Some Questions NOW WITH PIX

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Gray-bearded Member
Sorry, meant to add that stress marks/darker color are often just a temps thing. When my beardie is basking and hot, she is BRIGHT white. When she saunters to the cool side, she darkens, gets stress lines, etc. Then back to basking, and bright white again. And if your temps are running a tad low, this could be causing it more than anything else. But of course, he's a new one, in a new place, so good to be a sensitive beardie parent, such as you are. :D

When ours was a hatching, we would put a finger in front of her and gently nudge between her front legs, and she would just grab on. From there, I would carefully pick her up, unhitch her back legs from whatever she's hitched up, and VOILA, I'm holding beardie. In fact, come to think of it, this is how I STILL approach holding her... but not for long, she's growing like a weed. I'll need more than a finger soon, I'm sure!

The best,


Original Poster
First off let me thank you with all my love for helping me so much with Dudley! You really are a life saver! Do you think it would be ok for him to go for about 2-3 days with out UVB? I plan on returning it to the pet store and just getting an 8.0 until i can get my Reptisun.

The pet store where i got all my equipment for my guy had two beardies in a really small tank with Barch on the ground, They had so many stress marks and uggggh! It makes me wanna go get another tank so i could help one of them! I saw that they are starting to get angry with each other and FFFFFF It makes me so sad! The people at the pet store had no idea what i was talking about when i said that Reptiglow is bad for them. Even though the lady said she had 2 dragons herself! I told her to come to this site to see just how bad Reptiglows are and how to properly take care of beardies .

I guess thats really the only thing you can do when people are not knowledgeable about a topic is to direct them to a place where they can learn! Maybe one day they will get everything that reptile owners need! Even when i was buying all the stuff the guy kept trying to sell me all this stuff that i didn't even need! Oh well!

Can you bathe them even when they are young and new to a tank?

But once again, Thank you so much! I believe that i am going to be a long term member of this forum!


Gray-bearded Member
Rozen":6e1dd said:
First off let me thank you with all my love for helping me so much with Dudley! You really are a life saver! Do you think it would be ok for him to go for about 2-3 days with out UVB? I plan on returning it to the pet store and just getting an 8.0 until i can get my Reptisun.

You are most welcome. How long will it be until you get your ReptiSun? If it's only a few days, or a week, you can just go ahead keep the basking bulb burning, and wait it out for the ReptiSun. You beardie looks great, and is active and eating so unless it's going to be awhile, buying an interim bulb doesn't seem too necessary, I wouldn't think.

The pet store where i got all my equipment for my guy had two beardies in a really small tank with Barch on the ground, They had so many stress marks and uggggh! It makes me wanna go get another tank so i could help one of them! I saw that they are starting to get angry with each other and FFFFFF It makes me so sad! The people at the pet store had no idea what i was talking about when i said that Reptiglow is bad for them. Even though the lady said she had 2 dragons herself! I told her to come to this site to see just how bad Reptiglows are and how to properly take care of beardies.

*sigh* After we got our tank up and going (after the pet store steered us the wrong way), I stuck around here to help other people, because frankly, as you can see here on the forum, the issues are practically epidemic. :(

I guess thats really the only thing you can do when people are not knowledgeable about a topic is to direct them to a place where they can learn! Maybe one day they will get everything that reptile owners need! Even when i was buying all the stuff the guy kept trying to sell me all this stuff that i didn't even need! Oh well!

Yes, that's right and good for you for doing so...

Can you bathe them even when they are young and new to a tank?

Well, you can give him a day or two, but you don't want to wait too long because little ones don't retain hydration all that well due to their small size. If for a day or two, you want to perhaps mist beardie, with a little around the nose (they will sometimes drink off the nose), that can be a help. But don't wait too long to bathe because the bulk of their hydration will come from taking water in at the vent (where they poop), so baths are very important for beardies. (You will find they aren't much for stepping up to the trough to drink.)

