Swollen toe and missing nail


New member
Beardie name(s)
Hey all,

I'm new to this site but have owned dragons for a while. My ~2y old dragon, Rita, has recently lost a nail and has a swollen toe (tip of the toe). I've never had to deal with this kind of issue before and was looking for some guidance. Of course, if the swelling gets worse I plan to take her to a vet. Is there anything I can do to try and treat this at home?


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BD.org Sicko
Staff member
Hi there,

She likely got it stuck in/on something and during the struggle injured it. Watch out for the swelling spreading or signs of infection. You can try putting some raw unpasteurized honey on the toe. Raw unpasteurized honey has wound healing properties + fights off bacteria to hopefully starve off an infection.

If the toe does start to show signs of infection, it might need to be amputated to prevent it from spreading to the whole foot.



BD.org Sicko
Staff member

That is odd she pulled out a nail, it must have hurt since her toe is swollen. Could she have
gotten it stuck in between a rock & the edge of her tank?
Does it seem to bother her at all?
The hammock definitely shouldn't be the culprit though. You can try putting some raw,
unpasteurized honey on it if it seems to hurt & to help with any infection that might be brewing.



New member
Original Poster
Beardie name(s)

That is odd she pulled out a nail, it must have hurt since her toe is swollen. Could she have
gotten it stuck in between a rock & the edge of her tank?
Does it seem to bother her at all?
The hammock definitely shouldn't be the culprit though. You can try putting some raw,
unpasteurized honey on it if it seems to hurt & to help with any infection that might be brewing.

Quite possible that she pulled it between some slate or wood branches. It does definitively seem sensitive to touch. I’ll give the honey a shot.


BD.org Sicko
Staff member

That is many times, the culprit. They will get it caught or stuck in between something & just yank it out
which will inevitably damage the nail, etc. Let us know how the honey works for her.


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