PLEASE can someone help .... iv now ran out of ideas

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I wonder if someone can help me ..... i have two Rankins, one male and one female housed together in a 15inch wide - 56inch long tank with a 60W ceramic bulb and repti-glo 10.0, (both brand new bulbs) its heat reg with a habistat:

................ hot ...............cold
Day...... 33.5c - 37.7c ..... 26c - 28c

night....... 29c - 31c .......... 21c

i have two therm sensors one in cool end and one directly on the basking spot, the habitstat sensor is next to the therma sensor on the basking spot.

i bath them twice a week -- Tues/Fri, they have lots of fresh veg and mealworms on offer, they wont eat crickets etc (trust me iv tried!) they have a good sized water bowl. they are on Calcisand which neither have been eating plus a small bowl of calcidust on offer too.

I have had them about 2 weeks, i bought them from a lady who said they are about 6 months old although i think they maybe a month or so older as the male has suddenly over the past few weeks grown and now has a very wide head and his beard is darkening! my boy is growing up lol the male is very lively and very healthy eating plenty of mealworms even from hand but the female is starting to concern me the last few days she has not seemed very happy ... she will spend most of the day in her water bowl !! i take her out and place her in the warm and she perks up but then returns back to the water 10 mins later, she will go a day where she is fine and perky then a day when she is quiet and hides! i have noticed during her hiding times her beard get darker so obviously not very happy although her beard settles down and lightens up when i take her out and sit her on my chest. i have not seen her eat but i have been out most days and a lot of the veg has been eatten but not sure by who!!

At the moment she is asleep in her water bowl again!! im not sure if its stress as their viv was changed etc but the male is VERY happy and very cheeky!! on her good days she will tap at the glass to get your attention and to make it known she wants to come out so not quite sure what to make of it!

Any advise would be welcome :) she is well hydrated as is bathed twice a week and sits in it all day!!

I have just weighed them Male - 97g and Female - 75g they are both the same age

UPDTAE - i bought a 2nd viv to put the female in yesterday but she still insists on staying in the water bowl!! i have kept her hydrated by feeding her water and i have also been feeding her small amounts of veg baby food with nutrabol and calci powder in to see if this helps :(


Sub-Adult Member
You may want to view the care pages about housing two together. This may be part of the problem you are seeing. Good luck, I'm sure more knowledgeable people will chime in soon.


Original Poster
thank you for your reply, they are both fine together and will quite often at night sleep together, they have never faught or shown any agressive behaviour to each other, they are actually quite cute together!!


Gray-bearded Member
I'm sorry I can't be of any help to you, my suggestion was to separate them.. Maybe try posting this in the Behaviors and Health discussions forums. It will be seen by more people and hopefully someone will be able to help.

Hello. Sorry for the late response. I have twO rankins male and female, the thing about rankins as they actually like water. And a lot of the time you will find them hanging out in there water dish. So u shouldn't b too worried about it. Just don't let her b in there all day as she will need heat to process the food she's eaten and also get her in the mood to eat more. As for the cohabitation, it's never recommended but it's a little more acceptable than it is with a beardie( which is a no no:)) back to the water dish. At the least you could move it under the basking lamp that way she gets the best of both her worlds:)
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i wont stop asking questions and being a worry wart about my lil qibli ! >:)
You know you talk a lot when you post 300 messages within one month of joining a website…oops 😂
Tried to take Wilson out this morning and let me tell you he is NOT a morning beardie !! got the angry beard !!
either she really likes me, or shes hungry
I can’t wait to see Dr.Wilson be a big dragon but I try to cherish hard the moments while he still fits in my hand 🦎

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