Rescued a Crested Gecko! Anyone know How to care for Geckos?


Sub-Adult Member
Beardie name(s)
Hazel my female two year old beardie
I Could not say no. My family was looking at some geckos for sale and this gecko about 3 years old was going to be sold for $100 but they sold him to us for $60. He looks healthy but very dehydrated. I sprayed water on this side and he drank that water and still wanted more. we decided to name him Phoenix. i searched things up and he is doing pretty good now. We could tell they weren't giving him enough care for him anymore since he can't climb on walls very well and he has the worlds SMALLEST tank that they don't really clean out often. they also give him tons of baths since he runs into his poop and food since of how small his tank is. I have to idea what size it is but it's about 2 1/2 feet tall since they love to climb. Doing more research about it but he is a pretty boy. I will send pics later.

Also I think this is the right forum i have no idea So lemme know if this is the right forum😂
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xp29 Addict
Photo Comp Winner
Beardie name(s)
Ruby, Sinatra, Zsa Zsa
I don't know anything about cresties other than they are cute. I hope you can find the info you need. It sounds to me like he is MUCH better off now.
Please do post pics and update us on him to 🙂


Juvie Member
Beardie name(s)
I Could not say no. My family was looking at some geckos for sale and this gecko about 3 years old was going to be sold for $100 but they sold him to us for $60. He looks healthy but very dehydrated. I sprayed water on this side and he drank that water and still wanted more. we decided to name him Phoenix. i searched things up and he is doing pretty good now. We could tell they weren't giving him enough care for him anymore since he can't climb on walls very well and he has the worlds SMALLEST tank that they don't really clean out often. they also give him tons of baths since he runs into his poop and food since of how small his tank is. I have to idea what size it is but it's about 2 1/2 feet tall since they love to climb. Doing more research about it but he is a pretty boy. I will send pics later.

Also I think this is the right forum i have no idea So lemme know if this is the right forum😂
I don't know too much about Cresties either.
My brother and his Girlfriend have one

They thrive in smaller enclosures
Their tank has a heat mat
They spray with water.

Basically make the crested gecko food from the powder (small amounts) because they're so small.

Other then that I'm not sure.


Beardie name(s)
Hello! I don't know a whole lot about caring for cresties, but I do have some pointers: They love to hide and climb, they are a great pet to try out bioactive terrariums with, they need higher humidity as they are more tropical, and a good fruit powder brand is repashy.

That's about the extent of my knowledge, but I found a website that has a lot more information!
How to Care for a Pet Crested Gecko


Sub-Adult Member
Original Poster
Beardie name(s)
Hazel my female two year old beardie
He's looking better but he's getting pale and he just shed so I have no idea If that is normal or what. He's very cute he also loves to climb on Hazels cage but here is his Cage I put leaves and stuff in his cage. But Sadly I do not have any photos of him when I got him but he had injured legs which are looking much better . He is sure a jumper Especially when he goes on the curtains!


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Aww your profile picture is precious ❤️‍🩹
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happy birthday :)

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