Oh crap, still no poop

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So we rescued Cosmic Honey (hey, that's what you get when a 7 year old and a 4 year old compromise on a name). We were told he is pooping 1 time a day, loves his kale, and eats meal worms from her hand (red flag on the meal worms). We got him home, warmed him up, and he ate about 15 crickets, would not touch Kale or Collard Greens. Monday he ate a few crickets, no veggies. Tuesday no eating, so I gave him some Repta-Aid (from syringe, he did not fight opening his mouth). I gave him some more of that this morning. As of this morning, no poops.

I have given him 1 warm bath each day.

He is about 1 year, looks health except for his war wounds (see my wound care post in health).

He is in a 20 gallon (75 gallon will be at the house on Friday) tank. 75 Watt basking light (white in color) and a 10.0 UVB Repti Sun 18" florescent tube. He is getting more lethargic...

I am concerned about the poop. He was in a tank with what looked like garden soil, and was fed meal worms... poor boy.

Here is the plan. bath 2 times a day while messaging his belly (left or right side, I read conflicting posts) giving him a couple (6 drops) of olive oil with his repta-aid before the bath. I really will get a bunch of crap from my wife if I have to take this one to the vet too. I am going to get some gator-aid to give him some of that too.

He has seemed to lose any interest in crickets, and has never ate the greens. anything else I should do?


Juvie Member
how old is he?

i would not feed kale as it binds calcium

hopefully the soaks and the olive oil will help move things along

i dont remember which side to rub so i would just do both lol

how close can he get to the uvb?

most likly it is the soil/mealworms hopefully he passes that soon

Jasper's Mom

BD.org Addict
Try lactulose. It's a very gentle laxative (humans can use it too!) that you can get at the drug store. Usually it's kept behind the counter in 1L containers, but most pharmacists will sell you a smaller amount. I have been using it with a very severely impacted rescue dragon, and she finally passed a huge poop today! Try giving 0.5 ml orally once a day for two days and then wait and see what happens. Make sure he is well hydrated first though - keep giving lots of baths, and try getting him to drink a few mls of water each day. Also, I would hold off on feeding him too much more until he poops. It won't help to get things backed up any further.

P.S. I really like the name Cosmic Honey. :D


Original Poster
So it appears the guy has little red mites under its scales... will those cause it to stop eating?



Original Poster
Ohhhh... got a call from the wife...

He just "had the biggest, nastiest poop I have ever seen"!


The gasping has stopped. Noe to kill the mites and get this guy healthy


Juvie Member
well mites are VERY difficult to get rid of

he will need to go to the vet for medication and everything in his cage that is not made out of solid materials(anything wood or carpet etc)
need to be thrown away and everything needs to be soaked in a bleach solution including the tank

i would make a seperate post about that so people can tell you exactly what needs to be none

i am just going by what i have heard as i have never had tp deal with them myself
good luck


Original Poster
Well, I have confirmed the mites. They are TINY little buggers, the size of a period on this page. They are red in color, and sure enough, they do move.

I purchased a product called Jurasic Mite. I sprayed him, and left him like that for 3 hours. then gave him a Bedadine bath. then used the product again, with a soft tooth brush and sort of massaged it around where I saw the mites. Several let go.

He is doing some strange behavior, looking like he is digging in the glass on the bottom of the tank he is in. Then he lays down. He does not want to bask.

He was uninterested in food, but readily ate applesauce from a dropper.

It seems like I will be in for a long haul with this one. Turns out this is really a rescue after all.

So I plan on offering him baby food, repta-aid and stuff like that for several days, while treating the mites. I will continue the product, and baths 2x a day for a week, cleaning the tank at least 1 time a day. I will be moving him to a new 75 gallon enclosure soon.

Good times!


Juvie Member
hmmm from what i ahev heard the mite stuff at the store does not work well enough

i dont remember something about that it doesnt kill the eggs or something

anyway for now use only paper towels and totally wash the cage with a bleach solution
keep nothing in the cage unless it is made of plastic and wash that everyday

mites are very difficult to get rid of


Original Poster
The mite battle continues.

On Saturday I gave him a long bah, brushed him with the soft tooth brush and we eliminated at least 30 mites.

This morning I gave him another bath and another 5 or so mites were removed. I gave him another spraying of that jurrasic mite stuff. little guy seems to tolerate it ok. I have not seen him eat on his own yet. I keep a salad in the cage most of the day, and a couple crickets. My In-Laws say they saw him chasing and eating crickets, so that would be nice. I am giving him about 4cc of the reptile apatite stimulate stuff from pet co, and am able to feed him squash and sweet potato. If I lift his lip up with the veggies he will open up and chew it up. Otherwise he shows no interest.

the war is not over, but I think we are winning the battles.


Juvie Member
good luck lol

i know it takes forever o get rid of them so it sounds like it is going well so far
keep us updated


Prune baby food. Bathe him in the sink in warm water, Rub him under the belly from behind his front legs to the vent, you must do this for 20 minutes after feeding him a little bit of prune baby food. It is a natural laxative in animals. I had some rescued beardies that had been impacted for 4 days with no poo, this saved their poor little lives, you should have seen the piles they left in my sink <.< 4 days of blockage is one big mess of poo.


Hatchling Member
JessySihk":a7821 said:
Prune baby food. Bathe him in the sink in warm water, Rub him under the belly from behind his front legs to the vent, you must do this for 20 minutes after feeding him a little bit of prune baby food. It is a natural laxative in animals. I had some rescued beardies that had been impacted for 4 days with no poo, this saved their poor little lives, you should have seen the piles they left in my sink <.< 4 days of blockage is one big mess of poo.

I am going to have to give this a try.. Our little girl has gone 8 days now and nothing... But the odd thing.. She is getting MORE active since we got her and I separated her from her mate.. And eating more.. Today she gobbled up all her salad and some apple bits as well as some banana bits.. I am going to get some of that prune baby food when I hit the store tomorrow..

Also, how do you go about giving her the mineral or olive oil? Put it in a syringe? How do you get them to open their mouths?


Usually giving them baby food will ge thtem opening their mouths when they lick at it, i would just add the oil to the baby food. Do this as soon as you can, the whole bathing procedure and stuff. if shes gone 8 days thats def. not good.
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