New owner, Rescued beardie, ADV, Gout?

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Beardie name(s)
Hello Everyone! I have been watching this website for quiet some time and finally decided it was time to join!
I will attach photos of setup as well as my baby Valkyrie.
I adopted Valkyrie on 2/25/22 from petco due to her being returned to them because of feeding and feces issues. I got her home and she was eattting great but I noticed her poop was not normal looking at all. Solid bugs, extremely watery ect. I am a vet tech at my local clinic but unfortunately we do not see reptiles but I was able to run a fecal from my place. She was loaded with pin worms and a few other worms that I was not familiar with. I called the nearest reptile hospital and they got her in that day.
Dr said her exam was normal and she prescribed the following. While there they recommended testing for ADV, which I agreed to. Later that week I got the news that she was positive. Vet explained all about the virus and we will treat as or if symptoms occur.
Tribrissen 48mg 0.07ml every 24 hours for 2 days, then every 48 hours for 21 days, then recheck fecal (in the process of results)
Liquid panacur 0.05ml every 14 days for 4 doses.
I have been doing all these faithfully and her feces has greatly improved. Her appetite is amazing.
10 days later, I am back at the vet because I noticed her limping. My cat jumped on her tank breaking her screen. When I found her she was ok, looked a bit shakin up but nothing out of the ordinary until I seen her walk.
Vet noticed her limb was swollen and wanted to do xrays. I agreed and thankfully nothing was broken. She prescribed meloxicam 1.5mg 0.01ml every 24 hours for 3 days for inflammation. This issue occurred 3/10/22.
As of today Valkyrie is great....No limp but besides having a puffy front right wrist and back right wrist/toe.
I have been researching all over and I'm leaning towards gout. I have access to 300mg allopurinol but want to make sure I dose her properly. Any help is much appreciated!
Her diet
If anything is off please let me know!
She is around 6 mos...est
She loves dubia roaches (around 15 daily medium)
Crickets (10 -15 medium daily)
Bsfl(10 every other day, she is not big on them)
Blue worms ( one medium once a week, not big on these either)
Wax worms ( 5 once a week, her favorite)
All the greens she could eat. She loves her veggies!!
Collard greens
Butternut squash
Mustard greens
Her enclosure
Her basking side (which she hardly leaves) is always between 90°/95°
Cold side is 75°/80°
At night lights go off and we have a non heating ceramic light that keeps the temp right at 70°
Her humidity is always between 25%-30%
Tank size is 40gal.
I think I got everything! Please let me know if I didn't. Thanks in advance

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

So sorry she is having trouble! Were you able to get the meds mixed up very well? I hope so.
I hope she is going to be ok, & let us know how things are going.



Original Poster
Beardie name(s)

So sorry she is having trouble! Were you able to get the meds mixed up very well? I hope so.
I hope she is going to be ok, & let us know how things are going.

Update on lil Valkyrie.
At first glace vet believed she had MBD. Which again I'm not a specalist in reptiles but I don't agree she has that. I mentioned to her I have been doing cherry juice because I truly believed this was a gout issue and she agreed it could be a possibility. She took blood and we are awaiting results. She also took some fluid from her swollen wrist and gave the samples to me so I can run at my work. Which was amazing because saved me a ton of money! So im waiting on those results to. She explained it could be a infection but worse case scenario her joints could be leaking fluid....she said that her prognosis would be extremely poor if this was the case. I do not want Valkyrie to suffer and to be in constant is completely unfair to her but on the other hand she is not showing me signs of giving up. So I am not going to give up on her. 😔

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

Poor Valkyrie, how is she doing today?
I agree, if she is fighting, there is absolutely no reason not to keep trying. We will never advance
in care & treatment for reptilian gout if we don't actually treat them & try to learn how to give a longer
life for those conditions. While it may take a bit more time & care for a beardie with gout, I don't feel
it's always necessary to just automatically put them down. They deserve a chance.
I hope she doesn't have an internal infection. If so, you could try Azithromycin which helps a lot with
septic arthritic gout that has lead to infection, etc.
How is the allopurinol compounding going, were you able to get that done?
Let us know how she is doing.



Original Poster
Beardie name(s)
Im sorry for the delayed response.
Valkyrie has taken a turn for the worse.
Her cultures came back clear. Her bloodwork however is bad. Vet says her uric acid is elevated which shows gout. Also her kidney and liver values are elevated. Dr seems to think her ADV has started to attack her organs. I hope im saying all these things right as i am extremely upset. For the last 2 days she has been flaring her beard and attacking things that aren't there. I called my vet and she explained that it sounds like she's in pain. I started back on the pain meds. Today she has still not eaten. I have been giving her doses of the reptile booster which she takes.
The last thing I want to have happen is her to suffer. Im almost at the point that I believe she is. I will post another update with bloodwork results/ med update. I am picking up her new meds tomorrow. 😔

Poor Valkyrie, how is she doing today?
I agree, if she is fighting, there is absolutely no reason not to keep trying. We will never advance
in care & treatment for reptilian gout if we don't actually treat them & try to learn how to give a longer
life for those conditions. While it may take a bit more time & care for a beardie with gout, I don't feel
it's always necessary to just automatically put them down. They deserve a chance.
I hope she doesn't have an internal infection. If so, you could try Azithromycin which helps a lot with
septic arthritic gout that has lead to infection, etc.
How is the allopurinol compounding going, were you able to get that done?
Let us know how she is doing.


Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

So sorry to hear about Valkyrie, it sounds like things are pretty rough right now. This is strange, Adeno
does different things so it is a bit odd it is flaring up like this. Normally it only attacks the liver but will
affect the neurological system.
Is her beard dark or normal? That would be great if you could post her blood test results when you
can, just so we can look them over. What other meds are you picking up? If she has gout & I think
she does, I highly recommend steering clear of antibiotics right now, they make things a lot worse & are hard on the kidneys.

Let us know how she is doing. I will be thinking about her.



Original Poster
Beardie name(s)

So sorry to hear about Valkyrie, it sounds like things are pretty rough right now. This is strange, Adeno
does different things so it is a bit odd it is flaring up like this. Normally it only attacks the liver but will
affect the neurological system.
Is her beard dark or normal? That would be great if you could post her blood test results when you
can, just so we can look them over. What other meds are you picking up? If she has gout & I think
she does, I highly recommend steering clear of antibiotics right now, they make things a lot worse & are hard on the kidneys.

Let us know how she is doing. I will be thinking about her.

I am sorry I have not been quick responding. Valkyrie passed in my arms last night. We had a vet visit made for today for a quality of life visit but it was her time to go. She is not in anymore pain and I just hope I was able to give her some great moments while she was with me. Thank you to everyone who helped me and supported me through this ordeal.

KarrieRee Sicko
Beardie name(s)
Hiccup he is 6 and Blaze is 4
I am sorry I have not been quick responding. Valkyrie passed in my arms last night. We had a vet visit made for today for a quality of life visit but it was her time to go. She is not in anymore pain and I just hope I was able to give her some great moments while she was with me. Thank you to everyone who helped me and supported me through this ordeal.
I am so sorry to hear about her --- :cry:

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

Oh no, I am so very sorry about Valkyrie, heartbreaking for you. I am so glad that she had you with
her when she needed you. Bless her, she hung on for a long time, for you. I am sorry for your loss,
she was definitely loved. :cry:

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