I don't mean to be controversal, but I'm not a big fan myself of the diagram above... Current knowledge is that you want your UVB and heat together. I can direct you to scientific studies if you want to go into the weeds on the subject.. but just think of it this way..
You are trying to replicate a "ray of sun" in your enclosure where the BD can bask and warm up/ get uv. Doing this is like a "team sport" where each player has a position and role.. They all converge together at one point to make the "basking spot"
I recently ran across this informative Blog post from a reptile lighting engineer that works with Zoos and private collections. He really explains it better than me.. if you are interrested. He has some good diagrams on there.
I've set up several of these now for family and friends succesfully and it's working great.. Feel free to hit me up and I can try to help.
Heat emitter: Not needed unless your house is getting below 55 degrees. Even then maybe you can use a room heater on low just to knock off the chill and keep the temps from below 55? CHE will dry out the air and it is natural for humidity to raise at night.. using the CHE can rob the dragon of that opportunity of more humid air at night so that is why I don't like them. Letting cool down at night is actually beneficial.. just as long as they get warmed up during the daytime. Basking spot of 105 to 108 degree so that they can get their belly to 98.5 degrees preferred temp when basking.. 100W bulb is really good for this.. I really like the EXO Terra Extreme basking bulb.. the quality and spread of heat is really nice.
You say you have a thermostat? Good. Use this on the cool side and hook up to your basking light. Set your thermostat to somthing like 82 degrees. If it's an on an off type thermostat not as good as a "dimming type" but honestly it's just there as a safety for if you get a heat spell some summer.. As long has you have a "cool refuge" for your guy to get away from heat you are good to go. If it's constantly going off from the thermostat.. probably have too large of a basking bulb or not enough ventilation.. but with a screen top ventilation shouldn't ever be a concern.
I know that's a lot of info so just hit me up if you need. It's acually easy once you understand why you are doing what..