But once again, Thank you so much! I believe that i am going to be a long term member of this forum!

Yes, please, stick around! is rather, ahem, addictive! They are such special creatures, indeed. :love5:

The best,


Original Poster
Embee":f6415 said:
*sigh* After we got our tank up and going (after the pet store steered us the wrong way), I stuck around here to help other people, because frankly, as you can see here on the forum, the issues are practically epidemic. :(

Oh i know! After lurking around on the forums it really seems like people don't know what they are getting into when buying a beardie, Pet shops don't educate people properly and its really a shame for the owner and more for the Beardie!

I really think that there must be some sort of way to get the news out to pet shop owners and new beardie owners that this site is there best bet! Im thinking posters or flyers to leave in the pet shop and have the pet store give you a flyer with the website on it when you get a new Beardie.


Gray-bearded Member
Rozen":82520 said:
Oh i know! After lurking around on the forums it really seems like people don't know what they are getting into when buying a beardie, Pet shops don't educate people properly and its really a shame for the owner and more for the Beardie!


I really think that there must be some sort of way to get the news out to pet shop owners and new beardie owners that this site is there best bet! Im thinking posters or flyers to leave in the pet shop and have the pet store give you a flyer with the website on it when you get a new Beardie.

Oooh, you're on to something there. I have found the small "mom and pop" type stores at least CARRY the better supplies, but sheesh, do they mark it WAY up. The corp stores are just a huge frustration altogether... the good stuff just isn't on the shelves at all. At least, that's what seems to be happening in my neck of the woods. There must be something very fun (i.e., lucrative) in selling people junk. :roll:

Hope you're doing well, and enjoying your new dragon!



Original Poster
Well, He ate a bunch of crickets today which made me happy!

But hes not pooping, He hasn't pooped since i got him from the pet store which brings me to believe he was impacted when i got him. I tried giving him a bath this morning but he wasn't to happy about it he kept trying to climb out, I used a small bowl so that he would not drown!

Right now im waiting for my Reptisun UVB tube, I took back the Reptiglo and the lady at the pet store tried to tell me that they aren't bad. She said and i quote "The internet is just full of baloney". Which made me *facepalm*. But oh well! I fed him some apple today to try and get his bowls moving but he didn't eat any i don't think.

What else can i do? One things for sure I'm not giving up on this guy!

It also doesn't look like i can find a reptiglow 8.0 anywhere in town! This is really making me upset! I need to have UVB for this guy!

Also the humidity is at 50% right now! How can i lower it?

What should i do!


Gray-bearded Member
Rozen":03efb said:
Well, He ate a bunch of crickets today which made me happy!

This is great, and with that kind of appetite, I think you can surely wait until the ReptiSun comes. Did you order from PetMountain? They are great about getting things sent out within a day. I've not waited longer than 5-6 days from order, so no worries on not being able to find the ReptiGlo 8.0 tube. Dragons can go for a time without UVB, and the thing is, when you install your ReptiSun, you'll be giving your dragon a high quality UVB source, and she can then, make up for those lost days.

But hes not pooping, He hasn't pooped since i got him from the pet store which brings me to believe he was impacted when i got him. I tried giving him a bath this morning but he wasn't to happy about it he kept trying to climb out, I used a small bowl so that he would not drown!

How are your basking temps doing? Have you been able to get them any higher? Along with hydration, proper heat and digestion go hand in hand, so if you can work on that, I imagine it will help. If your dragon was impacted, you would not see him with a healthy appetite, and active. You would see a very different dragon. I know the baths can be tough (Cloudy was just not having any today, but I was firm... for about 10 minutes :roll: ). Make sure the water is nice and warm, but not too warm, and that the contained is something he/she can stand in easily, feel secure. I've found that putting something on the bottom (a towel perhaps) can be helpful for traction. If they feel like they're slipping, they can panic a bit. Also, if I keep holding her while she's in the bath, she feels more secure and will soak longer. Keep working on it. I think most pet store beardies come to us somewhat dehydrated--I just can't imagine the store taking the time to hydrate each animal properly, ya know--and this can slow down their digestion.

