Puff's Space

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Hi Everybeardie!!! This is my thread where me 'n' mama can keep you all up to date about me. In case you haven't read mama's other posts, I am a 4 week old...well now 4 1/2 week old baby. Mama brought me home on Sunday so I'm still settling in around here. I had mama worried today cuz' I wouldn't eat my crickets but tonight mama redid how she feeds me, and I ate 3 of them. I know it isn't much, but it's a start and it made mama feel better. I did eat good yesterday and also Sunday evening. One of our new friends here told mama not to worry yet, that it's most likely just the stress from coming to my new home.
I'm really excited to be here at the forum, and I've made lots of friends already...
lets see...there's Tazzie and Spark, and Leela (although Leela says I'm still too little look at the pics of her hiney that she posts on the www) :wink: , and there's Zak and Wheezie(have you all seen Zak and Wheezie? Wow--they are so cool), and I know there is lots of friends here I haven't even met yet.
So...I have a couple questions...I've never owned a human before, and I think I got lots to learn about this making my human my slave, although i think I have a good start...but anyway...I just want to know...are all dragonslave humans weird? Like my mom today saw that I had made a big poo, and she was sooooooo excited and happy!! She even said, "yeah Puff...way to go!!" And then she scooped it up out of my viv!!! Now what do you all suppose she wanted with that?? and where is she keeping it?? And why was she so excited about it? Do human dragonslaves do this sort of thing all the time? I'm sure I will have lots more questions in the future about turning my human into a dragonslave...so I hope you don't all mind me asking questions...a little guy like me has to learn ya' know.
In other news...mama noticed I was really shedding today on my head, and thanks to another dragonslave here, mama knew to just gently rub my head...so she gave me a warm bath and did just that...rubbed my head, and the skin was pretty loose and just rubbed right off during my bath and ohhhh it felt so good. So I rewarded my mama with beautiful colors and markings under all that old skin. I hear ya' gotta reward them for behaviors that you want them to continue...I think it's called positive reinforcement. So we had a little photo shoot tonight and I really was posing for my mom...

A pic from the top...look at that beautiful head!!

Peek a boo!!

I'm gonna get him...

here cricket, cricket...

a couple of poses for mama...


Well I gotta go for now...time for bed...a little guy has to get his sleep ya' know!!


BD.org Sicko
Retired Moderator
Wow, Puff, that is a nice blog, my mom just showd it to me. I really like the car and dad's eyes got real big, he really liked it too, but he's a car nut anyway. It was nice to see a pic of Spark, he's a good size and he sure likes Tazzie...that was nice flowers he put on there for her. I haven't read their stuff yet, I've been busy laying around in my room and on the balcony 'cause it's been really hot here. I like being out in the sun, but not too long right now, it's really strong.

Did I tell you my mom took me for a walk with this weird thing around my arms with a long string. She told me it was to make sure I didn't run away into the bushes, cause she loves me and would be too sad if I ran away. So I was good and ate clover and dandelions (that's what mom called them, they're really good, munch, munch)

I'll ask mom about putting something on your blog, too, I'm really enjoying talking to all of you.

I'm off to eat breakfast, bath first (yuck), so I'll talk to you later,

Your friend


Hatchling Member
Well i am hoping it comes soon, but it might take awhile since I didn't want to waste too much of my mommys money on shipping. I don't think I am quite big enough to drive yet... but when I told mommy I ordered it, she said she was going to hold on to it for a little while until I was older and proved I was mature enough to handle it, and not run off and elope :twisted: . Which of course I would never do.. Picking out cars is soo much fun Puff. You get to look at tons of colours and models. I would definatly get a convertable. They are way more comfortable! I understand the whole being lost in your self and not knowing who you are yet, I went through that too. No fun. Mommy called me Kenzie for a while. Bleck. You are sooooo lucky you don't have to share worms, I wish I didn't have to. They are so nommy.. NOM NOM. You have no idea! Just you wait! And if you are a girl Ill wait :wink:

Hey its Killian and Blazes mom, I am so sorry for him acting inapropriatly. Those hormones are killers. I will let him talk some more, under direct supervision of course.

my mom says I have to apologise, I am sorry for my N-prop-riate ad..vances. I prefer my crickets as well, but salad can be good too, you should try bell peppers and raw green beans. Those are my favorites. Squash!! I haven't tried it yet, but I want to after watching your movie! Its looks so NOMMY. Mommy said she would go and buy me some today!! YAY!!! 17 hundred thousand inches long!!!?!?!?!!? Oh My, I want to meet this Spark! That sounds almost as big as my mommy, maybe bigger! Ill bet he knows the wonders of the world. Maybe he will tell us.. :D Mommy says its time for dinner!! NOM NOM NOM!!

