Superworm questions

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Sub-Adult Member
Okay, so my beardie just recently hit the 16" mark and I bought him some superworms. He loves them. I'm thinking of switching him over to those as his staple until my roach colony kicks off. Adult crickets are just gross, and man do they die fast.

I know the general opinion is "no superworms until he's at least 16 inches" which is simple enough, but here's my question: Once they reach 16", does that mean they can eat all sizes of superworms? I bought small ones but they don't really seem to have a lot of meat on their bones (figuratively speaking), I fed him like 20-25 in one sitting today and he kept looking at me for more. At that rate, it'll end up being more expensive than crickets. If I can give him large superworms then I'd probably save money, which is important since I go back to classes in two weeks and won't be able to work as much as I have been the past four months since I got my dragon.

Also, what is the lifespan of a superworm? If I buy large worms, will they die off like crickets do? I heard they won't pupate unless they're all kept separately, so does that mean they'll just die, or that they'll stay worms forever, or what?


Gray-bearded Member
There are actually two things to consider when feeding supers: size and age. How old is your dragon?

A dragon can reach 16 inches at a fairly young age and a younger dragon will have a less developed digestive system. Therefore, full sized supers can pose a potential impaction problem. I think you were wise to start with smaller supers. I'd play it safe and stick with those for a bit. I'm not sure if there are "in between" sizes you can try, but if so, a gradual upgrading would be safest. We waited to introduce supers until our dragon was just over a year/18 inches, and at this time he handled the full size perfectly, no problems.

I agree on those adults crickets--stinky, and a pain to keep. We didn't have huge die off issues with the older ones, but I don't miss them in the least! Supers OTOH, can last a good long while, and are so simple to keep! Just one more reason that keeping them as a staple is so very nice! Some oats, some carrots for moisture, and you're good for weeks/months. We keep ours in a Sterilite container with holes punched in the top.

The one thing I would warn is that often, once you start feeding supers, it's difficult to get them to accept anything else protein-wise. I tried offering crickets sometime after we started supers thinking our dragon would like a change, but he was not interested in the least. He likes his supers and that is it... then again, our dragon is a very picky, simple eater so this may not be the case for you.

Best of luck to you! :)



Juvie Member
Mine eats full size supers at about 9-10 months, 17". I've never encountered any undigested bits of worm in her BM, so I'm assuming she does fine digesting them. She still prefers her roaches to them though, but I'm in a similar boat as you, wanting to feed supers til my colony is a bit more fruitful.


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Embee":sbwsmw2b said:
There are actually two things to consider when feeding supers: size and age. How old is your dragon?

A dragon can reach 16 inches at a fairly young age and a younger dragon will have a less developed digestive system. Therefore, full sized supers can pose a potential impaction problem. I think you were wise to start with smaller supers. I'd play it safe and stick with those for a bit. I'm not sure if there are "in between" sizes you can try, but if so, a gradual upgrading would be safest. We waited to introduce supers until our dragon was just over a year/18 inches, and at this time he handled the full size perfectly, no problems.

I agree on those adults crickets--stinky, and a pain to keep. We didn't have huge die off issues with the older ones, but I don't miss them in the least! Supers OTOH, can last a good long while, and are so simple to keep! Just one more reason that keeping them as a staple is so very nice! Some oats, some carrots for moisture, and you're good for weeks/months. We keep ours in a Sterilite container with holes punched in the top.

The one thing I would warn is that often, once you start feeding supers, it's difficult to get them to accept anything else protein-wise. I tried offering crickets sometime after we started supers thinking our dragon would like a change, but he was not interested in the least. He likes his supers and that is it... then again, our dragon is a very picky, simple eater so this may not be the case for you.

Best of luck to you! :)


My dragon is only 5-6 months old. I didn't know there was any kind of age criteria, I just thought it was as soon as they reached 16" (cuz that's what most people say). So small/medium size superworms would be okay? I think medium size typically goes up to 1.5".