She said and i quote "The internet is just full of baloney". Which made me *facepalm*.

I'd like to give her my testimonial. Think she'd hear it? :wink:

Also the humidity is at 50% right now! How can i lower it?

50 is ok. I know when we first set up our tank, it took a week or two for the humidity to really level off. Part of our issue was that the room we keep her in, hadn't been used all that often, and had been kept cool, and had become a tad damp. We used a plug in radiator for a time, and the room dried out quickly, and in turn, the enclosure. I think once you get your temps in order, the humidity will go down as well. Also, when you turn out the lights at night, it's normal for the humidity to rise. Are you keeping a water dish in the enclosure? If so, you can remove it, and this can help quite a bit.

Hang in there. I know that ReptiSun is just around the corner, and your enclosure will be just right. For now, I'd suggest working on getting the temps up where needed, and dote on beardie often and regularly! :mrgreen:

Hope I answered all your questions. 20 lashings if I missed something!

The best,


Original Poster
He pooped! Im happy to say that he pooped! I don't think i've ever been happier to see poop in my life!

I got the basking temps up to around 109.2 So i think thats good i did mist him today so i hope that will be enough hydration!

Its crazy as soon as i took the reptiglow bulb away hes been so much more active! Its really good! I was also able to give him some water off the tip of my finger! I think thats a good way to start a bond! I think im going to take him out tomorrow and play with him or just let him crawl around my room and adventure, well at least on my bed! After i get my reptisun i think he will be good to start on a nice new happy life!

Also judgeing from my pics what kind of bearded dragon would you say he is?


Gray-bearded Member
Rozen":3dc14 said:
He pooped! Im happy to say that he pooped! I don't think i've ever been happier to see poop in my life!

I got the basking temps up to around 109.2 So i think thats good i did mist him today so i hope that will be enough hydration

I totally get you! Poop is an oft have discussion around here, and LOTS of people have expressed the same excitement!LOL :mrgreen:

Great about the basking temps. Did you have to change the bulb, or just adjust the one you have? Misting can help, and did you notice him drinking off his nose at all? Keep trying to with the baths. Our Cloudy can be a bit squirmy, but then, some days, she LOVES them and stays in forever, swimming about.

Thanks for sharing your good news! Your dragon has a wonderful new home, and you are clearly already, a beardie slave extraordinaire!

The best,


Original Poster
Well, I've tried every pet store on Vancouver island and no luck finding a repti sun 10.0. The only positive thing i can find is a Exo Terra solar glo 125 watt MVB. I think that i am going to change to this after reading that its not a bad MVB.

I just hope it all goes well!

I have some new pictures of Dudley too,


Here he is gapeing


and here he is just relaxing!

He seems like he is getting bigger everyday!


Gray-bearded Member
Ah Rozen, Dudley looks just lovely... and hey, you're on Vancouver Island... but a boat ride away, we're practically neighbors! :mrgreen:

Sorry, about not being about to find the ReptiSun, but yes, the Exa Terra Solar Glo is a good MVB. It's not super strong in terms of UVB (about the same as the ReptiSun tube I believe), but a good bulb, and will also throw out a good bit of heat. You WILL want to open up your entire tank however, because MVBs should only be placed in tanks 40 gallons or larger, and as opposed to the ReptiSun tube, Dudley should not be able to get any closer to the bulb than 12 inches.

