Shedding problems...

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Hatchling Member
Alright so here it goes. I asked a question a few weeks back on a sheeding problem I was having with one of my beardies. This was her first shed since I had her which surprised me since I had had her for more than half a year and she is now a little over a year old so dragons that age usually shed once a month or so or at least this is how my other dragons have done it. Anyway, this is a picture of what she looked like before she ever shed for me...

Now I bought a mvb bulb from a few months ago brand new for her and it was about 1-2 months before all the problems arose with them and they recalled their bulbs. she never showed any eye problems like my one dragon did so I assumed her light was good. This shed lasted over a month to get rid of it and was almost a full body shed except for 3 legs. Here is a picture of her head with the shed problem I posted a few weeks ago and got some help with...

Here are a few more pictures taken today with her shed completely let go except for a tiny patch on her hind leg...





Here is a picture of her back with a black spot in the middle where a particularly long piece of skin stayed and would not come off. (obvisouly I let it go on its own as to not scar her but it may have scarred anyway.)

Ok now for some husbandry info. She is under a megaray uvb 100 watt and a reptisun 10.0 for her uvb rays. She has a basking spot of 101 degrees with a cool side in the mid to high 70's. She is in the basement where there is no humidity as it is winter and a basement so my first guess was that she did not have enough humidity to shed properly so halfway through the shed I added a big swimming pool sized water tub for her to bath in if she chose to. During her sheds, I increased baths to once a day-at least 5 times a week for 10-15 minutes as to try and loosen up the shed.

She was a really great eater that gave up on crickets a long time ago but never said no to any worms, but mainly got fed a staple of supers. She would eat greens if i hand fed her. During her shed about halfway through, she started eating less and less and just recently in the past few days has stopped eating altogether. This worried me so I took a weight on her and she is down to 271 grams from her usual 300-305 grams. She is only 16 inches long so not a big dragon but is around 1.2 years old. I know losing weight is never a good sign so I started a liquid diet on her today of squash babyfood, liquid protein, pedialyte, and some beneficial bacteria to kick in her digestive system hopefully. As you can see from the first picture above she was a brilliant full body red, and now she is that dark red brown all over her back and head with her legs and tail staying her awesome orange-red color. It does not look like another shed coming in since this is what her skin looked like when the old skin let go. You can see the sidespikes on her let go much earlier after about 2 weeks instead of the full month and they stayed a nice color as well. Oh and I forgot to mention that she had a routine fecal done a little before she went into a shed and she tested positive for moderate pinworms and was treated for them, but I am doing another set of treatment right now to make sure the eggs are gone and not causing her wieght loss and loss of appetite.

I guess what I am getting at is that I need some adive, help, whatever you want to call it from someone who has experience with difficult sheds and what to look for to see if that is what it is or if it is something else. Her activity is normal and she loves to still run around her cage, she is still going to the bathroom on her regular schedule of once every few days. No problems walking or running for that matter and swam in her bath today fine. She did however take her back leg and scratch at her right eye which was the problem eye from the pics I posted on here a few weeks ago. When she is not wet, all around the eye is very dry as well as parts of her head and body in between scales now. Sorry this is soooo long I just had a lot to say I guess. Any help would be greatly appreciated and thanks in advance. I will be checking back often so if you have any helpful input please post something. I would hate for my little Ruby to suffer anymore than she already has. Thank you!


Extreme Poster
What did you do to "help" her shed? That discoloration is worrysome did you use some type of chemical to aid in releasing the shed or did you pull the shed off? She looks like she was severly burnt from something.

diamc Sicko
Staff member
I agree that the new skin doesn't look normal. I'm wondering too if there were any chemicals used at all of if any creams or gel were applied while she was in her basking area or could she have been put back in her tank when she was still wet?

diamc Sicko
Staff member
spikerocks":h06bdbpo said:
Am I missing something or did u say u were using the megaray AND the repti sun?
Good catch, I was so involved with the way the skin looked that I missed that. Why are you using both the Megaray and Repti-Sun? What size tank is she in? What is the distance of both of those bulbs?


