Re: Batman, Flash, Vraska, family! More faves from Disney!

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We brought Batman home when he was just two weeks old and today he is 10 weeks old and 10.5 inches! His tail started to shed again today...I think he's going to be a big guy :)

First night home: Keegan (my 3 year old human) and Batman!


Just 2 weeks old!


He did this a lot at first. A little wave :)


First full shed!


Hanging out with daddy!


Meeting Hailey (my 9 year old human) ;)


He's just not a morning dragon...


He's becoming such a big boy!


Well...there's our little buddy! We're so proud of him!!


Gray-bearded Member
Original Poster
It's so refreshing to know so many of you can relate. My cat...self sufficient basically. Other than her screeching at breakfast and dinner times.

My reptiles...we seem to have a common "need" for each other. I wish everyone could experience it...THIS coming from a first time, not even a full year in, owner/parent.

The difference is incredible, at times utterly astounding. It's a shame that many if not most of us are taught to fear reptiles. Especially when they have so very much to offer.

Yes, my doctor is wonderful. She knows me inside and out and is the ONLY doctor I've ever had. I can always fully depend on her to get me right back without consequence or side effects. She's my perfect match.

Suffering from mental illness is something that isn't widely or openly discussed and THAT is truly such a shame. There's help out there. I'm proof of it ;)

diamc Sicko
Staff member
Kristine, it's so great that you're back to feeling well again and to enjoy so many things once again. Isn't it something what you don't seem to miss until you get straightened out, then you realize how much you were missing once you are feeling totally "right" once again. (Not sure if that all made sense but I knew what I was TRYING to say). Anyway, we're glad the med adjustment was made and you're feeling better now. :p Your doctor sounds wonderful, she completely understands you and knows just what to do to make you all better, that's awesome.

Completely understand what you're saying about reptiles. If anyone had told me that I'd be so smitten and so sucked in with this species years ago, I would have told them they were crazy. Now, I can't imagine this house without at least one. They are all so unique with their personalities. They all totally trust us and "read us" as well as us reading them. They are totally reliant on us for their complete care and I think that's one of the main things that draws us to them as they are so much like babies without the crying of course. The "beardie bond" is OH SO SPECIAL.

I know you probably thought I was crazy when I mentioned different things to you in the beginning but I could tell how infatuated you were with him already and I was determined to help you get him nice & healthy so you could all enjoy him for a very loooooong time. You have done amazingly well and we're ALL very proud of you, including Batman. :wink:

I know I've said this before but I'd like to say it again, thanks so much for listening to all the suggestions/recommendations and not questioning or doubting that they were important. And, thanks for not thinking I was a wacko! :lol:


Gray-bearded Member
Original Poster
What you said made PERFECT sense. It's like I literally can look back and see and hear the things I said or did or didn't say or do's not me. It's not who I'm supposed to be. I was born this way. I never had a chance against alcoholism taking over my life. I was born with a chemical imbalance and WISH is been treated when I was younger. What a different world I could have seen. Luckily, I'm seeing it now and that's more than so many others can say, unfortunately.

It's not like there wasn't already love and a bond with Batman before I went to you for just opened me up to it. Taught me so much more than proper care (forever grateful) but you taught me how to make it stronger. How to express it. You let me know it was ok to be hysterical at the thought of losing him and encouraged me to SHOW him that. To snuggle him, talk to him, stroke him, praise his good behavior.

YOU showed ME that I wasn't a wacko! I was so desperate. If you told me to stand on my head and recite the alphabet backwards, I'd have done it. I trusted you the moment I knew you were NOT judging me. Not ONCE. Only encouraged me and gave positive reinforcement when I made each new proper adjustment.

This boy has eaten 6 dubia one day, 3 the next, 6 the following, 4 today. No it's not the monster I knew but I'd call those leaps and bounds.

Hmmm...on that note: is it ok to NOT supplement with the slurries? He's well hydrated, 20 minute soaks daily, humidity under control, oral fluids. Just a sleepy head by 5 ;) Pooping and urates are "lovely" so to speak and he's active and his dubia are still getting the proper calcium and multivitamin routine. that still not enough?


diamc Sicko
Staff member
It is a real shame that you were born with that chemical imbalance and that there wasn't something done so that you could enjoy life so much sooner. But, you are now and you understand yourself, your feelings and can help others too that are going through something similar as it has made you a stronger person because of it. Just think how far you have come!

