Rocky #12

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Just when you thought Rocky movies were over...surprise a new star is about to emerge! Rocky #12!

Hi, I am still a juvie on the forum, but have already felt so welcomed by the members and administrators that I feel like folks here are family. Pogi was my baby beardie I adopted about 4 mths ago from Petco. I had never owned a beardie or reptile...just furry & feathery creatures. I went in quite naïve but learned quickly through this site and many good folks who work at Petco how to get things started. But after a couple of weeks Pogi wasn't as active or eating as much so I took him to the vet to discover we brought some of his friends home with us...pinworms and coccidia. What a challenge that was for a first time beardie owner. But this forum and a caring vet helped us persevere and we were able to wipe it out. Pogi started gaining weight and his colors were starting to pop out. He was a leatherback with tiger orange markings. We were really bonding and building a nice routine with each other. Until two weeks ago I noticed his leg was lame. Thinking it may be broken I took him to vet only to find it was worse than that...septic arthritis which my vet said has been linked to the beardies and also to other susceptible animals who have had coccidia before...we gave him meds and did a recheck last Friday. It had begun to spread. Now his other leg was showing visible signs as well. He had also been very slow to get out of his sleeper sack and go up his basking rock. I also had to hand feed him his worms because he looked frustrated having to go down to get them. Knowing that this was a terminal condition that would spread rapidly in his blood stream to other joints, the vet and I knew it would be more humane to put him to sleep. I can't even tell you how devastating I felt...holding him, stroking him, his eyes looking at me with complete trust...only to hand him over to the vet tech. I was crushed...still am...and will always be. You can't every erase those memories and it would be unfair to Pogi for me to.

They brought him back wrapped up and I brought him home, wrapped him in his favorite sleeper husband buried him yesterday and as I have told others before, we set his favorite basking tree on top so his spirit can climb out and soak in the sun...

When I got back from the vet I slowly began putting his things away and wondered if or when I would adopt another. It just felt so empty in his room...the lights were off and it just felt terribly sad. I brought my neighbor some of his feeders for his reptiles and I guess he saw how sad I was and sat me down to show me some websites of breeders. For I told him earlier in the week how frustrated I was about buying my pets from pet shops only for them to die on us so early. While buying from a breeder can be expensive, I knew my next one would be worth the money as long as I knew it was raised well and healthy...that feeling is priceless.

So that's when it he scrawled down at all the beautiful beardies up for sale I knew I had to buy one. I went home and got my families blessing as they knew how much I loved Pogi, and needed to share that love with another...even my husband, who was absolutely against me buying Pogi could not stand the sadness, for he was rooting him on hoping he would recover. So he felt better knowing we were adopting another from a good breeder.

I went on Dragons4You and found my hunk. Dragon #12. He is a leatherback citrus male. 15 3/4 long, and 204 grams. Pogi was almost 4 mths and only 74 grams and 10.5 I am a bit anxious knowing he will be bigger but also comforted that perhaps he may not be as 'delicate' as a baby or juvie. I always looked forward to seeing Pogi get big and fat and fanaticized carrying him around on my chest or shoulder...we never made it that far. So Dragon #12 was there and needing a home, so I bought him.

The breeder sensed my apprehension in all my emails and was very kind and reassuring. She said he was tame, a good eater, and healthy. But what sold me was when she said she had considered holding him back for herself but that she already had too males so she put him up for sale. I figured, if she was partial to him, then he must be special!

After sometime going through a list of names with my kids, we decided the best name for him would be American fictional icon of strength, honesty, and loyalty. Perfect! Not to mention I think he looks beefy, and so was Rocky!

Rocky will be shipped overnight via FedEx on Monday and is scheduled to arrive Tuesday at noon. I honestly feel like an expectant mom! Though I can say after having three children, this is a whole lot calmer of an experience in waiting!

So now I have been busily prepping everything for his arrival. After spending a long time at Petsmart picking up and comparing all the basking rocks out there, I ended up picking the same one we had for Pogi but in a different color. I didn't want to use any of the same accessories because as others suggested, this is Rocky's tank now and should reflect a new life...but that was a great basking tree and figured it would work well for Rocky can be Pogi's way of saying welcome to the family...

I also realized I had to prepare for a larger dragon so everything is getting upsized. I did throw away Pogi's bedding including his beautiful hammock I had made him, but again, the fear that some parasite survived all the bleach and washing just eats at my I am making him a new and larger sleeper sack, and a new hammock. Will post pix of those when I make them. is Rocky's File sheet from website! I swear he looks like he is saying "yo, Adrieanne!"