If you're concerned about her not being able to hunt the crickets (in the larger tank) you can do as many here do (including myself): feed her the hoppers in a separate container. A steri-lite container can work VERY well, provided she has something to step on for some traction. This not only makes feeding easier for beardie, it keeps your tank MUCH cleaner as those darned crickets like to poop just about every second they're alive. :roll: Also, it makes catching the uneaten crickets MUCH easier. It took our beardie a few days to get used to the idea mind you, but now she regularly snaps up 20 crickets before wanting to get back to her "big house" where she goes on to wrap up her meal with some tasty phoenix worms! :D

The do grow fast, and when you get the MVB installed, it will be all the more. I swear I can see Cloudy growing, as she worships her TRex bulb! :mrgreen:

Take care... keep me posted... any more questions, throw 'em at me!

The best,


Original Poster
hahahaha I was just thinking of that today, If i went to the sates i could find the reptisun (hopefully) but at least i was able to find this bulb! I even went to the store before and asked the girl if she had any MVB bulbs and she said "What are those". Ugh! Why do people who are not informed work at pet shops! Today i thought of opening a special reptile store where you can find the good things that you need! Yet i don't think i'll ever get around to it! It would be nice though.


Gray-bearded Member
Rozen":cb2b0 said:
hahahaha I was just thinking of that today, If i went to the sates i could find the reptisun (hopefully) but at least i was able to find this bulb! I even went to the store before and asked the girl if she had any MVB bulbs and she said "What are those". Ugh! Why do people who are not informed work at pet shops! Today i thought of opening a special reptile store where you can find the good things that you need! Yet i don't think i'll ever get around to it! It would be nice though.

The states, also not good for finding ReptiSuns in store. :roll: Funny, my son and I were in getting crickets the other day and I was mentioning to our pet store clerk that since we've had our beardie under a MVB, she's been doing great... and same thing, "what a mercury vapor bulb?" She's very nice, and gets our crickets without us even having to ask, and she even has chameleons at home. I was quite surprised that she had no idea what I was referring to... yikes?

My son is quite focused on the "special reptile store" as well. He will only carry "the best!" Of course, he's only 8, and I certainly hope thing improve before that! *sigh*

LOL The best,


Original Poster

After an hour drive there i get to a pet store that "specializes in reptiles". I walk in and what do i see there?

T REX 100 WATT MVB! At that moment i am quite happy! It cost $111 with PST and GST so it wasn't cheep, but i'd do anything for my Dudley! I can't see it heating up as much as my basking lamp so what should i do? I only have one ceramic lamp so i can't use the 150w basking light along with the T rex, i was thinking i could just use a normal light bulb would that work? also what wattage should i use?

Also there is a werid smell coming from the T rex MVB, is this normal.


Gray-bearded Member
Rozen":cd17e said:

After an hour drive there i get to a pet store that "specializes in reptiles". I walk in and what do i see there?

T REX 100 WATT MVB! At that moment i am quite happy! It cost $111 with PST and GST so it wasn't cheep, but i'd do anything for my Dudley! I can't see it heating up as much as my basking lamp so what should i do? I only have one ceramic lamp so i can't use the 150w basking light along with the T rex, i was thinking i could just use a normal light bulb would that work? also what wattage should i use?

Also there is a werid smell coming from the T rex MVB, is this normal.

Hey, that's GREAT! Indeed, it didn't come cheap, but it is an excellent bulb, Dudley will be most appreciative, I'm sure. :D

As far as the heat, definitely gauge the temps closely for several days. These bulbs have a burn in period. I found mine to throw out PERFECT basking temps for the first day, only to find by the third day, things were getting too hot, and I had to make some adjustments. This MVB (and the Mega Ray) throw out a good bit of heat, so you might be surprised at what you can do it with it there. However, I do (for now, in the cooler months) use a 45 watt household flood for supplemental heat on the cool side of the tank. Works like a charm.

The weird smell is normal and will wear off over a few hours or so. Just make sure you've got some fresh air coming into the room for a bit.

Great news. Thanks for keeping me posted. I love seeing babies getting set up nicely! You are quite the beardie slave, Rozen! :mrgreen:

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