I'm thinking about maybe ordering some small dubia and small supers to give him a variety; since I'm starting a roach colony I'd hate for him to get hooked on superworms and not want the dubia once I have enough to feed him those as a staple. He doesn't seem to be a picky eater at all, though. So far I've tried crickets, dubia, superworms, and phoenix worms, and he's devoured all of them. When it comes to his salad he's a bit more picky, but for the most part he eats all of that, too. I think for the most part if it's alive and holds still long enough for him to grab it, he'll eat it.

Thanks for the advice! I'll give some thought to it and decide what I want to do from there.


Sub-Adult Member
OHH do they prefer supers over crix, I know that BIG TIME! LOL I'll have to starve Angus a wee bit when it comes time to start him on his roaches as right now he's LOOKED at one but that was it - NO interest as it was NOT that squiggly super he prefers!

Angus is also maybe 6 months (or 7) and is close to (if not) 18" but doesn't have a problem chowing them down nor digesting them. HUGE poops too! (keep thinkin' a puppy has gotten in there and done their thing ROFLMAO)


Hatchling Member
Its like we all have the same problem. My roaches have been having plenty of babies, but they wouldn't fill my beardies for a week. They are in love with the Supers! I have 500 crix left from my last box and I'm afraid those will not be eaten anytime soon. Mia will eat roaches, but Jager is only interested in the worms. I am unfamiliar with Supers and put 3-4 in their salads in the morning and then give them another 3-4 in the evening. I offer crix in the evening as well, but this is becoming a waste of time.
My beardies are both 18" and the youngest is at least 8 months old. How many large Supers should they eat per day? I heard they are a bit fatty and I don't want to over feed them. Should I offer more or less?

Patiently awaiting the day that I can feed out of my roaches daily..........


Sub-Adult Member
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Yeah, I don't want him to get hooked on supers and refuse roaches when my colony finally starts producing babies, but I don't really want to use crickets anymore either. They're so messy and stinky and noisy and jumpy... But I don't want to use supers if it's gonna get him impacted or make him fat, lol. I have also considered just buying some extra dubia to use just as feeders, but I bet that would get more expensive.


Gray-bearded Member
Sapphire":1zssuafj said:
Yeah, I don't want him to get hooked on supers and refuse roaches when my colony finally starts producing babies, but I don't really want to use crickets anymore either. They're so messy and stinky and noisy and jumpy... But I don't want to use supers if it's gonna get him impacted or make him fat, lol. I have also considered just buying some extra dubia to use just as feeders, but I bet that would get more expensive.

At 5-6 months, the smaller supers are definitely a great idea, for safety's sake. Your best chance and keeping him from getting hooked is to keep the protein diversified on a frequent basis. Our beardie refused hoppers after supers were introduced, but we did have some success in feeding phoenix and butters (butters on a much more limited basis as they are high in calories) along with supers, and beardie accepted them for a good awhile, but again, at some point he just wasn't interested in anything but supers. Of course, he is quite the picky princess! As to supers and fat content, it's usually just a matter of being careful with how many you feed. At 5-6 months, your beardie is still growing and needing plenty of protein. Once they reach adult size/age, it's best to keep supers (and of course I've only dealt with full sized 1 1/2 to 2 inches) to 30 a week, max. Our beardie has been eating up to 30 a week for about a year now and has no weight issues... healthy and robust yes, but not fat. :)

I can't agree more on the crickets. I don't know how I stood them for as long as I did! :eek:

Many beardies at 5-6 months just aren't all that interested in veggies. Our beardie really didn't start eating veggies and fruit on a regular basis until he was over a year...

Best of luck!



Sub-Adult Member
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I've been giving him 15-20 a day, and he really loves them. He still eats crickets, too, though. He eats everything. Even his salad. Lol. Today I made the mistake of trying to handfeed him a small piece of raspberry and he grabbed my finger along with it. Ouch. He's got some serious jaw power!

I'm getting down to the wire on ordering new feeders, I'm almost out of crickets.... I can't decide whether I want to get more crix or supers or roaches....... ahhhhh!


