New dragon not eating (he's eating now! thank you repliers)

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I got a bearded dragon on the 1st April, we didn't ask the store how old he was but judging by his length I am guessing at around 6 months old.
I am new at reptiles and have been setting up and planning his vivarium and arrival for a month before we got him but because of this maybe I have set something up wrong?
The first couple of days he ate very little, a couple of locusts a day and a single leaf of greens. But for the last 8 days he has only had maybe 4 locusts in total and his poos at first just became dry and now non-existent... probably due to the lack of food and nutrients.
His lack of eating also means he is not getting any calcium in him either which I am worried about.
He doesn't drink from a bowl we have been bathing him every day, he doesn't like it and tries to escape so they are short lived baths. We spray him and his cage with water as well.
He has had a permanent black beard since arriving. Probably from stress although that as well as his pacing seems to have gone down.... though I can only guess it's because of the lack of energy he has from not eating.
He had been basking well until today where he has favoured the cool end which only gives me more reason to be worried.

The temperatures are:
Warm end : 32-35c
Cool end : 24-27c
Basking spot : 39-42c
The temps very between these throughout the day as he is near a window.
I have two uvb lights in the vivarium one 10.0 and one 2.0
One 75watt basking bulb attached to a thermostat
And a ceramic heater for night should he need it it comes on via the thermostat.

A problem I can think of is being the humidity in the vivarium, it's far too dry in there and is one of the reasons for spraying the viv and bathing him every day. This is not a permanent nor practical solution I am trying to figure out the best way to raise the humidity at the moment if any-one here has any solutions for that.
I don't think that this could cause all the issues I have with him though. Maybe I am wrong and adding humidity is my solution I don't know.
His vivarium is completely different to his set up in the pet shop where he had bark substrate and cork ornaments we have him on tile and rocks with a couple branches.
Just trying to see if any one else can shed some light on what else it could be.
I also don't think it's impaction he feels empty
He could be getting ready to shed his tail is a slight different colour to the rest of him but I am not sure!
What is the humidity at? They live in the desert so they like it pretty low (but still not too low.) What are you using to find the temps/humidity? The dial hygrometers and thermometers are really bad. Those temps are good (if they're accurate.) What brand UVB are you using? You probably don't need the other (2.0) UVB. It doesn't sound like impaction. Maybe it is relocation stress. I don't really have any other ideas, so unless a more knowledgeable person can chime in I would suggest a vet if he still won't eat after a few days.

CooperDragon Sicko
Staff member
I agree that the 2.0 bulb is just taking up space and can be removed. Which 10.0 bulb are you using? Is it a T8 or T5? Does it have a fixture with a reflector? How far is it above the basking area? The different configurations should be set up at different distances to provide proper output over the basking area. It may still be stress but having the UVB output correct is critical for their overall health.


Original Poster
Thank you for your replies so far.
The Uvb lights are both T8 bulbs and it was recommended on the packaging to be used together and I have also been told in person and on dragon care videos that I need at least 12.0 altogether in the vivarium for him to get enough from the bulbs. I had thought about removing the 2.0 one as well but more because it could help with the humidity. But the two reccomendations make me hesitant to do that.
Neither have reflectors as they simply don't fit in the vivarium

The vivarium is 4ft long but it is short and so there is not much in the way of maneuverability with the lights. I might post some pictures if we still can't figure it out.

As for the humidity it's been a pain. It's highest is at night, 30% and lowest is during the day namely midday where it can drop to as low as 10% without me adding some spray to the viv which usually brings it up to about 20%
I already have placed the water bowl in the warm end and it's helped keep it mostly at 15% but I struggle to keep it higher without constant spraying.

I have two thermometers they are digital ones for the hot end and the cool end they are probed exo Terra ones. They seem okay.
I also have my hypo sensitive microclimate evo lite giving me the most accurate readings on the warm end and they can differ From the thermometers a little but I am going to put it down to the thermometers being slow reactors lol.
I only have the one hygrometer and it is indeed a dial one.

kingofnobbys Sicko
green2griffin":2fq95a87 said:
Thank you for your replies so far.
The Uvb lights are both T8 bulbs and it was recommended on the packaging to be used together and I have also been told in person and on dragon care videos that I need at least 12.0 altogether in the vivarium for him to get enough from the bulbs. I had thought about removing the 2.0 one as well but more because it could help with the humidity. But the two reccomendations make me hesitant to do that.
Neither have reflectors as they simply don't fit in the vivarium <<<< I assume the UV tubes are in a dual fixture that is mounted under the lid / top of the tank , I'd keep the extra 2% UVB since you are running T8 tubes and their penetration of UVA and UVB is not near as good as T5 tubes.
Is there a plastic screen covering the T8 tubes ? .... like you'd have on a household luminaire or an aquarium luminaire ==> if there is remove it as it will be absorbing nearly all the UVA and UVB and only letting visible light pass.
Check out the Arcadia reflectors - they are have reflectors that can be slipped behind the T5 (and T8) tubes see
, the advantage of a reflector is it concentrates the UVA and UVB where you need it - ie under the tube see

I suspect the issue is likely a combination of the following :
>> plastic screen in front of tubes blocking UVA and UVB - easy fixed by removing said screen
>> too far from the tubes (10% UVB and 2% UVB T8) , insufficient UVA (and UVB) at the basking spot and elsewhere in the tank
- solutions
1) install a reflector behind the two tubes to focus and concentrate the UVA and UVB where beardie needs it
2) move the tubes lower / closer to the floor / basking spot , or modify the height of the basking spot so it's closer (I recommend inside 8 inches of the T8 tubes.

Longer term consider upgrading to a T5 10 - 14% UVB tube and luminaire with builtin reflector and or a MVB.