Can't wait to talk to you again!!


BD.org Sicko
Retired Moderator
Hi Puff,

It's Rubio, sounds as if your food was really nommy today. My mommy gives me squash, collard greens and other greens in a daily salad, then we get different treats during the day, sometimes raspberries NOMNOM and blueberries nomnom and bok choy NOMMYNOMMY, my favourite. My mommy gets me other greens like dandelion and clover, which is really nommy, then she tries to feed me flowers...I don't think so, only girls like flowers, right? am I right? I gave her my best glare to let her know NOT ACCEPTABLE, I mean she should know me by now right, I'm 10 mo old and really really big, so she should know!

Boy those cars sound really interesting, I'm going to talk to my mom about this. I do have a boat, and I used to call myself Captain Rubio, but I was a few months younger, so the boat doesn't fit anymore...I liked being in it in the bath...it was fun; I don't like to be in the water, on top is better Now I have to still soak everyday and I just sit there until it's over. Then I get to do what I really like, jumping around and running around. I get my turn on the balcony and in the living room, so there's lots of room and there is a nice light there I can get warm under so I can expore some more.

I'm glad I have you to talk to, you're starting to understand what it is to be a beardie, we're special and our mommies really love us, which makes us really special. It's kinda neet how mommies always know what we need and make sure we have lots of stuff to play with, so we don't get bored and a safe place to sleep...it's so cool. Talk to you soon, have a good sleep :blob5: :blob8: :blob5:


Sub-Adult Member
Original Poster
Hi Killian...Me and mama is still chuckling over your note to me...I din't think it was n' pro' piate(boy them big words is hard to spell)!
I guess we will just have to wait and see if I am a boy or a girl...mama said she feels in her heart like I am a boy though, but we will see!
I'm definitely gonna get my mama to get me some of them peppers...she needs to spruce up my salad...is all I get now is collard greens....blech!!! There isn't much news from here this evening...I just been busy bein' a baby dragon. I been starting trying to jump out of mama's hand when she is holding me...I mean it is a big huge world out there, and I gotta explore!! I am also busy turning my mama into a good beardie slave. I think slave is an ok word to use for us cuz' our mama's love us sooooo much, I know they wanna just give us everything we need and want. You should see the shish you dragon at our house...s-h-i-s-h y-o-u spells shih tzu( I know that cuz' my friend Tazzie taught me how to spell it). She is a very bigger dragon...bigger than us, and her body is covered in string, and she has a horn coming out of the top of her head...
here...have a look...

she has owned mama for 7 years and has done a good job turning mama into her slave too, so between the two of us, we'll have our mama whipped into shape in no time!!
Well, I gotta go for now...mama wants to shut down the 'puter and tuck me in so she can go read her new book.
nite for now!!
your friend...


Sub-Adult Member
Original Poster
Hi Rubio...I know them cars bes really cool, huh? Mama says I am too little to have my own car yet...but I have my own car seat for when I go riding in Tazzie's car or in Spark's new car. They are both really cool cars. I'm gonna see if mama will let me have a skateboard though. Your boat sounds really fun too!! Maybe I can try one of them and take all my friends boating. Of course, you are one of my friends, so you will come too!! I can be Captain Puff then. But I really do hope I can get a skateboard. Those look like fun, and I can make ramps out of the wood and rocks in my viv.
Your balcony sounds really nice...do you get to lay right out in the sun on there? My mama read somewhere that if we could get 15 minutes a dayout in the real sunshine everyday, we wouldn't have to have them UVB bulbs in our house. But we live in Minnesota, and I guess it gets really cold here...like 20 hundred thousand degrees below zero. I don't know what cold is yet, but I don't think I wanna find out!!
Well-I gotta get off here and get to bed. I here mama coming and she thinks I am already sleeping. My mama sent your mama a special note here in her pm box!!
I'm glad we are friends too...I'm glad you came here and finded me!!
Hugs and lots of yummy bugs...


