Screech went on a trip to the pet store!

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So I had to get Screech some more superworms, and am looking at getting her a new UVB light as well, so I thought hey I'll bring her to the pet store with me to see the other beardies!

Boy was it ever funny! They had 2 beardies in the store so I took her up to them and said say hi to your friends Screech. Well grumpy beardie, who is like a mr hissy mouth, just kept his mouth opening like a hisser the whoooole time, but he's always like that the clerk said. It was so cute looking!

Then the other beardie started to do the headbob/wave! It's the first time I had seen it in person and it was soooooo neat to see! Screech just stared back at the headbobber, and kept pawing at the glass at hisser. I think I'll take her again next time I visit!


Original Poster
I have a leash for her, but I rarely use it anymore. Only if I'm going to set her down in the grass to run around, because that's the only way I'll ever catch her. Otherwise if she's just on my shoulder or something she doesn't try hopping off and is very well behaved.


Extreme Poster
If I take Dex anywhere I put her in our old hamster cage with a towel and a hotwater bottle.
She absolutely loves looking out of the window.


Hatchling Member
Aw thats cute. I can't wait till I can take Turbo and/or Cammy places. But they are both too small and hyper.
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