I know this is a bearded dragon forum but I decided just to throw this problem out there. My sister's leopard geckos Lizzie and Caleb have been acting weird lately.We already know Lizzie is pregnant (We are going to separate them as soon as we can) Our problem is that they won't eat. It has been a few weeks now. We have tried force feeding wax worms, meal worms, crickets, we even tried dried phoenix worms (they wouldn't touch those) So they are getting progressively thinner. Then, this morning, we noticed that Caleb wasn't moving, and when he did he was really shaky and kinda dragged his legs sometimes. We are going to try to find a herp vet but do you guys have any ideas.
I know this is a bearded dragon forum but I decided just to throw this problem out there. My sister's leopard geckos Lizzie and Caleb have been acting weird lately.We already know Lizzie is pregnant (We are going to separate them as soon as we can) Our problem is that they won't eat. It has been a few weeks now. We have tried force feeding wax worms, meal worms, crickets, we even tried dried phoenix worms (they wouldn't touch those) So they are getting progressively thinner. Then, this morning, we noticed that Caleb wasn't moving, and when he did he was really shaky and kinda dragged his legs sometimes. We are going to try to find a herp vet but do you guys have any ideas.