New to the site and beardies, got some questions

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Juvie Member
First I want to say that before I purchased my dragon I did a ton of research through google, youtube, calling petstores, reading FAQ's etc but there is sooo much conflicting information that I am a bit overwhelmed. Second I want to say that I am trying to be super informed and maybe I am being a little bit OCD about this but I REALLY want to be a responsible owner and have a healthy, happy beardie that I can spend a lot of years with. I bought my beardie yesterday from petsmart, I know it's not considered the best place but I was in there just to buy my supplies and decided to look at them again. There was one specific beardie that was hanging around the front following my finger back and forth and cocking it's head at me. I'm a six foot two ex-football player and that 4 inch lizard made me fall in love and laugh like crazy lol So naturally I bought it immediately lol I purchased the 40 gallon breeder tank with the mesh top and got the basking light along with the other light necessary. I pretty much told the lady to give me the best lights she had, screw the cost because I wanted to do this little guy(or girl, can't tell) right. I purchased a water bowl and two separate food bowls, one for pellets and veggies, the other for worms and crickets. I bought live worms, live crickets and repcal. For the basking spot I have some drift wood that has been treated and baked in the oven to ensure there are no parasites then washed and dried again with a hair dryer. I also ordered 1000 extra small live crickets from a website along with the food and water supplement to keep those alive. Oh, and I got the reptile carpet for my substrate. Anyways on to my questions and concerns.

1. Feeding. The people at the store gave me a schedule that they have been keeping on the beardies. It consists of live crickets dusted in repcal every other day served with pellets and shredded carrots. Then mealworms mixed with pellets the other days. They suggested 3-6 crickets twice a day dropped in live and dusted with repcal on the days I give them crickets. This confused me a bit. I assume at this juncture the beardie is considered a baby and not a juvenile because of his size. Working on that assumption the schedule sounds good to me because I definitely don't want to overfeed it. If it is considered a juvenile though that is a different story from what I have read. I would need to feed a lot more crickets. I would appreciate any comments on if that is wrong or right. I've read so much info on juveniles but have not found much on babies. My beardie is only around 4 maybe 5 inches long. I have had it for two days now. Today I was able to confirm that he ate around 8 dusted crickets but did not touch the pellets or the shredded carrots. I am purchasing tomorrow some collard greens and assorted veggies I got off a list on Daichu to serve as well. I am mixing dusted crickets, one or two at a time in it to see if the beardie eats them. If not I have 1000 live ones being next day aired here lol

2. Substrate. I am using reptile carpet. I am thinking of switching over newspaper for now. I have heard sand is bad for them until they are an adult. Sand seems like it would be easier but if there is one thing I have seen argued about more than anything else it is the sand issue. I don't mind using newspaper, I am not a fan of the reptile carpet, I can't get it to lay down right and every time I drop the crickets in there they manage to get underneath it. I think it stresses the beardie because it chases them and they run under the edge of it and then the beardie looks at me like, "Dude, what just happened?" So if I can switch to newspaper or some other substrate please advise.

3. Temperature. I have two different thermometers on different ends of the terrarium, which is again a 40 gallon tank. The basking spot seems to average around 100 degrees during the day because it's a little chilly in my area right now but once summer hits it should rise quite a bit which is why I got a lamp that the amount of light can be adjusted with a rolling switch to dim or brighten. I figure here in Texas it hits 100+ most of summer and if it is that hot outside even inside with an air conditioner going the lamp on high could easily get too high. I will monitor the temp very closely to ensure it never drops too low during the day. The other side averages 80-85. I have the tallest branch stretched and supported to within 6-8 inches from the light with the thermometer on the basking end. It seems to enjoy that spot as it sits there pretty much constantly watching me move around the room unless I'm feeding it. I'm pretty sure I got this right I just wanted to confirm it all sounds good.

4. Hydration. This part concerns me. I have the water dish, which every source I read said is a good idea to have but that the beardie may not use it much which so far seems true. I have read that they get a lot of their hydration through bathing, having their veggies sprayed and being sprayed on the head. I have not seen my beardie drink at all. Today I drew a warm bath and let it soak for about 10 or so minutes and I have been using a small baster to drip drops of water on it's snout. When I dropped the water drops it drank but otherwise when I placed it by the water bowl it just looked at me like I was dumb, cocked it's head and ran back to it's basking spot. I am worried about hydration. I sprayed it lightly today and it just kinda started at me with it's mouth open like it was angry with me, not that I blame it. Is a bath, a light misting on the head and the drops enough for a young beardie?