He is eating very well. Even if he eats every other day, that is fine for this time of year. He is at a good wt now, you're keeping him well hydrated so no worries there. Kudos to you for getting the humidity under control, I know how difficult that can be in the wintertime. I have actually had the AcuRite give a LOW reading other years and took some time to even get a % to register which can be concerning. So, you're good.

I wouldn't worry about giving him slurries right now with the way he is doing. Just stay "in tune" to him as I know you are. :wink:

Thank YOU for being YOU. :p

sweetiepie9 Sicko
Retired Moderator
I agree with Diane about the slurries, he's doing well now & being sleepy by 5p at this time of the year seems to be the norm. My crew are all in bed by 6p at the latest, Titan is the only one I leave up as he needs to stay really warm all the time. Now he's going to get a cuddle, will switch to the CHE & he's to bed, too.

Sounds like Batman is eating more than my crew, good for you guys! And the fact that you feed your dubia well means he's getting the benefit.

I wish everyone who had a brain chemistry issue were able to get the help you've been getting through your doc. It's wonderful to hear. I've been there, too, was put on an anti-depressant that caused my brain to misfire and I became almost bipolar. Took a few months to get me straighted out again. Large doses of Vit D were sufficient to cure the SAD I went through every winter & I don't get depressed anymore, so it worked for me. I'm just glad your doctor understands you so well and is able to help when you need the help! Glad you're feeling back to being yourself again!

Titan has now shed 2/3 of his body, just his lower body, head and hands are left. It's great to see my Titan coming back again, but I don't think the YF fight is over just yet. I think he's got some lesions coming back on the new skin on his back, so we'll be fighting this disease for awhile yet. But it's so good to see this shed happening. His belly is white again, so hoping it won't creep around there, that the meds will prevent that.

Big hug to you and Batman & your family!


Gray-bearded Member
Original Poster
Well that's reassuring! Thank you! Syringe feeding is stressful for both of us at times. Today I had to add a second wash cloth in addition to the dish :( lows were barely 20% most of the evening. I'm SO nervous leaving the water dish in there overnight. I'm so afraid of accidents but the humidity will go down to 10-16% without it :( I've just been putting it farthest from where he crashes over in a corner.

Without the water dish, I don't have a chance. It's SO dry here. MY skin is bothering me and I'm lathering myself with lotion multiple times a day. I can only imagine this poor boy under that heat and dry air :(

What a challenging your experience, would the winter months be the most challenging? I couldn't do this all rear 'round (but clearly would, ha!).

I do hope Titan gets through this and fast. I so feel for him and for you! No signs of shedding on this end...weird for Batman. His lights go on automatically on weekdays at 6:20am (it's HONESTLY the only option). If he's literally crawling in-between his blankets, covering his head...can I go ahead and shut the lights out at 5? Or should they stay on anyway?

Big hugs to you and your crew and a super special snuggle for Titan. He sure does deserve it, the trooper he is!

Hi Esther! Miss you!!!!

Edited to add: my phone autocorrected that bad word!! Sheesh. Now you all probably know I curse like a sailor!! How embarrassing?!

Esther19 Addict
Shoot. I missed the auto correct. And I swear like a sailor, too,when the situation requires it. This seems to be a nightly occurrence, as my 13 year old has many missing assignments.

sweetiepie9 Sicko
Retired Moderator
Thanks for the reassurance. The SAD ( can't remember what the real depression is called, Seasonal Affective Disorder, I think) is because we don't see the sunshine from about Oct to June every year. Plus I can't be under full sun for more than a few minutes, so the large dose of Vit D 2000 IU per day, makes up for the lack of sunshine. Our weather is like Seattle's, a fine mist, overcast & rain for most of the year, then hot in July/Aug. We were lucky this year, Oct was mainly sunny, but even so I need the extra dose of Vit D, keeps me healthy all year round. My sister, who can be in the sun constantly, says we need to be in the sun 10 min daily naked, then we wouldn't have a Vit D deficiency. So for me, it's different than what you go through.

Thanks for the hugs for Titan, I'll pass them along! I'm not sure if we're done with YF but we'll keep up the good fight!

You should check out my thread, there's a funny video of Gabriel trashing his tank, check it out when you have a minute.

Batman sounds as if he's fine and yes, you can turn off his lights at 5p if he's sleepy, my guys get about 8 hours of sunshine during the winter & that's sufficient. I have to put the timers back on as I've been sleeping in to about 9a in the am, so will do that tomorrow. Some nights they're up until 7p but that's only because I get up late, have to cut that out if I'm going to start going back to work in 3 weeks!