And here is his tank set up (for now...still adding the sack and hammock) set up.JPG

I use tile as a substrate but will hold off until we get his fecal tested in a couple of weeks. Plus I want to note his poop pattern...Pogi had his favorite spots to poop in so I knew where to clean...figured Rocky might also. Paper towel is easier to maintain when you aren't sure of their health...

I also got him a clear live feeder bowl so he (and me) can always note if yummies are in there. I plan to use the bigger corner dish for his greens. Janice the breeder said he likes collards and will eat some beardie bites too. I bought some adult sized Beardie Pellets to put as a supplemental food, which will go in the Cactus dish, along with a small serving of water daily. While I want him to eat live fresh things, I know it can be valuable to get them to eat prepared foods as well especially if vacationing and for pet sitters.

My neighbor is going to give me back some of my dubias and phoenix worms too. But Janice said he has never had dubias...only crickets...and the occaisional super worm as a treat...because dubias are illegal in FL. Well, I hope he will learn to like dubias and other feeders because I am wary of crickets...the bite, jump, smell, and are known to carry parasites. She also said they worm their adults every six months as protocol since they feed them the crickets. But that he had not yet been wormed as he was a tad young...he was hatched 10.29.2013. So he will definitely be getting wormed in two weeks!

She also said he may need a bath when he arrives as they tend to poop on themselves so I went out and bought him a little Rubbermaid tub. Plus got some old hand towels already for a little scrub down when he arrives. Got my beautiful beardie shampoo too! Spa treatment!

Then she said to offer him some crickets in a couple of hours as he will probably be pretty hungry and was a good eater. So that's when I will try the dubias on him. But do you all think I should go ahead and get some crickets too in case he prefers that????

I have plenty of calcium powder my lights are not even 6 mths old that is set. My question for you all is should I give him any supplements this so as he begins to adjust to everything to help reduce his stress level?

It was suggested not to try and hold him too much the first two days to give him time to settle down...and to look for his cues that he wants to socialize...and watch for stress lines...anything else that might help with the adjustment period? I will take a deep breath...and wait. So hard to do that!!!! I wish he were here already!!!!!!!! He is my "other' Mother's Day present for kids bought me a beautiful hummingbird feeder too...

diamc Sicko
Staff member
Ok, will have to take some for you, maybe tomorrow. :wink: Angie is already asleep in her tank & Loki is asleep on Josh's chest right now. :lol:


Hatchling Member
Original Poster
Had our first try with a harness the other day! He wasn't sure what to do but eventually he began to walk around. He went straight for my oldest son and crawled up his arm across his back and down his leg. Headed towards the window's light.

Today I tried letting him walk around outside in the grass with his harness. His stress marks were pretty intense. He didn't want to move. Even sat still while an ant crawled across him. He seemed to feel better when I put him on his blankie, but still wasn't too curious about moving. So I put him back in his viv and his stress marks disappeared.

Funny how we try to set up their vivs like it would be in their natural environment, and when they are in it they really seemed uncertain as to what to do.

Here's a pix of him with his harness... day.JPG

Here he is outside like a frozen lawn ornament! time.jpg

BTW do beardies mark their territory like other animals do? He seems to know when he is in his tank vs. another location. He darts his tongue out a lot to be sure he is familiar with what his in his viv when he goes back in sometimes. Also, how is their vision? smell? or sight? Sometimes I wonder what he is looking at, then when he does hone into something like a delicious worm he picks it up with such precision.

Here is a short video of him downing some hornworms like they are Gummy Worms!

Also, are they bothered by seeing other reptiles in nearby tanks or is it just beardies they get territorial with when they see them nearby? Still toying with getting another reptile...trying to butter my family up to it LOL! Thinking of a crested gecko.... :shock:

diamc Sicko
Staff member
Boy, Rocky wasn't too crazy about that harness. Hopefully Rocky will get used to his & start moving around more. Had to laugh at the "frozen lawn ornament" picture. :mrgreen: None of mine liked the type that went across the front of their chest so I had to get the iguana leash & harness which is less restrictive.

Wow, Rocky sure loves his hornworms, didn't take him long to get them down.

They do indeed taste their surroundings and I would say that they do put "their scent" on their items to claim them as their own. Angie does that a lot. Guess they want to make sure there weren't any trespassers in their tanks while they were gone, have to make sure all is good.