BD.org Sicko
Retired Moderator
Hi Puff,

My mommy got onto the blog, she put my picture in my profile, don't know what that means. Anyway I'm going into my bath, yuck, don't see the point. I don't move or anything, mommy says it's to get water inside me cause I don't like to drink water. Even though my brother and sisters poops in their baths, I don't, I like to poop in my room, so daddy or mommy has to clean it up. I's more comfy that way...we all get some sun on the balcony, but I overheard my mommy talking to her friend, who said we'd need to be in the sun 5 hours to make up for not using that UVB light they talk about all the time about how important it is. I get to stay in the sun maybe an hour, I'm not sure of time, but that's what mommy says. It's nice to be in the sun, but it gets too hot so I get to go under the table out there and cool off. Then I come back in the living room and get to run and jump, my favourite things. Then when I see my sisters, I get to practice my black beard, it gets really big sometimes. Then I feel ferocious, like a lion...so my mommy is sending a message to your mommy about the blog. Maybe my picture can be added to the top with everyone else's. I really enjoyed being read to from it. I'll talk to you soon, the sun's on the balcony, I get to go out first!
Talk to you soon,


Sub-Adult Member
Original Poster
Hi Rubio!! Yep!! Mama is gonna put your picture up at the top too, and Calli who will be joining us there...mama is just really starting to work with her photoshop program, and she used just a simple basic template for the picture that is there now, so she gots to work on it...hopefully over the next couple of nights!!
Hugs from Puff...my worms just got here, so gotta go check them out!!


Sub-Adult Member
Original Poster
Hi everyone...

Just wanted to post a link to some new updated pics of my baby beardie, Puff...
they are here on the blog that we share with some of our beardie friends...come take a look!! He is doing so well, and I am so in love with this little guy...or gal...don't quite know which yet, but he/she is full of beardie personality, and has completely stolen my heart!! I have definitely become a beardie slave!!
I am sooooo greatful for this great website where I found the information I needed to take care of this precious soul right, right from the start. Thanks to all of you, he has the best start in life and can grow up to be a healthy dragon instead of having to go through illness from having the wrong substrate, wrong lights, etc. Thank you all so much for your willingness to share your knowledge here. You have all made this a wonderful experience for me!! I'm even starting to touch the crickets and phoenix worms with my bare hands now when I have to!! :roll:


and he loves to be on the computer with me looking at all his beardie friends!!

His viv and light fixture is a great Craigslist find. It is 48" long x 24" deep x 21" high. I got it and the light fixture for $150.00. The light fixture holds his UVB tube, as well as 3 bulbs and sells for 179.99 new, and it is less than a year old. The guy who was selling it has a new baby on the way, and his wife gave him an ultimatum...he chose the wife and new baby!! So I got the viv and light fixture!! Puff has a mansion. He adjusted to the change without any difficulty at all, and this will be his permanent home...unless it breaks :shock:
Anyway...just wanted to share some updated pics. And feel free to look around the blog...you will recognize some familiar faces there!!
Cindy and Puff


Hatchling Member
His mansion looks absolutely spectacular!!! I'm wondering where you found that wall rock - where he and Froggie hang out. Leela said she likes it... :D


BD.org Addict
Lilly loves the magnatural basking rock, but I have to warn you that it does not take a whole lot of human pressure to knock them down. I cleaned up a poop yesterday then was sticking her tree back in her tank and just barely bumped it and it fell on Lilly! I was sooo upset, but they are made out of styrofoam so she's fine (although I got a MAJOR stink-eye for that one). I don't think that she could knock it down herself, but I'm not positive any more.


BD.org Sicko
Retired Moderator
Issy, Rocco (our golden gecko) Issy and Rubio (our two youngest dragons) all have one. They're great, on top or underneath.

Rubio fit on his when he was younger:

Rubio' likes to hide underneath it, it's too small for him now:

Issy's shelf looks like a car from the outside of her tank

She's been using it since she was a baby:

They're wonderful and very easy to clean, too, at least I've found.
Rubio and Issy say HI! to Puff, Rubio will get on the computer later today, right now he's snoozing and Issy is out on our balcony, cooling off in the shade, then running to the rug, where the sun's hitting it.

Take care,


Sub-Adult Member
Original Poster
Wow!!!! Look at Rubio next to his magnatural rock!!! I can't even imagine Puff that big yet...LOL!!! He is so tiny yet, but definitely growing!! It would be great if Rubio and Issy would come on over to the blog and visit!! Everybeardy has been asking where Rubio has been. Maybe he could come and introduce Issy!!
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