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First, let me make it very clear, I don't work for site, I don't know anyone who does and I've only been here for a week. I was looking around here this morning and found a place where you can be a "sponsor". You can give $1, $2 or $3 and it helps them keep this going. Personally, I don't know what I would have done without this site.

I'm just saying. :)

morphmom Addict
I can not afford to be a sponsor just yet but I DO plan on it soon.(So lets just count this as a 'bump' :wink: ) It really is a great idea. This site has saved the lives of countless Bearded Dragons. Thank you :D


Gray-bearded Member
Yeah, my family doesn't have enough money. Yet, I am going to be a sponsor one of these days. I know I'm taking your thread traceyb73 but, morphmom can you tell me what 'bumping' is? I know it sounds stupid, but this is my first forum and social site ever. I never have liked Facebook so I've never got on. You could PM me if you like. :)


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TheWerewolf":2r69ylv8 said:
Yeah, my family doesn't have enough money. Yet, I am going to be a sponsor one of these days. I know I'm taking your thread traceyb73 but, morphmom can you tell me what 'bumping' is? I know it sounds stupid, but this is my first forum and social site ever. I never have liked Facebook so I've never got on. You could PM me if you like. :)
"bump" moves the thread back up again so more people will see it. :)

I was trying to push, really. I just never knew it was an option. :)

Rarely do I go to a site either. If it wasn't for my first sickly one, I never would have done a search to find this site! I've learned the hard way, the really are no stupid questions!! I think I've asked them all this past week!! LOL


Gray-bearded Member
Thanks! Yeah, I've asked stupid questions before on this site. One time I asked what the 'white stuff' in beardies poop was because spellcheck wouldn't register urate as a word. I don't think questions come stupider than that! :lol:

morphmom Addict
No. There are NO stupid questions. We come together to help each other. We're a community :D You have been PM'd TheWerewolf :D


Sub-Adult Member
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morphmom":2o92aj0j said:
No. There are NO stupid questions. We come together to help each other. We're a community :D You have been PM'd TheWerewolf :D
That is absolutely true, I have learned myself. Everyone here has been so helpful and wonderful. If I can do anything to help anyone, I will. I don't want anyone else to have to go through what I did with the first sick one. I even went as far as to post on the thread in my area to stay away from that woman!!


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TheWerewolf":22505f8x said:
Thanks! Yeah, I've asked stupid questions before on this site. One time I asked what the 'white stuff' in beardies poop was because spellcheck wouldn't register urate as a word. I don't think questions come stupider than that! :lol:
Just so you know, I had no idea what it was until I asked a couple hours ago. :) I had no idea that was urine! I asked because I thought something might be wrong with the poop and if they actually "pee". I thought something was wrong that there were no little wet spots except when she poops!


Sub-Adult Member
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TheWerewolf":2f2njp7q said:
Thanks! Yeah, I've asked stupid questions before on this site. One time I asked what the 'white stuff' in beardies poop was because spellcheck wouldn't register urate as a word. I don't think questions come stupider than that! :lol:
By the way, I never even heard of urate until it was explained to me! See, no stupid question. :)

sweetiepie9 Sicko
Retired Moderator
There are absolutely NO stupid questions when it comes to our dragons. I've been on this site for 6 years and my first dragon was saved from getting help on this site. I can't tell you how often I've had "stupid" questions that were answered thoroughly & well, so never worry about that. I rescue dragons & have a couple of adopted ones. I have 5 adult males right now that are all healthy & happy (I hope). I love them all, they keep me very happy & I have alot of fun playing with them (one at a time, of course, otherwise I'd be breaking up fights all the time :mrgreen: ) It's so good to hear new members who feel the same way I do!


Sub-Adult Member
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sweetiepie9":2rnc5fwn said:
There are absolutely NO stupid questions when it comes to our dragons. I've been on this site for 6 years and my first dragon was saved from getting help on this site. I can't tell you how often I've had "stupid" questions that were answered thoroughly & well, so never worry about that. I rescue dragons & have a couple of adopted ones. I have 5 adult males right now that are all healthy & happy (I hope). I love them all, they keep me very happy & I have alot of fun playing with them (one at a time, of course, otherwise I'd be breaking up fights all the time :mrgreen: ) It's so good to hear new members who feel the same way I do!
I'm not afraid to ask. ;) Infact, here comes one now! All day today Zoey had been putting her tongue out and touching everything. Even Mariah's had 3 or 4 times in a row! She did this before and after I gave her all the crickets she would take and after she had her tubbie time tonight. Just curious...

