Syringe feeding baby that’s shedding on chin?


Beardie name(s)
Hello! My baby dislocated his arm and came home from the vet with his arm taped up so he isn’t able to get crickets. I have to syringe feed him for now, I noticed a small amount of shedding on his chin yesterday but there’s a lot more today. How to I properly do this without taking off any of his shed?

KarrieRee Sicko
Beardie name(s)
Hiccup he is 6 and Blaze is 5
Hello! My baby dislocated his arm and came home from the vet with his arm taped up so he isn’t able to get crickets. I have to syringe feed him for now, I noticed a small amount of shedding on his chin yesterday but there’s a lot more today. How to I properly do this without taking off any of his shed?
He should be fine- are you feeding from the front or on his side of his mouth? You can spray his face and take a soft baby toothbrush and gently brush to get the loose stuff off -


Original Poster
Beardie name(s)
I had watched some videos on lighting kind of pinching the bottom of his beard to make him open his mouth wide so that I don’t have to pry it open from the front or side
Should I start doing it from the front/side of his mouth (prying it open) instead?


Original Poster
Beardie name(s)
I had watched some videos on lighting kind of pinching the bottom of his beard to make him open his mouth wide so that I don’t have to pry it open from the front or side
Should I start doing it from the front/side of his mouth (prying it open) instead?
I meant pinch the soft spot under the chin near the beard, my bad

KarrieRee Sicko
Beardie name(s)
Hiccup he is 6 and Blaze is 5
I meant pinch the soft spot under the chin near the beard, my bad
I have my husband help me - he holds blaze wrapped like a burrito in a dish towel and opens his mouth by pulling up his top lip and I pry the side of his mouth down on the side getting my finger in-between and getting the syringe in - I do this a couple of times only putting in so much - he then eats/ swallows the herbivore -

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