5. Sleeping. It seems to be doing a lot of this today. When it is awake it seems alert and moves quickly but it spent a lot of time sleeping today. As of right now it is curled up in one of the natural hidespots from the driftwood dozing. It's breathing so lightly I can't even see it's side moving. I had to tap the cage a few times just to get it to open one eye and make sure it was still alive lol. I have heard this is the time of year they do what is their version of hibernating, brumation I believe is what it is called, but one so young shouldn't do that right? As I said it is very young and when it's awake it seems very alert but sleeps like a log.

6 THE NAME! For now the name is Rory. My name is Cory but my niece calls me uncle Rory because she can't say Cory for some reason and since I can't tell if it's male or female and the petstore was no help there I figure Rory is a nice unisex name. I have considered Nefarian for a boy or Onyxia for a girl. Both are powerful dragons in a fantasy game I play online. Any thoughts? I'm assuming they don't respond to names anyway but still lol

7. Handling. At such a young age and being just moved in I am avoiding contact for a few days as much as possible. I picked it up only to give it a bath and to show it the crickets I had just dumped in it's bowl. It seemed to enjoy it on the way to and from the bath when I stroked the top of it's head with my pinkie finger.

Finally, I apologize for the novel and any spelling or grammar mistakes, it is very late here, but again I want to be extra cautious so I can do this little fella/lady right. I read a lot of stuff and watched a ton of youtube videos that talked about this stuff but there were so many arguing comments on most of them I figured I would go to the biggest community I could find that was enthusiastic about this and see what they had to say. Please tell me if I am doing anything wrong. I tried to post a pic below of my new little buddy.


Juvie Member
Gratz on your new addition:) And welcome to the forums.

1)Feeding Schedule---3-4 crix every other day is essentially starving baby beardies. As they grow they need a lot of protein. It's recommended to feed them 2-3 times a day, as much as they can eat in a 10-15 min period. Dust with calcium once a day, 5 times a week, and once a day the other two days with multivitamin.Personally, I would ditch the pellets or you can put them in the cricket bin. Beardies do better with live food(that's my opinion though).Don't worry too much about overfeeding, when the beardie is full he'll stop. It's not uncommon for young beardies to eat upwards of 50-100 feeders a day.

2) Substrate---Reptile carpet is a good substrate, newspaper works good too. I use non-adhesive shelf liner.
This really depends on you. Slate tile is a really good one, as it will also help to keep the nails trimmed.
For dropping the feeders in, don't. Crix have been known to eat parts of the beardie( eyelids, toes, etc...)
I use a bin I bought from Walmart to feed Tiamat in (when he actually feels like eating).

3) Temperature--- The basking spot temp should be between 95-105 degrees Fahrenheit, with the ambient temp about 80 degrees. I'm assuming that you have the stick on thermometers, which can sometimes be off by 20 degrees. I use a digital Acurite I got from Walmart for $12. It has an external(for the basking spot) and an internal probe(for the ambient).

4) Hydration---
Today I drew a warm bath and let it soak for about 10 or so minutes
This is the best way to keep your beardie hydrated, do that at least twice a week. Misting occasionally isn't bad.

5) Sleeping--- You're right, it is too young for him to be brumating. As he adjusts to the new environment, he may do some weird things, like sleeping alot or not eating much or black bearding. This is called relocation stress. Usually goes away after a week or two.

6) Names---Beardies can accurately be sexed around 6 months or so. Some breeders can tell when they're really young, but for the most part six months. I thought Tiamat was a girl when we got him. Luckily the name means different things in different mythologys, so it works out.

7) Handling--- If your beardie will let you handle it, do it. He may run around a bit, which is normal. As they grow older, they'll calm down a bit. Before night-night time, when they're getting sleepy is a good time to cuddle with them.

Don't worry about grammar, I've seen alot worse here :D Good job with the novel, the more questions you ask the better.


Juvie Member
Definately more food daily then they recommended, and do away with the mealworms...bad news, specially him being so small


Juvie Member
Original Poster
Awesome replies. I really appreciate it. As I said I just want to make sure the little fella/lady is healthy and well-cared for. My family has always been very in to animals and he makes a great addition to a family that already includes 4 rescue dogs and a cat lol Of course living in the country and having a lot of room for the dogs to run helps lol I will definitely start dropping him into a feeder cage to eat from now on. 40 gallons is a lot for the little one to run around in. As an update I switched to newspaper today and when I got up this morning he was alert and watching my every move. I have given him the dusted crickets twice today. When I woke up and this afternoon when I returned from shopping. I appreciate the advice on everything. I'll be making more adjustments to but for now I have a paper to write. Thanks again!


