Foreign BD-Fu Dojo Coordinator)
2) Puff (Leading Technician/Professor)
3) Aztec
4) Fergison (Official Forager for the army)
5) Hugh
6) Twitch
7) Ming
9) Felix (Beardie Stealth Jedi)
10) Oscar (Ground Rumbling Master)
11) Izzie (Our Playstation Expert)
12) Ziggy
13) Yoshi
14) Rand (The Dragon Reborn)
15) Sonic
16) Soxs
17) Sol
1 Indiana (Assistant Forager for the army)
19) Thor (The Dark Side of the Force Enforcer)
20) Digger (Our XBOX Expert) CODE NAME: The Scrounger
21) Drake
22) Blaise (Passed Over the Rainbow Bridge in Loyal Service)
23) Lazarus (Our Poet Laureate)
24) Goober
25) Fido
]26) Houdini (Australian Lizard Correspondent)
27) Quetzalcoatl
2 Bill
29) Porky (The Official Master of Head Stuck In Places Dragon Techniques
30) Faeor
31) Gizmo
32) Griffin (Playstation Expert # 2)
33) Puppy (Our Secretary and Publisher of the monthly newsletter)
34) Komode
35) Goddard
36) Rufus (Morse Code Master
37) Yongee (Code name: Light Foot)
3 Deuce
39) Lord Dante Caius, (Master of Manipulation and Influential tactics and Second in Command of The Music Council)
40) Kip (Commander of All Things Strawberry, who passed over The Rainbow Bridge in loyal service)
41) Draco
42) Mac Daddy G. Puffort (Head of Music Council)
43) Dino Dinkum
44) Snow
45) Leo the Great
46) Manheim
47) Fabio
48) Pete
49) Kahli
50) Sunny
51) Kira (Escape Artist Extraordinaire)
52) Sarge
53) Tydo
54) Kaiju
55) Bindi (The Hogwarts Correspondent, Leader of the Potter Magic Council)
56) Fallyn
57) Gigantor
58) Isabel the Wily (Official Musk Mare Wrangler)
59) Spike (A Female Beardie!)
60) Trixie
61) Sandy
62) Bella
63) Sparky
64) Dirk
65) Izzy
66) Chupes
67) Dameon (Master of BD-Fu and Coordinator of U.S. Dojos)
68) Agor (Dameon's Sidekick)
69) Queenie
70) Cosmo
71) Colossus
72) Bootsie (Internet Coordinator)
73) Foster
74) Waffle
75) Spike (Zelda's Spike)
76) Harlee
77) Zelda
78) Daliz
79) Saphira (The School Headmaster)
80) Eragon
81) Sophia
82) Olivair
83) Curly (Master of the Head Bob)
84) Sweet Pea
85) Phebe
86) Boris
87) Frilly (the frilled dragon )
88) Rocky
89) Merlin
90) Sunny
91) Ahmed
92) Talon
93) Landon
94) Leah
95) Hallie
96) Swatke
97) Tryxi
98) Spazz
99) Aprhodite (Master of Spies)
100) Phoenix (Escape Extraordinaire)


Hatchling Member
Spazz here...
I see you were conacted by my older step sister - Aphrodite. First -thank you kindly for adding my name to your roster of Dragons! A wise one is she... Myself - Having studied with the JEDI Knights - I will bring speed, stealth and superior biting power. I am young and still have lots to learn, but already have I tasted the punie humans blood and I crave for more. My human keeper can't catch me if his life depended on it.And when he does - I latch my strong powerful jaws on to his thumb to taste the victory.
I sit by my glass with a look that some how makes him think i want to be handled. When he opens my door - I bolt out with such speed - he scrambles after me like the big, clumbsy giant he is. I give him chase for a while only to yearn for the heat of my home. So i let him catch me - cause i know he will put me back in it. After he sets me down, I try and tail whip him ( practice makes perfect ;) ) and open my mouth as wide as I can as to try and scare him out of my house. After all - I don't want his cooties all over my basking spot.
He knows we rule the house and he can't do anything about it. I stuff my self with crickets and then he brings me fresh salad and the whole time he trembles with fear...Cause he knows what will happen if he doesn't. I once threw up on him cause I drank so much water, Im waiting for my chance to poop bomb him... hehehe.
Well i think he is awake so I must go for now...Thanks again. Will be in touch.




