Possible Concussion??

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Hatchling Member
So Smid jumped off the couch and landed on his head, flipped upside down and couldn't move - puffed up and it looked like his front legs wouldn't work. I just missed him when he jumped so I quickly picked him up. His right front arm and pectoral area were twitching (pretty sure it was a result of the fall). This lasted for less than a minute and he now seems like he is his normal self. Should I be concerned - he gets liquid calcium drops on vet direction 7 drops a week and has a megaray mvb so I'm pretty sure it's not MBD.



BD.org Sicko
Staff member

Which type of Megaray are you using, a Self ballast or an External ballast? How old is the Megaray?
Since he is getting the liquid calcium, & you have a good bulb, assuming it is one that hasn't caused any problems, then, I would think it is not metabolic bone disease.
If he landed on his head, he could have injured his cervical area possibly. Have you looked at his eyes, are they dilated or fixed, or do they look normal & not glazed?
How is he acting today? Has his appetite changed?



Hatchling Member
Original Poster
I have the self balasted MegaRay - and it is up for replacement in January - although it was made last October and Bob said it is one of the bulbs before the issue.

His eyes look normal and not glazed - both pupils react to light and he seems to be acting like normal - eating, basking and pooing like nothing happened at all.



BD.org Sicko
Staff member
Hello Liz,

How is he doing today? I would say then it was a reaction to the fall & hopefully nothing else!
Yes, if you bought your bulb in October of 2009 then, it should be safe. I think it sounds like he is fine now. That is great news! :D
Tell Smid to be more careful next time!



BD.org Addict
Hi Liz! Sorry to hear Smid fell and gave you a scare. How is he doing today?

BTW... just wanted to let you know in case you don't already... Megaray still has not completely fixed their problems with their lights. Just wanted to give you a heads up since you will be changing out Smid's bulb soon. I had been using the Mega's as well and have had to go back to the Reptisun's since it seems all of the mvb's are experiencing problems at the moment.


Hatchling Member
Original Poster
Oh, I thought they had that all sorted out - guess I'll have to go and find some tube lighting and fixtures...joy. Thanks. He is back to normal, which is exciting - he really scared me. Sadly though I don't think he learned any real lesson about jumping/walking off of things. Maybe I'll wrap him in bubble wrap... :shock:



BD.org Addict
Unfortunately, until they go back to the "old" glass for the megaray it is too risky to use the newer models. Some of the newer mega's are still allowing harmful uv rays through. Believe me.. I tried one and my beardie did horribly. :( I would just hate to see you go through those problems with Smid.

Glad to hear your guy is back to normal. I think the bubble wrap idea is wonderful. Let me know how that works out for ya, LOL :wink:
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Aww your profile picture is precious ❤️‍🩹
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cookie event at my library today, quite fun! Made some bracelets for my comrades too, to give them at church in the morning. Got a busy day tomorrow even though I’m off work… i go back on tuesday so atleast I’ll have 2 days off to rewind….then back to hell lol
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happy birthday :)

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