Puff's Space

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Hi Everybeardie!!! This is my thread where me 'n' mama can keep you all up to date about me. In case you haven't read mama's other posts, I am a 4 week old...well now 4 1/2 week old baby. Mama brought me home on Sunday so I'm still settling in around here. I had mama worried today cuz' I wouldn't eat my crickets but tonight mama redid how she feeds me, and I ate 3 of them. I know it isn't much, but it's a start and it made mama feel better. I did eat good yesterday and also Sunday evening. One of our new friends here told mama not to worry yet, that it's most likely just the stress from coming to my new home.
I'm really excited to be here at the forum, and I've made lots of friends already...
lets see...there's Tazzie and Spark, and Leela (although Leela says I'm still too little look at the pics of her hiney that she posts on the www) :wink: , and there's Zak and Wheezie(have you all seen Zak and Wheezie? Wow--they are so cool), and I know there is lots of friends here I haven't even met yet.
So...I have a couple questions...I've never owned a human before, and I think I got lots to learn about this making my human my slave, although i think I have a good start...but anyway...I just want to know...are all dragonslave humans weird? Like my mom today saw that I had made a big poo, and she was sooooooo excited and happy!! She even said, "yeah Puff...way to go!!" And then she scooped it up out of my viv!!! Now what do you all suppose she wanted with that?? and where is she keeping it?? And why was she so excited about it? Do human dragonslaves do this sort of thing all the time? I'm sure I will have lots more questions in the future about turning my human into a dragonslave...so I hope you don't all mind me asking questions...a little guy like me has to learn ya' know.
In other news...mama noticed I was really shedding today on my head, and thanks to another dragonslave here, mama knew to just gently rub my head...so she gave me a warm bath and did just that...rubbed my head, and the skin was pretty loose and just rubbed right off during my bath and ohhhh it felt so good. So I rewarded my mama with beautiful colors and markings under all that old skin. I hear ya' gotta reward them for behaviors that you want them to continue...I think it's called positive reinforcement. So we had a little photo shoot tonight and I really was posing for my mom...

A pic from the top...look at that beautiful head!!

Peek a boo!!

I'm gonna get him...

here cricket, cricket...

a couple of poses for mama...


Well I gotta go for now...time for bed...a little guy has to get his sleep ya' know!!


Sub-Adult Member
Original Poster
Hi again everybeardie...

It's me...the little Puffernut. Well, mama went back to work today, and Leelasmom, you were right...she sure did miss me, so I took your advice, and I was very extra cute when she came home. Mama got up kind of early and turned on my lights so I could warm up and get ready for breakfast. Then she got back up a little bit later, and gave me a nice soak in my tub and then after I rested a little bit from that she fed me my crickets, and I ate ELEVEN little crickets. They were so nummy!!!! While mama was gone I soaked in my dish with my greens cuz mama leaves extra water in there for me. She doesn't know if I ate any of my greens, but I did leave her a surprise in the dish... :oops: since she likes my little surprises so much, I decided to try to hide it from her, and make it more fun for her to try to find it...hee!hee!
I ate more crickets when mama came home from work. Then I came out and sat on her hand for a little bit. She snapped a few pics of me on her hand, so someday when I am 17 hundred thousand inches long like my buddy, Spark, we can look back at the pics and see how little I was...



After she put me back in my viv, I sat at the glass and begged her to let me come back out. I really enjoyed sitting with mama and snuggling in her hand...



I really wanted out of there!! Finally I went and sat on my branch and rested for a while, and then a little while later I had the bestest new experience...mama took this little squeezy tube, and put a drop of something on my nose...well here...watch for yourselves and you will see what mama says is just the cutest thing...

Tazzie 'n' spark, here is that popcorn and rootbeer I promised you...
Leela and Foster, help yourselves to popcorn and rootbeer too!!
There is plenty for everybeardy!!

have a seat and get comfortable!!