They pretty much covered everything, but I just wanted to say I totally play WoW too. lol. Not so much since I went back to school in January, I got my mage to 85 and pretty much had to stop playing. Just one question, what kind of lighting did the person at petsmart recommend you get? especially for the UVB, they generally get it wrong and recommend the reptiglo 10.0 which from my understanding can actually be harmful to beardies. At the moment the best UVB bulb you can get is a reptisun 10.0 florescent bulb. has them fairly cheap. Also as honda said, don't feed the mealworms. They are to hard for babies to digest and can cause impaction. If you want to offer something besides crickets as a feeder just to add a little variety try phoenix worms/reptiworms.

Anyways welcome to the wonderful life of being a beardie slave.

Also, what a cutie pie you have. Keep us updated on him.

I am currently living through other peoples beardies as when I moved out of my dads house I had to leave mine with him, and now he has adopted them all and given them my old room.


Juvie Member
Original Poster
lol I love WoW but I have not played it as much lately either. I hit 85 on my Rogue and DK and they are heroic geared but my guild is made up of family members that don't like raiding much so I'm at a stall. As for the lighting.....

I got this lamp for basking:

with this bulb:


This is the other light I have:


I have not changed the bulb in the bottom one. It's whatever came stock in the package.
I run them both for the 14/10 split. I get up around 7:30 or 8am and turn them on then turn them off at around 10pm.

Here's Rory again.....Just for fun lol He was on my hand and started exploring until he got to my shoulders. I had my wife right there helping spot him in case he decided to jump to the bed.



Awww. She/he looks sooo tiny. I just wanted to let you know you should pull the plastic covering on the UVB light off as it doesn't go through the plastic. And the best UVB bulb out at the moment is the reptisun 10.0. Just a heads up. :)

How is everything with Rory going? Keep us updated. :mrgreen:


Juvie Member
Original Poster
jaymerz":3jtdun2p said:
Awww. She/he looks sooo tiny. I just wanted to let you know you should pull the plastic covering on the UVB light off as it doesn't go through the plastic. And the best UVB bulb out at the moment is the reptisun 10.0. Just a heads up. :)

How is everything with Rory going? Keep us updated. :mrgreen:

I made sure I did. I never keep those screens on anything cuz they bug me lol I did purchase a reptisun 10.0 because a lot of people told me that as well. Rory is doing well and I am pretty sure she is a she now lol I looked up the article on sexing and she has one bump not two, of course as young as she is I may be wrong. She has personality and even now loves to be held. When I come in the room she bounces along the walls until I stick my finger in the cage and she runs right on to it. She is eating better and seems to enjoy her baths. She gets in and closes her eyes until the warm in the water starts to fade then she runs at me like she is ready to get out lol She has grown a bit and I think she was small because I got her from petsmart and although the lady there seemed nice enough she wasn't getting the best care she could.

Here's a pic of her in the temporary home I had her in. I've since moved her in to one with a reptile carpet substrate and smoother driftwood with other fun additions lol



Juvie Member
Adorable bearded dragon; she (assuming she's a she) is adorable! So small. I remember when my bearded dragon was that small; I was so protective over him because he looked so small and fragile.

As for your questions, I agree with everything everyone has said so far, so you're definitely doing a good job if you take their advice. Glad to see you went through all of the effort and costs to ensure a happy, healthy life for your bearded dragon. Best wishes to you and Rory!


Hatchling Member
Nefarian40":24oihsia said:
with this bulb:


That bulb may not be Reptisun, but it is however the right type of UV. We have the same one for our 2 girls, no problems so far with the light affecting them. I'd take the plastic cover off the fixture though, or its not giving any UV off for your baby :)


Juvie Member
Original Poster
LaPrice":3v5shmzv said:
Nefarian40":3v5shmzv said:
with this bulb:


That bulb may not be Reptisun, but it is however the right type of UV. We have the same one for our 2 girls, no problems so far with the light affecting them. I'd take the plastic cover off the fixture though, or its not giving any UV off for your baby :)

Already replaced the bulb inside and the cover was taken off as soon as I pulled it from the box.


So glad to hear she is doing well and eating for you. :blob8: I love that pic of her, its almost like she is saying, "What dad?" lol.
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