Gray-bearded Member
Sapphire":3f0vm6wz said:
I've been giving him 15-20 a day, and he really loves them. He still eats crickets, too, though. He eats everything. Even his salad. Lol. Today I made the mistake of trying to handfeed him a small piece of raspberry and he grabbed my finger along with it. Ouch. He's got some serious jaw power!

I'm getting down to the wire on ordering new feeders, I'm almost out of crickets.... I can't decide whether I want to get more crix or supers or roaches....... ahhhhh!

Ouch! Sorry about the finger... it's happened to me too, especially because "the picky princess" insists on hand-fed veggies. :roll:

Good luck with your decision! I hate those kinds of things... should I or shouldn't I?!?!



Sub-Adult Member
Angus will go thru about 10 each feeding and getting 3 feedings a day (that's of supers). My roach colony is still ....not going anywhere and I have quite a few supers left. Hoping I don't have to order much more.


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kimmie":1ae3y0oh said:
Angus will go thru about 10 each feeding and getting 3 feedings a day (that's of supers). My roach colony is still ....not going anywhere and I have quite a few supers left. Hoping I don't have to order much more.

That's not too bad. My dragon has an insane appetite lately and has eaten probably about 30 small superworms and 10 large crickets today already, and I'm sure he'll eat more when I give him dinner here in a bit. I've been cutting back on how much I feed him because he has been having digestion issues (pooping out pieces of cricket and whatnot), so today I let him "binge" a little more than I have the last few days and he seemed to be ready to eat 1000 worms if I would let him. He just kept looking at me for more.

All I know is that superworms are quiet and you can't even see them half the time and they seem to be a lot lower maintenance.

But speaking of maintaining them, do you have to clean out their bin at all? And if so, how do you do it? I have them in oatmeal, if that makes any difference. I have found some shed skins/molts and picked those out, but otherwise they seem to be a lot cleaner than crickets (other than having to pick them out of their bedding before feeding time).

Another "pro" about superworms if I decide to go with them is that I can just leave a dish of them in Vash's cage when I go to class or work in the morning so he doesn't have to wait for me to get home before he can eat.


Sub-Adult Member
Sapphire":30vq83ad said:
That's not too bad. My dragon has an insane appetite lately and has eaten probably about 30 small superworms and 10 large crickets today already, and I'm sure he'll eat more when I give him dinner here in a bit. I've been cutting back on how much I feed him because he has been having digestion issues (pooping out pieces of cricket and whatnot), so today I let him "binge" a little more than I have the last few days and he seemed to be ready to eat 1000 worms if I would let him. He just kept looking at me for more.

All I know is that superworms are quiet and you can't even see them half the time and they seem to be a lot lower maintenance.

But speaking of maintaining them, do you have to clean out their bin at all? And if so, how do you do it? I have them in oatmeal, if that makes any difference. I have found some shed skins/molts and picked those out, but otherwise they seem to be a lot cleaner than crickets (other than having to pick them out of their bedding before feeding time).

Another "pro" about superworms if I decide to go with them is that I can just leave a dish of them in Vash's cage when I go to class or work in the morning so he doesn't have to wait for me to get home before he can eat.

AHHH that quietness is nice, isn't it? LOL But if you listen ...really really listen, you can sort of hear the supers moving around too! My kids tell me they can! :lol:

These are the large supers I'm feeding - maybe 1 - 1 1/2 inches in size. They ARE wonderfully lower maintenance. As for cleaning ...I hope they don't need to be as I've not done that other than what you said, pick out the occassional dead one, shell, whatever. I have 1/2 a potato in there and some Hornworm food (in chunks) (got that from greatlakes). MAN o MAN did they do a number on that potato! WOW. I have mine in oatmeal too!

Oh for the dish and putting them in there to leave them....... UMMMM they can get out. At least some of mine have and I've found one here and there later ....days later! Underneath something or the faux rock structure that doesn't sit flush for whatever flippin' reason. (sorry ...that has been a thorn in my side and why I'm gonna make a new one). LOL

I'm toying with keeping supers and roaches as main feeders. Both don't stink and are quiet! Can't ask for more than that! Oh I won't breed the supers - that's just creepy!
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