Sleepy time!

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beardie osk

Extreme Poster
Just got back from Christmas with family,...........just love the pics, especially Achillies, I never tried that pose with my babies, that is too precious and can't believe he stays in that position.

That's too bad that you don't have room for another viv for a new baby..........they are habit forming aren't they? Your time will come, sounds like you and your fiance are on a baby roll...........

Glad to read that your going to split up the boys, they'll be much happier...........thanks again for the cute pictures, looking forward in seeing the new pics of Squirt........congrats!


Juvie Member
Original Poster

louie and max watching me seperate dubias hoping one falls out.


Achillies and Percius.





TONGUE she is so cute


We look over at her and shes laying her head on her legs....strange but such a cute pose.




up on her haunches

I have more pics of pip and the others but i have to be at the docs soon. nasty tonsils come out tomorrow finally!

beardie osk

Extreme Poster
Those were great pics, how cute and patient are the 2 kitty's, and the baby beardies are so sweet, and what can I say about really got some precous shots there.
Yuk, ................tonsils out tomorrow, make sure you have alot of popcicles in the house for your recovery. I will say a prayer for you and for a speedy recovery. Post when your able again, cyber hugs.


Juvie Member
Original Poster
I am feeling good doc said I was the best patient he's had. Throat is sore a little still have the anesthesia feelings. Pip and zippy decided to wake up for me. Got some snuggles! I think tomorrow I'll be suffering ha. Popsicles and jello allergic to ice cream.

beardie osk

Extreme Poster
I'm so glad your feeling well after your surgery........yah, your going to feel it tomorrow probably, :( but your popsicles and jello will help. Sorry for your allergy but you wouldn't want to eat ice cream anyway, too creamy.
Glad you got some snuggles from Pip and Zippy........always a good thing especially when your not up to snuff! Get well soon!


Juvie Member
Original Poster
I feel the same as yesterday. My throat just feels sore like I am coming down with a cold. Not too bad. I love my beardie's. Pip is awake today and I had her out gave her a bath, she still dislikes those, tried to feed her some crickets, but she didn't want any. She had worms last night. I think she is doing well brumating. Zippy on the other hand is not eating bugs at all....he doesn't eat much at all and hasn't pooped in a month. I put him in the bath bu he doesn't poop. Worry's me.... he seems ok...just sleeping a lot. he was awake all day yesterday but he didn want any worms or crix. Oh well time will tell brumation happens for two mor months? I must get my bug supply prepared...haha he will come out of this and eat like a horse!


Juvie Member
Original Poster
I have had alot of time on my hands the past week and I have been snapping some pictures. While those upload to photobucket I will post some updates.

Percius & Achillies: are at the fiance's apartment so I rarely ever have any pics of them. They are doing well Achillies is triple the size of Percius and I am getting a little worried. We do not have a lid for our 75 gallon set up so we are waiting on that to come in at the pet store. They exist....just have to order them. They are not biting at each other and they show no aggression yet. my concern is that percius has slowed his eating to only a bug or two each setting because he is scared of achillies....even though we feed them seperately. As soon as that lid comes in the tank will be ready. I hope its within the next week though I really don't want another accident.

Athena: is starting to stop with the stress marks and is starting to be a big shot. She is the only beardie awake at my house so she is getting lots and lots of attention. Had an accident the other day though. My sister set her back in her viv and didn't watch too closely and she slammed the tip of her tail in the lid. I think she is going to loose about a centimeter....she has a super super unusally long tail... It was an accident so I wasn't too upset with my sister. It doesn't seem to be a bother for her. Who knowsw she may keep it and have a flat tail there. On a lighter note she is becoming more investigative and eating a lot more. Her colors are showing and she looks like another shed is in play.

Zippy: Well he is not eating still. Turns his head for any bugs and only eats his veggies. He has been sleeping in the rafters of his cage. you will see that in the pictures and comes out only in the morning for maybe half an hour. I miss him =C I think at the next expo I will get him some yummy hornworms. He shouldn't be able to resist those!

