Set up - advice on improvement.


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KarrieRee Sicko
Beardie name(s)
Hiccup he is 6 and Blaze is 4

I have gone ahead and taken your advice, I have got all the stuff you have recommended and changed up his set up.

Tomorrow I still have to install the UVB light inside Reggie’s tank as it’s just sitting on top until tomorrow. Please see photo.

As I have the heat globe in there it’s 100 watts and can’t seem to achieve optimum temperature. Should I get 150 watt?

Would love your advice and appreciate all your help so far so I thank you very much.
are you getting the surface basking temps w/ a digital probe thermometer? You may haft to go up a wattage on the basking bulb - can you raise the basking decor piece underneath it? the tank is too tall - I would get a 4x2x2 or 120 gallon tank as soon as you can --- before you do that are you putting the probe on the spot where the dragon basks? I see its stuck to the side of the tank which is fine but to get accurate temps move the probe to the place he sits then get your temp--- you dont need to leave it there only when checking your surface temps


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are you getting the surface basking temps w/ a digital probe thermometer? You may haft to go up a wattage on the basking bulb - can you raise the basking decor piece underneath it? the tank is too tall - I would get a 4x2x2 or 120 gallon tank as soon as you can --- before you do that are you putting the probe on the spot where the dragon basks? I see its stuck to the side of the tank which is fine but to get accurate temps move the probe to the place he sits then get your temp--- you dont need to leave it there only when checking your surface temps


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The basking light is 30cm away from his basking spot. I haven’t tried getting the actual surface temp so I’ll do that first thing tomorrow after a couple of hours of it being on.

Looking at new tanks just gotta save up abit to get one.


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Also would something like this be ok?

Finding hard to find things here in Aus. I’m coming across very similar stuff to what I have currently.

KarrieRee Sicko
Beardie name(s)
Hiccup he is 6 and Blaze is 4
Also would something like this be ok?

Finding hard to find things here in Aus. I’m coming across very similar stuff to what I have currently.
I would say NO ---that is too expensive for a 30 gallon tank -- you can get measurements on this site to figure out gallons Enclosure/Tank Measurement Conversions | Enclosures | Bearded Dragon .org
you want something like this VivExotic Repti Home (AAL) Bearded Dragon Large Grey Vivarium this is a 120 gallon tank - the one your looking at is too small and you would be buying another tank again w/ in a year --

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