She was so cute tonight. It was the first time she didn't fight me during her soak and also the first time she didn't climb up my arm to get away from that mean, mean water. LOL She finally just resigned to the fact that there was no escape. After her soak, its always cuddle time. I use my body heat to make sure she gets nice and warm. She always goes to sleep while this is going on. :) I read on here that you should put a blanket over them at night. I had no idea. So I took an old hoodie that was made of very soft, very light material, cut the back out of it (since it had a zipper in the front) and I took her from Mariah (she was sound asleep), she opened her eyes just a little to see what was going on and barely fussed, when I put her in the blanket and we had our very first beardie burrito, I ever so lightly wrapped her up and put her in the cage. The sweet little thing is still lying there. lol Eyes open half way when she hears me coming (she knows the creak of the floor). I kept peeking in there, hand over my mouth so I didn't let out an "AWWWW" and disturb her. It is just too cute! And I did use the hair dryer to warm up her blankie right before I put her in it. I see we have a new nightly routine! She can be a little ball of fire, but she is so trusting already. I just love her so much! :)

sweetiepie9 Sicko
Retired Moderator
The tongue licking is normal, it's their way of checking out what's around them. That's why it's never a good idea to have a beardie on sand, as they lick everything constantly. Even though my boys have lived in their tanks for years, they still lick everything after they've pooped & I've cleaned everything up & put their furniture back, lick, lick, lick to make sure everything is the same as before. They're so funny that way!

Awww, isn't it sweet when they sleep in their blankies? I had a friend made blankets for my five, they're all fleece, really warm & I just cover them up. I have newspaper, layers of it, as substrate, so the bottom of their tanks is always padded, so I don't wrap them up, just cover them so they don't get any light & actually sleep. Any light will wake them up, so this way I can still use the living room while they're sleeping.


Gray-bearded Member
traceyb73":3jvdlffy said:
I'm not afraid to ask. ;) Infact, here comes one now! All day today Zoey had been putting her tongue out and touching everything. Even Mariah's had 3 or 4 times in a row! She did this before and after I gave her all the crickets she would take and after she had her tubbie time tonight. Just curious...

I can answer that one. If you study a dragon tongue you can see that it looks like a cross between a chameleon tongue and snake tongue. Like that picture of Nim you saw. The use of a snakes forked tongue is to pick up scents. So think of it as the dragon smelling/tasting you or her surroundings. Like babies who put things in their mouth to see what it feels like. Pretty cool, really.

traceyb73":3jvdlffy said:
She was so cute tonight. It was the first time she didn't fight me during her soak and also the first time she didn't climb up my arm to get away from that mean, mean water. LOL She finally just resigned to the fact that there was no escape. After her soak, its always cuddle time. I use my body heat to make sure she gets nice and warm. She always goes to sleep while this is going on. :) I read on here that you should put a blanket over them at night. I had no idea. So I took an old hoodie that was made of very soft, very light material, cut the back out of it (since it had a zipper in the front) and I took her from Mariah (she was sound asleep), she opened her eyes just a little to see what was going on and barely fussed, when I put her in the blanket and we had our very first beardie burrito, I ever so lightly wrapped her up and put her in the cage. The sweet little thing is still lying there. lol Eyes open half way when she hears me coming (she knows the creak of the floor). I kept peeking in there, hand over my mouth so I didn't let out an "AWWWW" and disturb her. It is just too cute! And I did use the hair dryer to warm up her blankie right before I put her in it. I see we have a new nightly routine! She can be a little ball of fire, but she is so trusting already. I just love her so much! :)