Thanks Spark for giving mama the great idea!!! That was soooooooo nummy, nummy, nummy!!!! And I didn't know mama was a film producer, but there I was the star attracshun of my very own first movie ever!!!! Tazzie, do you think I spelled that big word right? A-t-t-r-a-c-s-h-u-n. yep--I think I did!!

And here's a couple pics too...



Mama says that is the most kissable face she has ever seen!! I think I'm getting a good handle on turning my human into my very own personal slave!!
Well, that's all I have for now...I gotta get to bed, so I can get up in the morning and do this all again!! Nitey nite friends!!


Hatchling Member
Hey Puff!

Good job eating your squash! :blob5: I like it too; it's so yummy, right? My Mom puts it on my salad, and when you are bigger your Mama can do that for you. :D

See - I get messy when I eat, too; Mom said I should get a bib, but I told her they are for babies. No offense to you, of course! :lol: I just have Mom clean my face and neck with a soft toothbrush. Remember I told you how good that feels?


Hatchling Member
Oh, Puff, I forgot to tell you that your movie was so good that I hope your Mama makes more!

She should get one of you hanging out in your hot tub, and another of you in your Puff House. I like the new house; it looks cozy. :D


Juvie Member
Hey Puffnutter!

Thanks for the popcorn and rootbeer! It was yummy! Tazzie snuggled with me on the loveseat and we watched your video together. You eat squash really good! It won't be too long 'for you're as big as I am. Make sure you eat all your crickets and tell your mom to try phoenix worms. They're easier to keep then crickets, you don't have to feed them or clean up after them and they are filled with yummy calcium. (And shipping is included in the price!) They are a little bit more than crickets, but you don't have to eat as many to get full! Tazzie tried them and really liked them, too.

Did you see the cool car her Mom got for her? She gave me a key so I can drive! I want to see if she will go to the drive-in with me tonight. The drive-in movies are "Bearded Potter and the Half-Blood Phoenix Worm" and "Transdragons; Revenge of the Silkies". I think they sound like great movies! Maybe the car seat arrived today and you could go with us. . . what do you think?

I am talking to my mom about fitting us for capes and masks. Is it okay if I use one of your pictures you just posted, so I can be sure they fit correctly? I'm excited about being Superheroes! Maybe you could tell me what your super power is, so my mom can craft the correct outfit for you. I'll ask Tazzie too.

Let me know if you want to go to the drive-in.

See ya later, sidekick!


PS. I'm posting some more pictures in a letter to Razzie-ma-Tazzie. You should go check them out!



Juvie Member
Hey Puff!

Leela and Foster are going to the drive-in and I'll come by and get you. Make sure you bring water wings 'cuz Foster said we could swim in his pool before we go to the movie. I found a car seat I can borrow until yours gets here, (unless Taz has it already.)

I'll pick you up about 6:30. See ya then.



Sub-Adult Member
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Hi Spark...Oh i can't wait to see our outfits!!! Tell your mama that my mama says it is fine for your mama to use any of my pictures that she wants to!!! mama ordered them Phoenix worms for me last night...yippee!!! i can't wait to try them. do they taste like squash?
your buddy--


BD.org Sicko
Retired Moderator
Hi Puff, my name is Rubio and I was little like you, too, but I was sick, some mean baby bit me in my hand and foot, but my mommy healed me up. I'm 10 mo old now and really really big, at least that's what my mom and dad keep saying. I'm 20" (I'm not sure what that means, but I think it means really really long) and over 620grams (I think that means I'm heavy to pick up), so just wanted to tell you that you'll be growing up fast. I'm glad you like your crickets and that your mom put that nice soft paper in your home. I've got newspaper in my home, it's kind of neat, cook when I lie on it. I leave big surprises for my mommy/daddy slaves to pick up. The other's do their surprises in their baths, but I'm special and I like to leave my surprises on the newspaper. I really enjoyed your pictures and that video was great, I used to eat squash and chicken from the same type of thingy, you know that they poke in your face & put on your nose,, but it was really good and helped me grow so I could eat lots of crickets and worms. Now I eat really big worms and chew them up really good. I get outside time, too, and I really enjoy running and jumping up anything I can find. It was nice to meet you, glad you've made friends, too.