I can't answer the question about having a different type of reptile in the house though. I do know that Angie likes looking at the different ones at Pet Smart, just likes watching & studying them. Crested geckos are neat, hope you can talk your family into getting one. :wink:

I have to tell you we took Angie to Lowe's tonight, almost her bedtime. I was very glad that I took her Sleeper Sack because she was tired & chilly when we left there. I set her in her sack and she snuggled all the way into the corner and went right to sleep. She was still sleeping soundly even after I carried her into the house & set her on the table to take her leash off. She loves her sleeper sack. :D


Hatchling Member
Original Poster
Awww! I'm so glad she loves her sleeper sack! I took Rocky for a walk tonight in his and like clock work he started getting very restless when the sun was coming down. This time I made sure to direct his actions into the travel sack and sure enough, before I got home he was already sleeping on the bottom. I keep my hand under him and could feel his body getting heavier and heavier.

BTW where did you get your leash from? I'd like to take a look at it and see if that is something that would work better for Rocky too. I also felt the neck line on the material, which is similar to that rubbery foam of a divers suit, seemed constricting and made him look like a child who was cramped in his first swim vest.

diamc Sicko
Staff member
Awww, isn't it a great feeling when they feel heavy like that knowing that they are comfy, content & sound asleep?

Here's a picture of our girl Sabrina wearing hers, boy I miss her. This gives them more freedom of movement, is totally adjustable and locks so that it doesn't get too tight or too loose. Usually I have the bottom cord lower on her belly. It's actually an iguana leash and harness. When I did a search of this item, this actual picture of her showed up wearing it since I had posted it on this forum many yrs ago. I was surprised to see that picture.

And, here's where you can purchase one:

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

Those are great pictures! :D
He has such wonderful colors & he looks so happy, too.
It takes them awhile to adjust to going outside sometimes.



Hatchling Member
Original Poster
Well... I am increasing my menagerie! Off to pick up a Crested Gecko!!! Petco had a great deal on tanks yesterday so I bought one n started looking for an occupant! :). Found 'Petrie' on Craigslist from an owner who was downsizing her gecko collection. She had him 5 mths n he is @9 mths old. She bought him from a breeder. Will post pix later! So excited!!!


Hatchling Member
Original Poster
Whew! Got the new baby home and set up in his viv!

Meet Petrie everyone! a @ 9 mth old Crested Gecko

This how he came home from his previous owner who was very kind and helpful! I believe it was his original container she bought him in from Repticon. She paid $80 but sold him to me for $40. He is a very handsome boy! Home.JPG

Here is his viv...sideways so tilt your head to view! viv.jpg

Hardest part so far is maintaining the appropriate high humidity levels and low heat...opposite of Rocky's set up for sure!!!

He is a cutie pie! Quite a hyper little guy! He is aready trying to climb the walls of his tank but not always very well...he has slipped and fell a few times because he can't quite get a grip due to moisture. Plus he has spent most of his life in a Tupperware bin so all this repelling is new to him! Just don't want him to get hurt.

diamc Sicko
Staff member
How adorable Petri (love the name) is. He has very unique coloring. Hopefully he will calm down & settle in very soon. Must seem strange to you to add moisture to his tank & lower the temps instead, that wold take a little getting used to.

You sure got a great deal on him. So, is the whole family in love?


Hatchling Member
Original Poster
My kids have warmed up quickly and my husband is resolved that we will simply have another pet ;-). However my youngest had me sign a contract stating we would not have more than 10 pets. He is a character! I see law or politics in his future!


Hatchling Member
Original Poster
After letting Petrie, my new crested gecko, get used to his tank for a week, it was time to start bonding!

They are soooooo different from a beardie. Different tank set up, different food, different sleep cycles, and different other words, Different all around!

I enjoy sitting and looking at the tanks side-by-by. They are like little individual worlds oblivious to each other's existence.

During the day I get to interact and spoil Rocky. Then at night, I get to play with Petrie...well it isn't actually play...its more like 'catch' Petrie.

These guys are fast and jumpy! You gotta be careful not to scare them too much or they will drop their tail! I had to pull back several times from trying to grab him when his tail started wiggling like crazy, a sign they are about to drop. So far, he still has his intact!

I had to watch several You Tube videos to understand how to handle them. First day was rough and chaotic for he was so hyped up and leapt everywhere. Then I figured out my mistake and the next sessions were MUCH better! Here are some pix of our walking time: walk.jpg view.JPG

Although they are not as chilled out or snuggle creatures like beardies, he is certainly a charming little energy ball!
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