Aww! :D So cute. I tried to give Nim a plush toy turtle since I heard they like fuzzies. He puffed up at it and backed away. :eek: So once he gets a bigger tank I'll make him a little bed. Nim still hates his baths, but he does get snuggle time afterwards. He snuggled on me for an hour last night and then some snuggles with my mom. And that was after his bath. Nim knows my voice and my face. Mom tried to reach in his cage and take him out, and he puffed out his beard. If he wasn't so small he would've hissed. I stuck my hand in there and he was like, "If that doesn't have food in it then I don't care." :lol: Silly boy! He may have puffed out at mom because she needs to cut her nails and they look like claws right now. Because out of the cage he loves everybody. :D Great, I'm rambling. I do that when I'm tired. So I better stop, I have my own thread for this! :)


Sub-Adult Member
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sweetiepie9":1cr6p695 said:
The tongue licking is normal, it's their way of checking out what's around them. That's why it's never a good idea to have a beardie on sand, as they lick everything constantly. Even though my boys have lived in their tanks for years, they still lick everything after they've pooped & I've cleaned everything up & put their furniture back, lick, lick, lick to make sure everything is the same as before. They're so funny that way!

Awww, isn't it sweet when they sleep in their blankies? I had a friend made blankets for my five, they're all fleece, really warm & I just cover them up. I have newspaper, layers of it, as substrate, so the bottom of their tanks is always padded, so I don't wrap them up, just cover them so they don't get any light & actually sleep. Any light will wake them up, so this way I can still use the living room while they're sleeping.
Oh wow, that makes sense. I had sand for the other one for just a few hours, I was told at the store it was a good idea by a supposed beardie owner who worked there (ugh) and I got rid of it real quick! Now I am just using paper towels. They work for now til i get her the 40 gal, then I'll have to figure something else out.

Makes sense that the licking is checking things out. She pooped on the piece of wood I got her at the pet store (looks like half of a log with the inside hollowed out) and I cleaned it all up, put it outside to dry and she started licking it. Since she hasn't done that before now i wonder if that means my little girl is getting comfortable in her new house. :)

We have a deep purple curtains in that room so it stays dark. I usually wake her up in the morning when I open the curtains and that is the east side of the house so they much be doing the job. :) This morning was the first time she was up before I got there and that was only cause I slept in. I felt terrible that she was awake before I could get there. LOL

Since I live in NY and it will be cold before I know it, I am thinking about taking the light hoodie material that I wrapped her up in tonight and putting a layer of cotton in the middle (with another layer of fleece on the other side so she doesn't get her nails stuck) for the winter. The material that I have (the cotton) is very light, so it will be fine, just give her extra fluff to sleep on. Oh boy, I am going to be worse with her than I was with my daughter. That's bad. LOL


Sub-Adult Member
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TheWerewolf":4fct5w4u said:
Aww! :D So cute. I tried to give Nim a plush toy turtle since I heard they like fuzzies. He puffed up at it and backed away. :eek: So once he gets a bigger tank I'll make him a little bed. Nim still hates his baths, but he does get snuggle time afterwards. He snuggled on me for an hour last night and then some snuggles with my mom. And that was after his bath. Nim knows my voice and my face. Mom tried to reach in his cage and take him out, and he puffed out his beard. If he wasn't so small he would've hissed. I stuck my hand in there and he was like, "If that doesn't have food in it then I don't care." :lol: Silly boy! He may have puffed out at mom because she needs to cut her nails and they look like claws right now. Because out of the cage he loves everybody. :D Great, I'm rambling. I do that when I'm tired. So I better stop, I have my own thread for this! :)
Don't you just love the puffing thing? They think they are 4 feet tall and 200 pounds. LOL I for one do not get intimidated, but I'll just pretend I'm scared. lol I talk to her constantly, i want her to know my voice too. Mariah doesn't understand you need to do that. She likes to cuddle up to my neck/throat and put her little head against my vocal cords while I talk quietly to her. She likes the vibration and will sleep that way. :) I'm the only one that can get Zoey out of her cage peacefully too. lol Nails might freak her out a bit, but it could just be that he doesn't want someone else trying to pick him up.

Rambling, are you kidding? You are not. I'm the one who writes novels!! LOL
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Im needing some questions answered about my female beardeddragon, I honestly have no idea on age , she was a recuse, as ive had a couple in my life an have experience. So 9 weeks in , she earing well pooping well getting comfortable, then approx 3-4 days ago the digging started. So I got a dig box set up in her 75 g tank. Well within 2 hours she dropped an egg. Now only one egg an its been 10 hours.shouldiBworried
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