prayers for our beardie

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My daughters beardie, bandit, seems to be very sick.... he has only pooped once about the size of a penny in the last 5 days. He is very lethargic and hasnt eaten.... i have tried warm baths and gentle massages. The temp in his environment is 102. I also tried giving him some baby sweet potato with mineral oil mixed in with a syringe. He took some of it, but he is so lethargic he cant keep his head up. I found out my daughter gave him 15 superworms last week. The vet will see him Tuesday morning, but i fear he wont make it that long...... anyone have any other ideas i could try to save bandit?????

AHBD Sicko
How old and what size is Bandit ? Can you post a pic of him ? To do so, load them to photobucket, then copy/paste the img/url here. Or try this:

Are you positive that he's not trying to brumate ? Not to say that there isn't a real problem, just want to rule out any other possibility. If he's an adult in good health 15 superworms might cause discomfort but they can usually handle it. Not pooing for 5 days is not in itself a problem, my dragons at times go that long, so do many other adults.....even up to 2 weeks or more. But there may be something else going on. You can try more baby food and add veg. oil and honey rather than mineral oil. Then try a warmer than usual bath....sometimes the extra heat will prompt a b.m
But if he's really sick it may be more than just the superworms and you may opt for an emergency visit. Hopefully Bandit will be O.K.

AHBD Sicko
I saw your post in the enclosure forum, you mentioned that he's in a new 75 gal. tank and that you had a 50 watt bulb that only brought the temp. to 87 degrees. That would be a huge problem and possibly contributed to an inability to digest [ because of low temps ] and causing possible impaction. Have you gotten a much higher watt bulb or an extra heat bulb ? He absolutely needs a basking area at 100-105.


Original Poster
Yes yesterday i bought a 75 and a new thermometer with a probe. Ive been able to get the temp up to 103-106.

Esther19 Addict
Oh no. I am so sorry for your loss. Please let your daughter know that others share your grief. I'm sending her a big hug and praying that her heart heals quickly.

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

I am so sorry to hear that Bandit passed tonight. :cry: That is so terribly devastating. Please know that we are all here for you if you need anything at all.


AHBD Sicko
I'm so very sorry to hear this !! :( I know it is just devastating to your family....all my heartfelt sympathy to you !
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