Your friend, Rubio


Sub-Adult Member
Original Poster
Hi Rubio!! Thank you for writing to me...I love making new friends!! I've seen your picshurs around here, and you are a very handome beardie!! I'm sorry that somebody hurt you when you were little. me 'n' mama are so sad about all the beardies we see here that used to be neglected or abused, but we are very glad that you have a happy home now.
Mama just ordered me some Phoenix worms, so hopefully they will come soon! I heard from my buddy Spark here that they are really yummy and full of good newtrishun whatever that is. Spark just says they are yummy! I do like my crickets too, this morning I ate 16 of them!! That is the most I have eaten!! Mama was impressed.
I'm so happy you wrote to me. I ike friends!!


BD.org Sicko
Retired Moderator
Hi Puff, I'm glad mom and dad got me out of the petshop I used to live in. They took a few more babies home to heal them until my daddy found the biter, he went into his own tank, or so I heard and when the 7 babies that came home were healed up they went back, but mom insisted I had to stay and so here I am. Issy was in the same shop and she came home, too, she lost almost half her tale. I guess we were in bad shape when we got here but we're both really healthy now. I got ot go out on a walk with mom yesterday, but she put this weird leash on me, which I reall didn't like, but I got to eat clover and dandelions, so that was fun. Then we had to go back in and she got that awful leash off me, which was good. I got some good sunshine, too, I love being out in the sun and running around on the balcony. We all get a turn running around the balcony and living room, which is alot of fun. I'm really glad you're getting good worms and crickets, are you eating salad, too? Mom makes this great salad, all chopped up, so its easy to eat; squash and lots of green stuff and I try to eat it all up every day. I got some clover leaves this morning, which was fun. Mom's typing this for me as I tell her waht to say, isn't that nice, I don't type on my own yet, but soon.

I like having friends on here, too, it's fun. I'll keep reading your thread. I like to stay in touch.

Rubio :blob5: :blob8: :blob5:


Hatchling Member
Hey Puff! Just thought I would stop by and introduce myself, My name is Killian, and I am only a little bigger then you. My brothers name is Blaze, but he's such a meanie. He is out stealing my pheonix worms since he already ate all his. They are REALLY Nommy. My mommy says that they are like mommy chocolate. (I know she's lieing and that they are really good for you, so I think she is trying out that who phycology reverse thing) Mommy is so nieve. Don't tell my mommy but I when she went to sleep I went on line and ordered me a new car! She thinks we are so innocent. :twisted: haha. We can all go for a ride in it! I think it was called a Boo-got-ee. Of course it's our sized; not mommy sized so she can't take it for joy rides. :mrgreen: hehe. Its my turn to eat, so I'll talk to you soon! I hope you like the wormies! Here are some pictures of us, so you know who your talking to. :D

Thats Blaze :| :|

Thats me. Killian, the nice one. :D

Its really cool to meet you! The world needs more young stud muffins like us. :D


Gray-bearded Member
Hi Puff,

My name is Calliope and I am a wittle baby just like you! My mom and dad gotted me from someplace far away, I think. I was putted in a box and when it got open, I looked up and there were these two big scary faces looking down at me :shock: I was really afeared at first. I had a little bruver too, his name was Hades. We comed to my house together, but now I don't know where is he. He used to share my bath-pool with me. Mom used to tell him that I isn't a surf-board (whatever that is) Mom and dad came home one day and then my dad started crying. And I haven't seen my baby bruver since the day they wuz crying.

My dad is kind of big and scary. But he is the one that gives me my breakfast worms and dinner crickets. MMMMMM! Yummy. But he still scares me so I always open my mouth at him and I even bited him too :shock: My mom is nice... she is always talking to me and all of the other beardies that live in my house. The big one they call Nero is HUGE! When mom takes him out, he is always looking at me and then I do funny things with my arms.

