No Halogen anymore - replacement


Gray-bearded Member
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So far I'm using as basking lights a Zoomed ReptiBasking Spot 100W and a halogen flood lamp 100W from the hardware store. With that, I get the temperatures right.
It looks to me right now like here (Chile) the halogen flood lamps aren't sold anymore (I have one left as replacement). The hardware stores now only sell a similar model but as a LED. I guess this won't be hot enough? What would you suggest as a replacement?
I cannot get anything from Arcadia here, only a limited selection from Zoomed (and what hardware stores sell, of course).

I had
now they sell some similar looking but package says LED:
I cannot show a photo, however.

Any suggestions? Getting the LED for light, and a heat emitter and will this together replace the 100W halogen flood lamp I was using so far?

(For UVB, I have the ReptiSun tube and I will keep this.)


Gray-bearded Member
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This one is also similar to what I get now (this is a German website, description is translated: this replaces a 75W reflector, has 9.5 W)

Likely with replacing a 100 W halogen with that, I won't get basking temperatures right.

Claudiusx Sicko
Staff member
LED's will not get hot enough. The reason halogens have been banned most everywhere is because they are extremely inefficient in terms of power usage -> light output. A lot of energy used by halogen bulbs is radiated off as heat instead of light. That's good for our use, but bad for most everyone else's use of a lightbulb.

You will most likely need to start using reptile specific basking bulbs now if you're no longer able to find halogens.

In the states we call them feed stores, places where you can go for farming supplies such as livestock feed, baby chickens, etc. A lot of times these stores will carry some type of halogen or heating bulb because they are common in raising baby chickens. Might be worth checking out some of those types of stores if you have any around you.



Gray-bearded Member
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Thanks for your reply :)

That with a LED it won't be hot enough, and why they are replacing other bulbs now, I was knowing that (otherwise I had just bought the LED and wondered afterwards... ;) )
Primarily question is: What should I buy now?

I already have one basking bulb, the Zoomed one - should I now use two of them, one of them is then replacing the halogen? Or is it better to use a ceramic emitter for the heat plus a LED for enough light? If that would be an option, which wattage would you recommend?

Might be worth checking out some of those types of stores if you have any around you.
Here are no such stores, but I'll check online. (I'm i a city in the Atacama desert and there are also no villages or any kind of farming around. While I was in the US I indeed saw those stores rather often, lived a while in Tennessee.)

Edit: Checked this online.
What I have found online regarding lamps for chickens are these bright red infrared lights. It's the same type as what my parents use for chickens. I'm pretty sure this is not the correct type - as far as I know no colored bulbs for beardies. Also this won't be very bright.
Or are there other types that are not red but emit visible light?
I could get this one:
Is also sold in stores for reptiles here - then, for more light add a LED?
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KarrieRee Sicko
Beardie name(s)
Hiccup he is 6 and Blaze is 5
Thanks for your reply :)

That with a LED it won't be hot enough, and why they are replacing other bulbs now, I was knowing that (otherwise I had just bought the LED and wondered afterwards... ;) )
Primarily question is: What should I buy now?

I already have one basking bulb, the Zoomed one - should I now use two of them, one of them is then replacing the halogen? Or is it better to use a ceramic emitter for the heat plus a LED for enough light? If that would be an option, which wattage would you recommend?

Here are no such stores, but I'll check online. (I'm i a city in the Atacama desert and there are also no villages or any kind of farming around. While I was in the US I indeed saw those stores rather often, lived a while in Tennessee.)

Edit: Checked this online.
What I have found online regarding lamps for chickens are these bright red infrared lights. It's the same type as what my parents use for chickens. I'm pretty sure this is not the correct type - as far as I know no colored bulbs for beardies. Also this won't be very bright.
Or are there other types that are not red but emit visible light?
I could get this one:
Is also sold in stores for reptiles here - then, for more light add a LED?
Please do not use a CHE as a basking bulb --- they are good for heat only - NO red infrared lights either - you want a solid clear bright white bulb - can you order from Amazon?


