New to this and need help!!!

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Gray-bearded Member
Oh, it's so good to hear that Zoey is eating! :D I wish my Nim wouldn't eat so much! :lol: I find it funny that Nim is shedding again. Just after his body shed he is beginning to do his leg, tail and nose shed. It's freaky. My poor boy is growing so fast he doesn't get a break from itchy skin. Is your Zoey shedding yet? If she is eating more then she is going to be shedding. :)


Juvie Member
My lil Stumpy is shedding again too... I think Stumpy is a she, actually... No wonder he/she is always mad at me... I have been calling her a him. I am PRETTY sure that she is she anyway. I took a pic earlier and I am pretty sure I can only see one bump, not two.

How is Zoe doing today?


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My little eating machine is still sleeping...she will be getting up soon. She had a late night last night so I figured she could use some extra zzzz's this morning. :) Yesterday she was in her cage and decided to get all worked up (I think she saw the dog's tail) so i took her out. As soon as I picked her up she instantly chilled out and decided to learn about technology (after running around on the bed first of course) daughter got the game "Ant Smash" (pretty sure that's the name of it) on her cell and she and Zoey played until I started the vacuum (meany that I am!) and distracted her. LOL FUNNIEST THING I HAVE EVER SEEN!! This game is a must have for any beardie owner. lol They look like real bugs crawling around. She likes the flies cause they go in circles all the way to the bottom, her little tongue was working overtime. lol The hardest part was not giggling hysterically and scaring her. i got the idea from someone on here that said it's hours of entertainment and they couldn't be more right. :) Funny thing is, they aren't necessarily hungry when they do it either, one of the guys said he plays the game with his little one then stops to feed him thinking he's starving and won't eat, just wants to play the game. :mrgreen: For those of us old enough to remember that there really was a time before computers and the internet (anyone under 30 refers to it as the dark ages), who would have ever thought that a phone would be a form of entertainment for a beardie?? lol

I keep thinking she is getting ready to shed (she is growing so fast!!) but nothing. Her back is looking kind of rubbery and she's gotten A LOT lighter so I assume it will be any time now She is getting a deep orange, almost red on her head and would be nice if that stuck! By the way, Mariah did get good pics of her last night, crawling around on the blankets and pillows. She is familiar enough with us now that as soon as you put her down, first she crawls on us for a while, then she is off discovering as far as we will let her venture. :) Mariah works from 7 AM to 10 PM today so pics will probably be up tomorrow. I can't wait to post them, there is such a difference in her size and she looks so much calmer than she did before...not to mention the belly she now has! By the time she is done with her cricket feeding frenzy she has to spread out her back legs and squat instead of just sitting normally. Very funny!!

I'll tell you, I never thought I could love something like this little girl so much. I don't mean for it to sound like she is a "thing", but I know everyone here gets what I mean!


Hatchling Member
I must have this game! How cool is that! When I looked tho there was 'ant squish' 'insect smash' or 'ant smasher' I have an iPhone is it only for android? =/ I would love to play this game with Rigs!!!
traceyb73":3l6bul3j said:
I am happy to report that our little Riley is a brand new girl this morning!! Within the first few minutes of my checking on her when I got up, she already moved more than the previous 36 hours! She even did the turning of her head from side to side (shaking her little head NO). Since her body, not counting her tail, is no longer than my index finger, I'm not sure who she thought she was going to scare and I think that made it even cuter. She was responsive when I turned on her light, something that yesterday didn't even cause her to move in the slightest or open her eyes. I can't tell you how happy I am. Keeping in mind I am a newbie at this, I have gone from referring to her as a "lizard" to a "dragon". ;) I will get some pics up today, I promise. I just want to thank everyone for all of the guidance, I think using paper towels instead of sand was the biggest help so far. We are going shopping today to get her set up the right way. I did notice this morning that the light bulb we got for her only goes up to 90 degrees. I know this is not ideal, especially for such a small, delicate little thing. Before we go shopping, let me just make sure I understand. We have 1 light for her now with the 100 watt bulb and that's it. We should also have the long, thin bulb for her to get her D vitamins right? I just want to make sure I get it right. When we were shopping, the only carpeting I found was green, is that ok? I'm talking a deep green, like grass. Also, i see alot of people have hammocks. Is this something that is suggested too?

Next question that has really been bothering me...of course I have been looking at a lot of pics of beardies. At 3 months are they supposed to look more like a salamander than a beardie? I've seen so many pics, some of which look just like her, other look like they are mini beardies. I know the male/female makes a difference, which is why I am calling her a female, but is there really this much of a difference at this age or did I mistake 3 months for 3 years with the pics I've seen?

i hope u got a uvb light and a heat light u only say "turned on her light" not lights they need this more than heat in a way its both vitamins and helps absorb calcium into theyre bones so they grow!!