Hatchling Member
Original Poster
Ok thanks for the responses. Here goes with the answers. I looked up and did a whole bunch of research on things used to rub on the skin to help with shedding. I found that aloe was a very good one to use but never ever when they were basking. So after around the 3rd week when the shed still wasn't coming off, I used aloe on her skin after lights were out since it said that if kept on while the basking light was on it woul keep the heat in and overheat her. Then the next morning I gave her another bath to make sure all of the aloe was gone. That was the only chemical so to say even though it is natural that was used. I also heard mineral oil was good, but did not have any of that. The reason I don't believe it was the aloe is because after 2 days of doing this the skin finally started to release and the aloe was put on her side spike of her stomach as well yet there was no discoloration done there and I never used any on her head since I was afraid to get it in her eyes yet there is discoloration on her head.

As for the bulbs, yes a megaray and a reptisun are being used. I have a 36" reptisun 10.0 that is acorss 3/4 of the top of the cage and then for the basking bulb I have the megaray 100 watt bulb covering the rest of the cage. The cage is a 4' x 2' x 2' melamine custom built cage with vents and plexyglass doors. The reptisun 10.0 is the recommended distance away as said on the box, but I did read something on this site a while ago saying that you need to move the distance closer because the amount of uvb was not sufficient enough to get to them from where the reptisun said it should be. The megaray is alos at the optimum distance of between 12-15" like it says on their box.

One other bit of information that might help is that i got her at around 8 months old and she was very small and skinny for her age. I was able to get her to eat normal and fatten her up but she was not shedding for me as soon as I put this megaray bulb in a 2 months ago, a month later she started shedding finally even though I had the reptisun 10.0 in since she was in the cage. I bought them online from this one website that someone recommended on this site to have the cheapest 10.0 bulbs but now I sort of regret not paying the full price since I belive these bulbs might be discounted for a reason and that they are older and therefore they may not have the sufficient uvb the dragons need to shed properly. I was os happy when I finally saw her start to go into her first shed, but now I kind of wish she hadn't almost since she was eating great and gaining weight before the shed and now she won't eat on her own and her skin looks as you guys have said, almost burnt. I will probably be taking her to a vet this week especially if you all think that is what I need and they will be able to help. I just want her to be ok again because I really love her a lot and she is one of my favorite dragons (if you can have a favorite)!

Took her weight also last night after a few days of syringe feeding and she has gained osme weight back. she is now back up to 279.4 grams. Better than she was, but not her usual 300-305 grams.


Hatchling Member
Original Poster
Also, no I would NEVER pull her shed off! Everyone knows that is a no-no!!!

Also, no I never put her back in her cage wet, always dried off gently with a towel so she didn't get the chills!

Update from tonight...she pooped late this afternoon and went back down to her 270.5 grams of weight. It looked exactly like the baby squash color that went in except for the white urates. I also wanted to add she is a little bit more lazy under her light, but she is still very active when I get her out to handfeed and let her roam a little so that part of her hasn't changed, just the refusal to eat and the shedding problem. I switched out the mvb meagray back to her regular bulb in case it was a megaray problem and I will be sending that bulb in to get checked by them to make sure it isn't giving out too much uvb like the others did.


Hatchling Member
Original Poster
Ok update time...

She is now down to 257.3 grams as of yesterday night. I have now talked to a vet though and they see nothing physically wrong with her. The so called burn that some of you said she may have does not look like a burn, but they cannot figure out what it is. What they did say was since shes in the basement and it is colder in their than the rest of the house, she is probably spending all of her time under the basking bulb which is dehydrating her quicker and therefore causing her to become nautious or however you spell it and thus not want to eat her food. Can anyone else confirm this diagnosis? I mean her basking spot is at 98.7 on a piece of wood so technically it would be a little hotter for her but nothing anywhere close to 115 where it would hit the dangerous makr for her I would think? The reason I thin kthe vet may be right is because everytime she gets a bath she starts drinking right away for about 30 seconds. She does have a big water bowl in her bath but I know beardies usually need moving water for it to spike their interests.

What I plan on doing and hopefully you guys think it is a good idea too is to move her into a smaller cage to the upstairs part of the house where it is warmer and see if I can get her to start eating and this way she hopefully won't spend all of her time under the basking bulb this way either.

If anyone else has any ideas I would greatly appreciate them. I am not new to beardies by any means but this is my first truly sick beardy and I am just worried about her.


Hatchling Member
Original Poster

I have finally gotten her eating again after following the vets instructions. I was really happy to see so many people cared!!!!!! :( Thanks to all of those who at least tried helping.