Gray-bearded Member
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Please do not use a CHE as a basking bulb --- they are good for heat only - NO red infrared lights either - you want a solid clear bright white bulb - can you order from Amazon?
I know a CHE won't replace a basking bulb, but can a CHE plus a LED (focused on the same spot) replace a basking bulb, or not? (I had never seen a CHE switched on, don't know how they behave.)

I can get basking bulbs (Zoomed) - I'm already using one of them in addition to the halogen in the setup, should I in the future replace the halogen once I can't get it anymore with another one of them?

I currently do use a 100 W Zoomed basking bulb
and a 100 W halogen, and have more of these. But I want to plan ahead as I might not be able to buy halogen bulbs in the future.
If I would have to switch to 2 Zoomed lamps in the future, it's better I know ahead as most stores have about one per month in stock or so, and I of course want to make absolutely sure to have proper light/heat as I know this is super crucial for the health of a bearded dragon and I take this very serious.

Regarding Amazon:
Amazon is not really available here. Well, technically it is - I can get only items from sellers that ship internationally, so with 220 V I would have to order from Europe. As import fees are steep, and packages often arrive in not good conditions, I would rather use what is already available in the country instead of ordering a fragile electronic item like a bulb.

I guess people in Europe or other countries where they switch to LED only will have the same problem, or? What are they using, 2 basking bulbs or a different combination? I have seen that some people have in addition (!) a LED?
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KarrieRee Sicko
Beardie name(s)
Hiccup he is 6 and Blaze is 5

I know a CHE won't replace a basking bulb, but can a CHE plus a LED (focused on the same spot) replace a basking bulb, or not? (I had never seen a CHE switched on, don't know how they behave.)

I can get basking bulbs (Zoomed) - I'm already using one of them in addition to the halogen in the setup, should I in the future replace the halogen once I can't get it anymore with another one of them?

I currently do use a 100 W Zoomed basking bulb
and a 100 W halogen, and have more of these. But I want to plan ahead as I might not be able to buy halogen bulbs in the future.
If I would have to switch to 2 Zoomed lamps in the future, it's better I know ahead as most stores have about one per month in stock or so, and I of course want to make absolutely sure to have proper light/heat as I know this is super crucial for the health of a bearded dragon and I take this very serious.

Regarding Amazon:
Amazon is not really available here. Well, technically it is - I can get only items from sellers that ship internationally, so with 220 V I would have to order from Europe. As import fees are steep, and packages often arrive in not good conditions, I would rather use what is already available in the country instead of ordering a fragile electronic item like a bulb.

I guess people in Europe or other countries where they switch to LED only will have the same problem, or? What are they using, 2 basking bulbs or a different combination? I have seen that some people have in addition (!) a LED?
You can use two of the Zoo Meds but make sure your getting a surface basking temp w/ a digital probe thermometer so your getting the right temp and the wattage is correct -- can you order Flukers basking bulbs from Amazon? Flukers basking bulbs are good


Gray-bearded Member
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Thanks! I have a digital probe thermometer, and I would check the temperature of course after each change of the setup (that's what I'm also doing right now: checking the temperature regularly, plus absolutely after each change of the setup or other things changing in the room the enclosure is in (that temperature doesn't drop when windows are open for example), and I did this of course also in the beginning to get the temperatures right before I got my dragon at all).
How to keep everything as close as possible as how it is now was also my biggest worry, and I think I will have to use two Zoomed lamps then.

I have read of Flukers when investigating which lamps are possible, but the same as with Arcadia for the tube: No, not available here, and ordering from Amazon if it can be shipped at all (rarely) has usually very high import fees (sometimes it says "no import fee deposit" but they charge it afterwards).
Also I would need 220 V, haven't found this for Flukers at all but only for the US market (110 V), so even if accepting high import fees it's not possible. (In case there is a 220 V from Flukers, I might buy some in Europe in a few month. Do you know by any chance?)
What I can get here is Zoomed only, they have a version with 220 V.

Could you link me an example of the ones for poultry you think are appropriate? I only know about IR ones which are bright red IR lamps, like we indeed used them for raising chicken, and I can only find the red ones (no worries, I would not use those of course), but I would guess you know about other ones? Any example?
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Claudiusx Sicko
Staff member
Typically the poultry ones are the red colored bulbs, but i've seen clear regular halogens for this same purpose at my feed store still.