Hatchling Member
Wow you really should read the whole post before you comment. Poor Riley is no longer with us and your not being very sensitive to Tracie, Thank you for trying to help but please read all before you do.


Sub-Adult Member
Original Poster
i hope u got a uvb light and a heat light u only say "turned on her light" not lights they need this more than heat in a way its both vitamins and helps absorb calcium into theyre bones so they grow!!

I know you are trying to help but Riley died 2 days after we got her (the day after this post)..:( My daughter thought it would be a good idea to get one from CL. (I had no idea what a bearded dragon even was. I thought, like a lot do, that it would be like having a hamster.I had NO idea. By the way, the novelty has already worn off for my daughter and she is officially MY beardie. Which is fine, cause she only comes to me anyway. lol) The woman who had Riley never once turned on a UV light of any sort and obviously knew nothing about beardies. :( She was as long as my index finger (not counting her tail) and she was supposed to be 3 months old. It was heartbreaking and I did get another one from a breeder and she is doing fantastic! I will admit, it has taken me weeks to get everything I need, but I FINALLY have a healthy dragon and the right setup, temps etc. I did say light, but I was also hysterical because she was seizing and doing all kinds of awful things that I won't post.

Thanks to everyone here, I am doing it right down to the very smallest piece of greens. :) Thank you though, that was really nice of you to mention it. Not being sarcastic. :) If you go back a couple pages, I have pics of the new little girl and will be starting a blog soon. :))))

*EDIT* I just read the post I wrote. You are right, i didn't have a UV bulb then. The lovely woman who sold us Riley said we didn't need one. :banghead: We got her on a Saturday night and I left that post on here early Sunday . We did go right out and get the rest of what she needed. :) Let me put it this date we have spent just about $500 on her and Zoey was pretty cheap. i am making sure we do it right because I love this little thing so much. :D Infact my daughter said to me last night that she saved me (Zoey). I have health issues (I was injured in 1995) and Zoey takes my mind off of the chronic, severe pain and makes life tolerable. :D


Juvie Member
traceyb73":37f9ajr4 said:
:D Infact my daughter said to me last night that she saved me (Zoey). I have health issues (I was injured in 1995) and Zoey takes my mind off of the chronic, severe pain and makes life tolerable. :D

I SO know what you mean there... you are not alone with that one.



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ynevar":1sfg2fkr said:
traceyb73":1sfg2fkr said:
:D Infact my daughter said to me last night that she saved me (Zoey). I have health issues (I was injured in 1995) and Zoey takes my mind off of the chronic, severe pain and makes life tolerable. :D

I SO know what you mean there... you are not alone with that one.

Thank God for these little guys. I get more therapy from this littke girl than any human. Oh and we found out this morning Zoey LOVES Michael Buble. LOL It is so funny to watch her. No, its not stress, her stess marks go away and she almost looked like she was dancing....yes I know she wasn't but she did like it. :)


Gray-bearded Member
Oh! :D That is so sweet. I have to try some music with Nim. Okay, Nim did the CUTEST thing while he was eating. So, I gave him a wonderful salad of canned crickets and dandelion greens. And I watched him eat, like I always do. Well, a piece of dandelion green was stuck on the side of his mouth. And it was so cute watching the poor lizard try to get the green. :lol: He probably didn't like me laughing at him, but he was so cute! :D Also, I think he is killing me. Every time I see him, I want to pick him up and kiss him to death! :D Yes, I said kiss. I know I may be risking salmonella but I kissed my turtle and am fine. So I highly doubt I'll get it from Nim. Anyways, I have a thread for this. And that is where I'll put this. Plus some other things. :D I just had to share Nim's terrible cuteness. If cuteness could kill, I may die tomorrow. :lol:


Sub-Adult Member
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TheWerewolf":39twlmmy said:
Oh! :D That is so sweet. I have to try some music with Nim. Okay, Nim did the CUTEST thing while he was eating. So, I gave him a wonderful salad of canned crickets and dandelion greens. And I watched him eat, like I always do. Well, a piece of dandelion green was stuck on the side of his mouth. And it was so cute watching the poor lizard try to get the green. :lol: He probably didn't like me laughing at him, but he was so cute! :D Also, I think he is killing me. Every time I see him, I. want to pick him up and kiss him to death! :D Yes, I said kiss. I know I may be risking salmonella but I kissed my turtle and am fine. So I highly doubt I'll get it from Nim. Anyways, I have a thread for this. And that is where I'll put this. Plus some other things. :D I just had to share Nim's terrible cuteness. If cuteness could kill, I may die tomorrow. :lol:
Hey stranger! How have you been? I didn't want to bother you cause I couldn't remember what day your sister was leaving. Isn't it the cutest thing when they miss something? Lol its usually carrots for Zoey but she loves her chin rubbed lightly...I am starting to think she is doing it on purpose. ;) Did you mean you added to your blog? Our internet is out, I guess there was a bad accident this morning, so I'm not getting any notifications. Plus I only have this little screen on my phone so its tough to get around on here today. :(