Hatchling Member
Original Poster
Another Update...

Turns out the so called burn so of you said it was is actually another shed underneath the skin. Very odd since I have never heard of a bearded dragon shedding back to back so quickly. Any thoughts or comments on why this would happen? Could it be the Megaray putting out too much UVB?

diamc Sicko
Staff member
Hi, sorry, I hadn't kept up on your thread, I do apologize. You mentioned that she is eating again? How is her activity level? Are you still using both the Megaray and Repti-Sun? If so, I would suggest that you turn one of those off because they both throw out a lot of UV rays and it's important that they are able to escape those rays if they so desire.

My female beardie experienced 2 premature sheds underneath and around her eyes from faulty MVB's, 1st the Megaray and then the T-Rex. Another moderator (Vickson420) had one of her beardies also get burned around the face from a bad T-Rex. As your probably know, there have been some changes made to both of those MVB's since October that have caused all sorts of health issues. It is indeed possible that the Megaray is what caused her double shedding. If it was me, I would turn off the Megaray and use a standard household bulb instead, probably a 100 watt and also use the Repti-Sun fluorescent, then double check the temps. Could you do me a favor and check to see what the Batch# is on the Megaray, it should be on the left hand side of the bulb alongside the Megaray logo and she be E1, F1, etc. When did you purchase the Megaray?

How does the skin look now after she did the shedding?


Hatchling Member
Original Poster

The skin right now looks like it is shedding again so a little bit darker than what it looked like in the pictures i put in the biginning of the post. The reason i use both the megary and the reptisun is because I believe she was too far away from the reptisun to get her proper uvb since it is a 2" ft high cage and I have been told that even though the packaging on the reptisun suggests 10-12" it is more lik 8" to get the proper uvb from them. I believe it was actually on this site I read it somewhere a few months back which is what made me switch my basking bulb on her. She had not shed for the few months I had had her so I bought the megaray I wanna say around novemberish but i'd have to check. As for the box, I have 4 lying around somewhere and I have actually been talking to john from the megaray company and I am sending two bulbs in to get checked tom. He has sent me a prepaid shipping label via ups and he said he would replace the one bulb which is the second one that has caused eye problems on my one beardy and he also said he would check the uvb and uva rays coming out of the other one for me. If I can find all of the boxes I will check the numbers for you, but I'm not sure I have them all still and which is which. I can also try and take some more pics this wknd to show you the new shed comin in?

As for Ruby herself, her activity level is completely normal and eating on her own now out of her normal food dish. She is back up to 288.5 grams as yesterday night so her weight is comin back on rather quickly. She walks and even does pushups when she sees me holding one of my males. So breeding activity is always a healthy sign. Honestly I was so worried about her because she had alwasy been a voracious eater and whne she stopped after the shed had almost competely let go, i got worried because usually they stop eating because they are in shed not out of it. But it all makes sense now if she is going into another shed tha it was probably uncomfortable for her and that is why she stopped eating for a while and like the vet said, her not eating her greens or supers led to dehydration causing her to expereince naseau or however you spell it. Let me know if you would like to knwo anything else and thanks so much for your input and help! :D


Extreme Poster
If that is the case (the distance issue) than you need to turn off the reptisun because though at 20 inches it does not produce enough uv to sustain a dragon it still produces enough to harm one when used in conjunction with a MVB. Though my personal suggestion would be to suspend the Reptisun fixture inside the tank so she can get within 10-12 inches of it (dont listen to the 6-8 inches thing the reptileuv site does not say that and until someone that has a UV meter to test the output difference and shows its better i would not put a dragon that close to that bulb). So if you can lower the bulb in about 8 inches or lift the basking site up about 8 inches than you will be fine. I used to be a huge fan of MVB's but there are so many things that can go wrong with them (not to mention their electrical usage is through the roof) that I chose to switch over to tubes and all my dragons seem the happier for it. Good luck with your baby.


Gray-bearded Member
Im sorry i missed this!

How is the second shed going for her? Has any come off yet??

I agree that it needs to be one or the other when it comes to UVB. Too much is actually just as harmful as not enough. If you need the extra light get a non-UVB stip bulb from home depot or something. What are the temps in the new cage??

Did they do a swap to rule out any fungal issues?
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