Pip: Well we figured Pip needs a new Hammock...When she is awake she tries to get into it but its the smaller one so she has a little bit of trouble. Its so cute though because her big fat belly sticks out. I took her out the other day and stuck her in my hoodie pocket and she snuggled right in and I got a few cute shots. I don't know what I would do without my Pip. Live a boring life I suppose....I took her out the other day and she nestled right on my chest and gave me kisses. She only sits on me for long periods, no one else. I think that makes me special! I have also came to the conclusion that when she wakes up and is at the glass that means, "Hey mom i need to poop let me out of my cage so I can do it on you." Haha she always does this! I haven't had a poop mistake in a while because I counteract it with taking her straight to the bath and yep sometimes before the water is even warm enough to stick her in I get a nice big one on the kitchen counter...what a stinker.

Squirt: She has taken to hiding in her grass hay. She also likes to completely flatten it out to make me think she has eaten it so she can get some real greens. Sulcata tortoises do not need dark green leafy stuff all the time because it messes with their system. I give her dry grass hay and she eats it just fine. Every once in a while I feed her the other stuff. People say im lucky because she eats it. I love that she does because she is my cheapest pet. I got to see some large sulcatas in the pet store the other day. They are giant! Can't wait till she gets that big...but I like her size right now. She is pretty cute!

Alright now for some pictures!









I lost her and I was SOOOO Scared. I found her at the end of the couch on the sweeper handle!




The Baby Athena being super adorable!


Max and Louie have found the dubia colony....they like to play with the bins...poor buggies!



Pip's latest sleep spot under her tree underneath her blanket.


And the small cracks me up!



The hoodie snuggle! Just so gosh darn cute! Who couldn't love that!?


Making me feel better after my surgery!



Zippy, up in the rafters!

beardie osk

Extreme Poster
Ya, Hopefully you'll be able to separate Percius and Achillies soon. There shouldn't be that big of a size difference, so Percius is really being intimidated by Achillies even though there's not any aggression.
I didn't know who the first pics were of, stress marks galore, but so cute............And the pic of little Athena with her arm hanging over the side of the hammock is so darling. I'm sorry about her tail, hopefully it'll be ok.
Pip, what a cutie the colors, and all the poses. Isn't it great when you have a snuggle bug? And Zippy up in the rafters, keeping a watchful eye on everything. My Mica has the same diagonal log in his viv too. I know it's frustrating when your babies don't eat, maybe the hornworms will work. Have you tried butterworms or repti/phoenix worms yet.\? Mine are not excited about any of them right now. :roll:
I got a kick out of the kitty pic, just waiting for an escapee.
Missed seeing a pic of Squirt, but glad that she's eating for you, and adjusting well.
When is your next expo.........gonna come home with another baby?????????????????????????????


Juvie Member
Original Poster
The baby pictures were all Athena. She stress marks at her own reflection. I don't blame her though she went through a lot dodging a monster and all and now she has to stare at her all the time because I don't have a different so ace for her viv. I can't wait till I move out. I am looking for a place with an unusually huge living room or a place with an extra room. My grandmas house would be per
Ect but my fiancé doesn't want to move there. He thinks it smells like old people. She moved out 4 or so years ago to the new house. Anyway...I HAD SUCCESS today with zippy. I took him out of the rafters and set him on the kitchen counter towards the sink. He knew what was happening...I had him close to the edge while I was wiping the sink out with some dish soap and he kept staring like cmon hurry up. He leaned over the edge while I was filling the warm water up and staring down at it. I gave him a slight push and he was in heaven. He swam around drank so much water for at least 10 or 15 minutes. He had dark colors the entire time but I think that's because I woke him from a slumber. He had such a great time! I also got him to eat a super worm. I don't have access to all tho yummy worms that you suggested. My house contains roaches, supers, and crickets. The only pet stores around are petco and petsmart....and they don't have thosE worms.

The expo is this weekend. I am pretty excited and I don't know if I will be returning with a baby. I may look for an older female but meh I think I'll stick with bugs. Depends if we can get someone to trade the snakes for a beardie. We have three hypo Honduran milksnakes and my fiancé dislikes them because they fling poo when you try to hold them and arequite nippy. He wants to get another gray banded king they are much nicer snakes...I agree. So maybe something will happen with that. Also at the expo we are picking up a 40 gallon corner tank with screen lid and stand for 50 bucks. It's a very nice tank and would hold a baby quite well. Not enough floor space for an adult...I dunno I'll make that judgement when I see it.