Pardon me for my ignorance on what is and isn't available in your country, but do you have access to Amazon or any similiar sites? If so, you can search for "Broader bulbs" as that is what they are called when used for the baby chicks. You will see a lot of the red ones, but you should be able to find some clear ones too.



Gray-bearded Member
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I don't really have access to Amazon. There is no Amazon Chile for ordering things (they had planned doing so but it didn't come). From Amazon, I can only order what is shipped worldwide,
and there are especially steep import fees on electronics, and we have here 220 V (so it must be from Europe). Ordering one from Germany is 30 Euros shipping/import fee - no, then I'm even better off using Zoomed only, that's 10 USD (or Euros) converted shipping fee within Chile.

I have access to "" as well as some "mom-and-pop"-style pet stores that ship Chile-wide (pet stores in the city here are only for dogs and cats, and also tiny).
I regularly check the pet stores that ship, like the one I linked above (I usually order from, as well as (that's also just what the stores have as they often offer it there in addition as on their website; this isn't a big warehouse like Amazon) regularly, also for getting a basking bulb. I currently use one Zoomed basking bulb and one halogen - I can get a Zoomed basking bulb for (including shipping) for what is like 25 USD, and they are hard to get as stores have usually one and then "out of stock" for months; once I even ordered and after ordering "successfully" I was told no sorry, they have run out. (I always keep a few replacements.)

This is why I look into options to maybe not having to use even two of those almost-always-out-of-stock ones.

So thanks for the suggestion that there might be clear ones.
I would have to check out how these bulbs are called here (the ones used for chickens), of course, as English just isn't used here at all. (Also the Zoomed basking bulb here runs under "Zoomed Ampolleta Asoleamiento" ;) ) I was looking through yesterday in the search for some "ampolleta halogena", "100W P36 halogena" but nothing yet, always redirects to the new LED replacement, or shows the black ceramic ones for "calefaccion aves".
This is for example when I look at the store website of a store for "aves" (poultry): CALEFACCION archivos • Aves Vilcún
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Gray-bearded Member
Beardie name(s)
You can try using intermediaries when ordering from Amazon. I live in Europe and often use the services of similar companies. these companies provide you with a US address to which you order delivery. As soon as the intermediary company receives your package in America, it will forward it to you in Chile. I often use the services of such companies when ordering from eBay, because usually sellers are not ready to send interesting and rare goods by international mail.


Gray-bearded Member
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With "ampolleta de cría aves" I found
Do you think this is appropriate?
This lamp is very similar to a metal halide lamp. You should check to see if a ballast is required for use with the lamp. If you need ballast, then there is no doubt that it is a metal halide lamp. You should also make sure that the spectrum of the lamp looks as similar as possible to the sun


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Gray-bearded Member
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You can try using intermediaries when ordering from Amazon. I live in Europe and often use the services of similar companies. these companies provide you with a US address to which you order delivery. As soon as the intermediary company receives your package in America, it will forward it to you in Chile. I often use the services of such companies when ordering from eBay, because usually sellers are not ready to send interesting and rare goods by international mail.
I've seen that as I looked up options on how to buy several things here - still high import fees as here they charge heavily on electronics. And how to file a complaint if something arrives broken, if there are multiple parties involved?

I have relatives in Germany, and they might be able to send me something. But in total still more complicated and more expensive than buying the Zoomed here.
(I will bring extra lamps from Germany when I travel there at the end of the year.)

It isn't like I'm running out of bulbs and can't get anything.
I had just hoped there is anything that is appropriate and I can buy more easily (halogen lamp was so easy: just buying it in the hardware store downtown for what is like 2 USD) instead of now having to use twice as much of those Zoomed bulbs.

You should also make sure that the spectrum of the lamp looks as similar as possible to the sun
Exactly that's why I worried - I cannot find any information on this.
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Aww your profile picture is precious ❤️‍🩹
Hey! I'm planning on ordering a 4x2x2 for my next beardie but I'm worried about lighting. I have a UVA and a UVB but they are small (the UVA just being a bulb and the UVB being 12 ish inches?) My house is drafty so I need a strong light that puts off quite a good amount of heat, any suggestions?

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