Obsessed with beardie

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BeardieGrandma":3m5g9sno said:
My latest viv obsession is that I want a viv that opens in the front instead of the top. Unless I build it myself I probably won't get one. I'm sure my obsessiveness will eventually drive me to get in the car and head to home depot for supplies :blob5:

I am in the process of having a new viv built for Spike and his new friend Beauty that will arrive in a couple of weeks. The plans we are using are at http://www.freewebs.com/crossfireenclosures/
My beardies live in my office at the children's home where I work. That way I get to see them all the time and show them off any time someone walks by. At Easter, we have a homecoming at the children's home. I am thinking the "kids" need some dress clothes for the occassion. A tux for Spike and a formal for Beauty. What do you think? Do you know any websites that sell clothes for beardies?


Juvie Member
Original Poster
wow!, I cannot believe the amount of people who spoil there beardies. My husband thinks I am CRAZY !, I pay more attention to the beardie than him OR my dog. I dont know why, he is just so cute. How old is your beardie and how long do you keep him out for?


Juvie Member
Original Poster
wow!, I cannot believe the amount of people who spoil there beardies. My husband thinks I am CRAZY !, I pay more attention to the beardie than him OR my dog. I dont know why, he is just so cute. How old is your beardie and how long do you keep him out for?


Sub-Adult Member
I have 2 beardies,male and female Alf,my female is 2 1/2 years old we hold her as long as we want,providing she is warm enough and then sometimes we wrap her in her blankie and a hand warmer.Gimli is 1 1/2 same with him.We also let them run around on the couch as long as 2 of us can be there to prevent runaways LOLOLOL


Too funny! I think I also have become a little obsessed! My hubby is constantly telling me to "just leave him alone"!! I'm always watching him, feeding him, and checking his temps! Lol.... after all, he's just a baby!!


Sub-Adult Member
If I'm obsessed,my husband passed tht point a long time ago. He's the one who showed me beardies for the first time.We were at one of our friends places,(he used to do animal rescues but got too many animals and is trying to find homes and thin out some of what he has because he was running out of space) he runs a graphics business and was doing the checker board pattern for our daughters car.He had a beardie and my hubby fell in love with the beardie this guy had.He showed me and asked what I would think about having one for a pet,I said(and I quote)"What is it?" So we agreed that I would get on the computer and do some research,I found this website and began reading and asking questions.Then found a good breeder and 6 months later got our first beardie,then almost a year later got our second one.First thing my hubby does after we get up is to go to the tanks and talk to each of our babies then gets ready for work.If he THINKS something is wrong he yells at me to come check it out. I am the only one who has done the research and what my hubby knows he has learned from me,but he worries like an old mother hen.I love my dragons very much,we all do.We have a 20 yaer old daughter and a 11 year old son.......Our daughter(actually my step-daughter but we don't count steps,steps are something you walk on) is in college,but our son gets to help with them in the evenings and on weekends.He helps feed,bathe,handle,etc............Sorry so long of a post.


BeardieGrandma":2itv0zp2 said:
Yes I am obsessed as well. When I'm home I check on her constantly to see what she's doing, is she basking, has she pooped, is she getting UVB, is she looking at me when I call her, what is she doing now? How many crickets did she eat? Do I have enough crickets? How many days in a row have I dusted calcium? Did I dust vitamins this week? Are the reptiworms holding up (haven't turned into flies yet)? Time to clean the viv? Get rid of the germs and bacteria? What's her poop look like today? Right color? All digested? It goes on and on and on...
I'm also obsessed with tweaking her viv to reach the right temps, lighting, beardie comforts. I'm so happy today - I went out to Walmart and bought a light fixture and mounted it on the inside of her tank (I had one perched on top of the screen top and I was obsessing that she wasn't getting adequate UVB) with double stick velcro tape. Her viv is so much brighter now. Obsessively measured distance from potential spots where she sits to make sure we're in the 6-8" range.
My latest viv obsession is that I want a viv that opens in the front instead of the top. Unless I build it myself I probably won't get one. I'm sure my obsessiveness will eventually drive me to get in the car and head to home depot for supplies :blob5:
i found one of those tanks at petsmart but there was a heating pad on the bottom so if something went wrong the beardie would get burned :( so i didn't buy it. I know what you mean though like i HATE the top to the viv. it's so loud when it take it off. My beardie is so spoiled. he has a leash and i think i'm going to buy a carrier for him. even though we don't go out much. but it think it would be funny to see peoples facing in like a public place.
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