Boy I like to write huh? Would silkworms be ok to buy for bear dies? Do they even like them?

beardie osk

Extreme Poster
Rukia1988":3hvuoud2 said:
The baby pictures were all Athena. She stress marks at her own reflection.
The expo is this weekend. I am pretty excited and I don't know if I will be returning with a baby. I may look for an older female but meh I think I'll stick with bugs. Depends if we can get someone to trade the snakes for a beardie. We have three hypo Honduran milksnakes and my fiancé dislikes them because they fling poo when you try to hold them and arequite nippy. He wants to get another gray banded king they are much nicer snakes...I agree. So maybe something will happen with that. Also at the expo we are picking up a 40 gallon corner tank with screen lid and stand for 50 bucks. It's a very nice tank and would hold a baby quite well. Not enough floor space for an adult...I dunno I'll make that judgement when I see it.
Boy I like to write huh? Would silkworms be ok to buy for bear dies? Do they even like them?

Before I got the viv's I have now I put poster board on the "inside" 3 walls so my babies couldn't' see their reflection, only the front was glassed so they could look out, it worked well.
Boy, I hope all goes well at the expo, hopefully you'll be able to sell your snakes, AND GET ANOTHER BEARDIE.Whoops, did that come out of my mouth, as you know, their habit forming. The tank sounds good, is it a 40 gallon breeder tank? If so, that's ok for an adult beardie, because there's alot of floor space, but it has to be a breeder tank. Yes, silkworms are good for beardies, they usually like them too, but some folks complain that there picky to keep and feed, and some give diarrhea to the beardies. I've only bought them a few times, and only a few, so I didn't have to worry about storing and feeding them, and I didn't notice any diarrhea. So much for the pooie stories,................. have a great time at the expo.


Juvie Member
Original Poster
Guess what? This weekend we traded the snakes for, you guessed it, another beardie. That makes 6 lovely little lizards! We were not going to do it but she was so cute and sweet. Pictures to come.

Anyway while I was at the expo I also saw what they called was an imperfect dragon for 25 dollars. They called him that because he had an issue with his back legs. My sister informed me of that I thought he was just not pretty colored. He had a handicap and I felt like I should brought that one home too! But by the time I though about it he was already bought. I like those breeders a lot though because that means when they have a baby born with a disability they don't stick it in the freezer or kill it. These same breeders also had a beardie that had a back that was all messed up and swirled. They didn't breed that one it was given to them. They don't know what causes that but they took it in as a pet. They are not like your average breeder I guess and I like that.

Funnystory time! So Monday I wake up to my sister calling my name saying you have to come here I don't know how she did it but pip is in the middle of the living room floor. I go downstairs and sure enough there is proud pip with a poop behind her tail in the middle of the floor looking up at me proud of her tiny smelly accomplishment. I told her well at least it's a tiny poo! It was smaller than Athena the baby's poo. My mom told me she was glass dancing all morning apparently. My mom and dad left the house and I guess she managed to slide her viv glass open enough to hop out and have an adventure. I loved the look she gave me I shoulda grabbed the camera.

Anyway I do have pictures to put up but my iPad does not allow me to do that kind of work plus it would be a pain. I have pictures of the whole clan even the boys at my fiancé s apartment. I'll get too it tomorrow. Oh we named the new baby Azura. We thought it was unique and cool. One more and I catch up to beardie osk :D

beardie osk

Extreme Poster
Oh my word, what a great weekend you had, I'm so glad you were able to trade the snakes, and another beardie, :blob5: :blob8: :blob5: :blob8: How exciting! Yes, one more and you've caught up to me...........habit forming aren't they? Isn't it nice to find breeders that really care at the expo? I have a few favorites myself, it's sad to see those vendors with the "puppy mill" attitude, and they just don't care attitude, only looking for the all american buck.
I can't believe Pip was able to slide her viv door open, :shock: I was nervous to read on, knowing what happened when she got out last time. Are the other viv's covered well so she can't get into them? I'm sure they are. (pardon my nervousness)
Well I think it's cute that she didn't want to poop in her viv, and was desperate to get out, good girl not to mess up the viv.
Can't wait to see all the pics, just love seeing all the babies!
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