Gray-bearded Member
traceyb73":2ddby8sf said:
Hey stranger! How have you been? I didn't want to bother you cause I couldn't remember what day your sister was leaving. Isn't it the cutest thing when they miss something? Lol its usually carrots for Zoey but she loves her chin rubbed lightly...I am starting to think she is doing it on purpose. ;) Did you mean you added to your blog? Our internet is out, I guess there was a bad accident this morning, so I'm not getting any notifications. Plus I only have this little screen on my phone so its tough to get around on here today. :(

I've been fine! :D My sister has been gone for awhile now. Thank you for thinking to 'not bother me' though. :D (no sarcasm intended.) This was the first time Nim has missed something. I try not to reach my hand in the cage because he fears it. I really don't know why. I don't have a 'blog' per-say but it's Nim thread that is my blog. So you could call it that. I could start a real blog but somehow I don't like the format. I'm weird like that. :) Yeah, sometimes our internet cuts out. And because we don't have much money I don't have a smartphone. Neither mom or my brother. My dad does, but it's his work phone and my two other sister's have ones but they are an hour away from us. So when the high-speed internet decides to cut out we have nothing to do. :D But thankfully that is rarely. Hope your internet comes back soon! :D


Hatchling Member
Oh goodness I kiss Rigs all the time! I have heard about the risks but I love this lil guy! Do you guys think hand sanitizer is good instead of washing my hands every time after I'm done? I so never care about getting sick it's probably not a good thing, but is salmonella deadly? :shock: lol =/


Sub-Adult Member
Original Poster
She's been gone for a while?? It wasn't that long ago. lol

As for Nim...when I pick Zoey up, I always make sure she sees me coming. She might try to wiggle a little but if I was in her situation i would too. lol do you pet him before you pick him up so he knows you're coming? I always move my hand kind of in front of her first, but with my palm just under her chin so she sees what I am doing. She knows when I do that it means I'm getting her. She's figuring it out too. :) Can't hurt to try!

Don't worry about the phone...mine isn't very smart either. :mrgreen: The internet usually isn't a problem. I keep forgetting to ask how lines over a freeway got pulled down. Poles and all! I guess it was a real mess.


Gray-bearded Member
traceyb73":31y0p2ws said:
She's been gone for a while?? It wasn't that long ago. lol

As for Nim...when I pick Zoey up, I always make sure she sees me coming. She might try to wiggle a little but if I was in her situation i would too. lol do you pet him before you pick him up so he knows you're coming? I always move my hand kind of in front of her first, but with my palm just under her chin so she sees what I am doing. She knows when I do that it means I'm getting her. She's figuring it out too. :) Can't hurt to try!

Don't worry about the phone...mine isn't very smart either. :mrgreen: The internet usually isn't a problem. I keep forgetting to ask how lines over a freeway got pulled down. Poles and all! I guess it was a real mess.

Well, I guess it seemed longer to me. :)

I think I tried picking Nim up like that. But he backs away. I really don't understand that lizard. I guess I'll try it one more time. I do hand feed him when I can. But the live crickets are hard to hang onto, the wax worms are fattening and the canned crickets are smelly! But I'll think of something. Oh, Nim cuddled last night. Using his bed to hold him and stuff. (Makes him softer, LOL) He is right now in his cage in the bed. I've found that the only way to make Nim use his bed is cuddle him first. Oh, but I love that lizard. I really do. Even with seven birds I am crazy for Nim. :D

I heard that cars can crash into a pole and it falls. Since we are in the middle of nowhere sometimes cars knock down the poles. Trees can do it. And storms can do it. I love it when it's night and the power goes out. Then we usually turn on the stupid generator. :( But is the generator runs out of gas, we light candles. Oh, I love it when that happens. Living the simple life sounds good enough for me. :) But, maybe a computer and phone. You know, for contacting people. :D I'm not writing much because I just got up. My mind needs a few minutes to wake up. Math usually does it. So after I'm done reading the things I posted on I'll go do math and return here once again! :D
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