Gray-bearded Member
Original Poster
Haha! Let's just say the word shut looked like: ****

Cat's out now! Haha! Oh well, I'm nowhere near perfect ;)

...and I kinda like it that way!! :mrgreen:

I keep being told that most US citizens are vitamin D deprived I may have to give that a go. It makes perfect sense when it's literally spelled out!

You always fight a darn good fight!! I have so much faith in you :) I'll check out the video sounds hilarious :)

So...even the UVB? It's ok to let him have night so early? What a relief. Now I sort of feel like I've been torturing the poor boy! Then again common sense, or lack there of...if he's putting himself between blankets, what good is his UVB doing him anyway? Wow. I must be sleepy! :roll:

sweetiepie9 Sicko
Retired Moderator
Being up at 6:20a will mean he's still getting over 10 hours of UVB and my boys never get more than 10 hours & never have & except for Titan are perfectly healthy. So no worries there. And Titan's health was never because of not enough UVB. So Batty is fine with lights out at 5p if that's when he gets tired and wants to sleep.


Gray-bearded Member
Original Poster
Well...that's really awesome. I can tell he's tired...but when he's actually tucking himself in (last 3 days) I'm getting the hint ;)

I always worry too much about the UVB and how long he needs it. Gotta stop worrying :mrgreen:


Gray-bearded Member
Original Poster
It's been a little I figured I'd just pop in and "show" you what's been going on lately. I've been so completely focused on truly enjoying my time with my family lately :) It's been wonderful.

The BEST thing I personally have done is start letting go a little. More and more each day, just a little at a time. I feel like I know when to legitimately worry and the difference between focusing on one thing UNTIL it worries me. Whether or not that makes much sense to anyone else...I don't know. I do know it means something to me...perhaps putting it into words is more difficult than I had planned.

I apologize but I haven't uploaded the pics of Flash and Vraska to photobucket yet but I'll get on those this weekend, as there are many since they're always so happy and active.

So...Batman. The very best thing I could have done for him, I finally did. Quit bothering him so much! I realized that as long as he's not losing weight, well hydrated both through daily soaks, oral fluids, and keeping a REAL close eye on his humidity levels...he's just fine! We make sure he's "done" with all his needs early in the day and when he puts his entire body under his blankies, I let him sleep. He's looking and acting SO much better. He's not eating much but again, healthy poop/urates and always well hydrated. Never goes more than 24 hours without eating, even if it's one dubia a day, none the next, three a day, none the next and so on...haven't felt the need to supplement or syringe feed as it just stresses him out. He's happily basking and when he decided the day is done, it's done.

Batman in the last couple of days:

And as always, finding his favorite place to be:

This is what has been happening at home via pics:

School pictures, Hailey 4th grade :)

Keegan preschool :)

My babies!

Christmas is happening!!

All in all...things are running smooth and I'm actually enjoying every moment. We've had time to process things and we're finally slowing down.

Best news ever...we FINALLY saved up and planned a trip to Disney as a family in February 2014. The kids have no idea, Christmas gift :) Also, it will be Jeremy and Keegan's FIRST trip!!! God, I feel content. It's been a long time, too.

Esther19 Addict
I'm so glad things are going well for you. I understand completely about the worrying thing. Your Christmas tree just glows! Just beautiful! Good that you have found your rhythm with Batman. You will both be better off, though I know how hard it is. I've been busy at school with p/t conferences. Also converting my laundry room downstairs to have a shower for my dad when they come on Dec. 16th. He can't climb the stairs well any more. Put the w/d in the garage. Also having new carpet installed, so have to pull out the old and paint the moldings and have it good and dry by next Friday. Finishing up demo on the laundry room tonight. And then I forgot my password and couldn't get on for a few days......lots of senior moments lately.
So good to hear from you, Sweetie!

sweetiepie9 Sicko
Retired Moderator
Your kids are just the cutest, loved the school pics and the Santa picture, great memory makers!

Batman looks healthy and happy and love his colours & his favourite place to sit, the neck! You've done a great job with him!

I know exactly what you mean about making things to worry about, I used to do it all the time, drove me nuts and everyone around me. So I decided to make things simple and it worked out better, I'd worry if I had to, but otherwise not. Took me years to do this but I've come to terms about not worrying and I'm less stressed because of it, too, which is helping.

And your tree is lovely, love the owl!

And Disney as a gift, your kids are going to go wild over that!
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