BD.org Sicko
Poisoned1":47eaf said:
Swatke here, we have reached 100 members when will be the time to strike?

I was thinking The Ides of March seemed fitting. What do all of you think? It's time for another coordinated beardie attack on our owners. :twisted:

Dear Spazz,

I am sure your post will inspire all our troops. It was very moving.

Keep up the good work.




BD.org Sicko
Please welcome our newest recruit, Ian. It's good to have another member on board. We are gaining in numbers. *laughs evilly* Soon victory will be ours!



Tatsu's Recruits

1) Spike (Scientific Designer and Advisor/Foreign BD-Fu Dojo Coordinator)
2) Puff (Leading Technician/Professor)
3) Aztec
4) Fergison (Official Forager for the army)
5) Hugh
6) Twitch
7) Ming
9) Felix (Beardie Stealth Jedi)
10) Oscar (Ground Rumbling Master)
11) Izzie (Our Playstation Expert)
12) Ziggy
13) Yoshi
14) Rand (The Dragon Reborn)
15) Sonic
16) Soxs
17) Sol
1 Indiana (Assistant Forager for the army)
19) Thor (The Dark Side of the Force Enforcer)
20) Digger (Our XBOX Expert) CODE NAME: The Scrounger
21) Drake
22) Blaise (Passed Over the Rainbow Bridge in Loyal Service)
23) Lazarus (Our Poet Laureate)
24) Goober
25) Fido
]26) Houdini (Australian Lizard Correspondent)
27) Quetzalcoatl
2 Bill
29) Porky (The Official Master of Head Stuck In Places Dragon Techniques
30) Faeor
31) Gizmo
32) Griffin (Playstation Expert # 2)
33) Puppy (Our Secretary and Publisher of the monthly newsletter)
34) Komode
35) Goddard
36) Rufus (Morse Code Master
37) Yongee (Code name: Light Foot)
3 Deuce
39) Lord Dante Caius, (Master of Manipulation and Influential tactics and Second in Command of The Music Council)
40) Kip (Commander of All Things Strawberry, who passed over The Rainbow Bridge in loyal service)
41) Draco
42) Mac Daddy G. Puffort (Head of Music Council)
43) Dino Dinkum
44) Snow
45) Leo the Great
46) Manheim
47) Fabio
48) Pete
49) Kahli
50) Sunny
51) Kira (Escape Artist Extraordinaire)
52) Sarge
53) Tydo
54) Kaiju
55) Bindi (The Hogwarts Correspondent, Leader of the Potter Magic Council)
56) Fallyn
57) Gigantor
58) Isabel the Wily (Official Musk Mare Wrangler)
59) Spike (A Female Beardie!)
60) Trixie
61) Sandy
62) Bella
63) Sparky
64) Dirk
65) Izzy
66) Chupes
67) Dameon (Master of BD-Fu and Coordinator of U.S. Dojos)
68) Agor (Dameon's Sidekick)
69) Queenie
70) Cosmo
71) Colossus
72) Bootsie (Internet Coordinator)
73) Foster
74) Waffle
75) Spike (Zelda's Spike)
76) Harlee
77) Zelda
78) Daliz
79) Saphira (The School Headmaster)
80) Eragon
81) Sophia
82) Olivair
83) Curly (Master of the Head Bob)
84) Sweet Pea
85) Phebe
86) Boris
87) Frilly (the frilled dragon )
88) Rocky
89) Merlin
90) Sunny
91) Ahmed
92) Talon
93) Landon
94) Leah
95) Hallie
96) Swatke
97) Tryxi
98) Spazz
99) Aprhodite (Master of Spies)
100) Phoenix (Escape Extraordinaire)
101) Ian


Hatchling Member
Is there a fee to enter? I don't really have much right now but phoinex worms and crickets. Hope you except those. When are we attacking?



BD.org Sicko
Ian13":ae910 said:
Is there a fee to enter? I don't really have much right now but phoinex worms and crickets. Hope you except those. When are we attacking?


At this point, I would prefer the phoenix worms. About twenty should do for a good snack.

The Ides of March is when we will strike next. (March 15th.) I think it's fitting.


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