Prospect of getting new Beardie


Sub-Adult Member
This has crossed my mind so many times and many people would ask me if I would get another beardie. Considering how beautiful, sweet, and lovely they are, and personable they are, how cuddly and nice they are. I love bearded dragons. I love how they smile. Love how they are curious. I love Maya with my heart. He's like my son and if I lose him to some form of cancer or his quality of life is impacted.

I have done some searches on the world wide web for a new exotic vet in my area. I called every office. Even the pet stores. They don't know or they have one vet they use because he's the only one in town.

If I had a dog or a cat, or a guinea pig, or a bunny, I would be ok. I would be able to choose any vet I want if I had warm blooded animals.
I'm so deeply disappointed in the lack of Exotic Vets in my area. I cannot even travel due to my car being over 20 years old and for real, stalling when I travel long distance. My Mom and I would be stranded for hours in another county until a tow truck came to help us home.
Farther away, an hour away and an hour back- would be a 2 hour trip to another exotic vet.

Maybe when there are new exotic vets in my area, I would get another dragon along with a new enclosure. Or if I move out of the area I'm in, I can consider a bearded dragon.
This took a lot of thought.
It's not because I don't want one.
It's because of the lack of options to choose a vet.


Hatchling Member
That's really a responsible attitude about adopting, and probably more thoughtful than a lot of us who have pets that aren't cats and dogs, myself included. That being said, I hope your situation changes for the better soon, both in regard to adopting a new beardie and getting a more reliable vehicle.


Sub-Adult Member
Original Poster
That's really a responsible attitude about adopting, and probably more thoughtful than a lot of us who have pets that aren't cats and dogs, myself included. That being said, I hope your situation changes for the better soon, both in regard to adopting a new beardie and getting a more reliable vehicle.
Me too. My current beardie is 10 and with the way my vet commented over the phone about him. This led me to think about this.

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