New User Image Upload Feature!!

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New member
Hi there!
Quick question, I am trying to upload a picture from my iPad to post in introductions, but for some reason it is changing the orientation from portrait to landscape. Any tips? Thanks in advance :)

beardie Sicko
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Cailyth, Pinky, & Brain
That's a bug. I haven't figured out what is causing it. Not all images do that, though. People have suggested that if they re-export an image it will often fix the problem. Unfortunately, until I get some time to look at that code, there's no better solution.

CooperDragon Sicko
Staff member
I've read that this may have to do with the orientation of the camera in an iOS device and the way it labels the photo. Try holding the camera with the home button to the left and then to the right and see if there is a difference in the orientation of the uploaded photos.

beardie Sicko
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Beardie name(s)
Cailyth, Pinky, & Brain
So, I tested this with my iPhone. I had a picture I took in vertical position. I uploaded it and it came out sideways. So I tested an idea. I used the photos app to edit the photo I rotated it sideways and saved it. Then I edited it again to rotate it back to straight then saved it. Then I re-uploaded it. That time it uploaded correctly. This seems to ultimately be an issue with how the iPhone/iPad is saving orientation when it takes the picture. It seems to do it correctly when edited and saved even though it looks correct both times on the iPhone. So, that's another workaround option.



Hatchling Member
I was going to say the same thing. I have that sideways issue when I download the pictures to my pc from my phone. all I do is open them in an editor program like paint and then save it then in uploads properly.

beardie Sicko
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Beardie name(s)
Cailyth, Pinky, & Brain
I need to look at what causes that with the image processing libraries I use for programming and see how such issues are handled. What I use is common enough that people should have seen and solved this issue. I just need to get some time for it. And after the recent server upgrades, my wife wants some time with me back. Heh.


Hatchling Member
I will bounce the issue off my son, he is into programming and web master. I'll see if he has had any issues.


Hatchling Member
Do you have to access the uploader from this page or can you access it somewhere else. I only found a way to it from this post.

CooperDragon Sicko
Staff member
There is a link to it on the right side menu (or via the drop down in the mobile version of the site). It's under "Other Fun Stuff"
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