I hope we can be friendses, because everybody in my house is soooo much biggerer than me and I don't have anyones to play with.

When my mom gets home from work (and after I has my dinner) maybe she will show me your movie.

Bye-Bye Puff.

Calliope (Calli for shorts)


Sub-Adult Member
Original Poster
Hi Killian!! I'm so glad you wrote to me...I really like making new friends!! When will your new car come? I really want to go for a ride in it with you!! I can't wait til I get a little bigger and can get my own car too!! Mama said she will let me pick out my very own!! If I turn out to be a boy, I need a fast car so I can really impress the beardie girls...hee!hee! Although, right now I guess if I am to little to know if I'm a girl or a boy, then I am too little to date...that's what mama says! You and Blaze are both very handsome. Right now I am the only beardie in my mama's life, so I don't have to share my worms with anybeardie when they get here. Mama says they have been shipped and should be here by Thursday. Mama gives me salad every morning, but I don't really eat it yet. I've tasted it a couple times, but I really prefer my crickets. I do love my squash though...that stuff is NOMMY!!!!!NOM!NOM!NOMMY!!!! My friend Spark told me about squash and phoenix worms. He is bigger than us...he is 17 hundred thousand inches long!!! that is big...so he knows about all the other things like worms and squash.
I am sooooo happy to meet you, please make sure to stay in touch!!


Sub-Adult Member
Original Poster
Hi Calli--

You bet we can be friendses!! You are soooooo cute. Mama cried too when she read about Hades. You see Calli, Hades was a very loved baby, just like you...but his spirit couldn't stay here in his body, so his spirit went to a very beautiful, special place called Rainbow Bridge. that is where our spirits go to to wait for our mama and daddys someday when their spirit has to leave their bodies too. and someday, we will all see each other again there. Here is a link to show you about rainbow bridge...


Of course, our humans still miss us after we have to leave to go there...so it is still very sad...but it makes it more bearable to know we will someday be reunited. Cuz when we have our humans, our hearts are always connected, so we will someday find each other again...and you and Hades hearts are connected too, and you will find each other again someday too. I bet you already know this, but Hades spirit is still really close by you and watching over you!!

I am so happy that you wrote to me...you are so sweet!! Me and mama love how pretty your colors are!! Come over and play anytime, ok Calli?!


Gray-bearded Member
Thanks you so much Puff for being my friend. I have my happy colors on cuz now I have a friend :blob5: My mom let me watch your movie after my baff. I sat in my fluffy towel and watched. Your squash looking NOOOOOMMMY. I thought it was cute how you looked like a chic..chick...ummm chicken (thanks mom) with a little beak. Hee Hee.

So I guess I won't see my bruver anymore? That makes me sad. I member Mom and Dad telling him to be a good boy and eat his foods. HEY! He used to eat squash too! I guess he just wasn't hungry no mores. I likes my foods. Mom and Dad are always telling me what a good eater I am.

The Rainbow Bridge place looks really pretty. Can I go visit my bruver there? It looks like a good place to play.

My face is itchy today. My skin is falling off :shock: AAAAAA! What's wrong wif me?

I gotta go now. Mommy says little girls need their booty sleep.

Good night Puff. I'm glad you are my friend.


Sub-Adult Member
Original Poster
Hi Calli--You can visit your brother there in your dreams, and he will come visit you in your dreams...but you can't go there until the Great beardie maker up above says it is time. Until then, we all get to be here with our humans to get lots of love from them, and to give them lots of love.
There is a fun place you can come and play though...it is here...


my mama sent your mama a note to tell her how you can come here and play with all of us. It is lots of fun!! and my teenage beardie friends are really good to me, and take me places with them and stuff. They are older than me and you, and they always watch out for me and take good care of me. It was my buddy Spark who is there that taught me about squash, and he talked my mama into ordering phoenix worms for me too. you should come play there with us...we are going to have fondue there soon...just think chees and chocolate dipped worms and crickets and strawberries and stuff!!

hugs from your friend, Puff
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