The vivarium is 4ft long but it is short and so there is not much in the way of maneuverability with the lights. I might post some pictures if we still can't figure it out.

As for the humidity it's been a pain. It's highest is at night, 30% and lowest is during the day namely midday where it can drop to as low as 10% without me adding some spray to the viv which usually brings it up to about 20% <<<< 30% rel.humidity is fine , so is 10% (but ensure to mist beardie or make sure he gets plenty of fresh leafy calcium rich greens and live insects ( silkworms are particularly juicy and pretty much irresistible to most beardies ).
I already have placed the water bowl in the warm end and it's helped keep it mostly at 15% but I struggle to keep it higher without constant spraying.

I have two thermometers they are digital ones for the hot end and the cool end they are probed exo Terra ones. They seem okay.
I also have my hypo sensitive microclimate evo lite giving me the most accurate readings on the warm end and they can differ From the thermometers a little but I am going to put it down to the thermometers being slow reactors lol.
I only have the one hygrometer and it is indeed a dial one. <<< I'd invest a few $ in a digital combined thermometer and hygrometer like , these are not very flash but do a good job and are accurate and reliable

How tall is the tank ?

What brand is on the T8 tubes ? some are a lot better than others.

Insufficient UVA will impact on activity and appetite levels in a beardie.

What size (how long are they ?) are the locusts you are giving your beardie ?
.... if they are too large they can cause impaction and nerve damage.

kingofnobbys Sicko
green2griffin":303f5vga said:
I got a bearded dragon on the 1st April, we didn't ask the store how old he was but judging by his length I am guessing at around 6 months old.
I am new at reptiles and have been setting up and planning his vivarium and arrival for a month before we got him but because of this maybe I have set something up wrong?
The first couple of days he ate very little, a couple of locusts a day and a single leaf of greens. But for the last 8 days he has only had maybe 4 locusts in total and his poos at first just became dry and now non-existent... probably due to the lack of food and nutrients. <<<< not eating in start after a relocation / adoption is very common , can take a week for a beardie to adjust to a new tank and new surroundings , different foods and different lighting and feeding schedules.
His lack of eating also means he is not getting any calcium in him either which I am worried about. <<<< a liquid calcium supplement similar to VetaFarm CalciVet is a good remedy for this for a reptile who is off his food. Tastes nice and is given orally dosed according to his weight and given by orally by syringe.

He doesn't drink from a bowl we have been bathing him every day, he doesn't like it and tries to escape so they are short lived baths. We spray him and his cage with water as well. <<< if he doesn't enjoy baths, and wont drink from the bath water , cut them way back, a beardie only needs bathing if
>> he's soiled himself
>> he's impacted (with tummy rubbing will often help get the poo coming)
>> he's too hot and needs to cool down
>> he's got open injuries that need bathing / soaking in dilute betadiene solution.

He has had a permanent black beard since arriving.<<< means either he is pain or he's very unhappy about something.
Might be worth having a vet check him out. A permanent BB is not good.
<<< can you feel hard lumps in his tummy ? this is a sign of impaction if you can.

Probably from stress although that as well as his pacing seems to have gone down.... though I can only guess it's because of the lack of energy he has from not eating.
He had been basking well until today where he has favoured the cool end which only gives me more reason to be worried. <<< some beardies like it hot , others prefer it cooler, so his choice to stay in the cool zone is neither here nor there , once he resumes eating two insect meals per day he'll spend more time in the warm zone and basking as they need heat to digest their food.

The temperatures are:
Warm end : 32-35c
Cool end : 24-27c
Basking spot : 39-42c
The temps very between these throughout the day as he is near a window.
I have two uvb lights in the vivarium one 10.0 and one 2.0
One 75watt basking bulb attached to a thermostat
And a ceramic heater for night should he need it it comes on via the thermostat.

A problem I can think of is being the humidity in the vivarium, it's far too dry in there and is one of the reasons for spraying the viv and bathing him every day. This is not a permanent nor practical solution I am trying to figure out the best way to raise the humidity at the moment if any-one here has any solutions for that.
I don't think that this could cause all the issues I have with him though. Maybe I am wrong and adding humidity is my solution I don't know.
His vivarium is completely different to his set up in the pet shop where he had bark substrate and cork ornaments we have him on tile and rocks with a couple branches.
Just trying to see if any one else can shed some light on what else it could be.
I also don't think it's impaction he feels empty
He could be getting ready to shed his tail is a slight different colour to the rest of him but I am not sure!

what is the bedding you have in his tank ? is it sand of some kind or another particulate type of bedding ?


Original Poster
Here are some images of the vivarium. its hard getting pics without a reflection, sorry.

Tile substrate
Rock ornaments
branches in the cool end (which he sleeps underneath)

both are Exo terra brand.
Two T8 lights, one 10.0 one 2.0
the 10.0 light is 30inches long and the 2.0 one is 24inches long
both are without reflectors

the vivarium is a short 16inches high

if you look to the warm side, the white plastic part attached to the side underneath the air grate is hiding the thermostat probe wires, and just above that is where the probe for the warm side thermometer probe is.

in the middle of the first picture where the thermometers are attached underneath the light on the back the dial in the middle is the hygrometer.


Im no expert but he looks good to me. Alert and active and thats certainly not what I would call a black beard. If thats him currently I would say your in decent shape. If he were my dragon I would continue to offer appropriate live feeders and give him some time. Its been less than two weeks. If he starts loosing a lot of weight then it may be time to take stronger measures. You could always offer plain baby food dripped on his snout he may be a bit dehydrated from not eating some baby food will give him nutrition and moisture without stressing him. I make a bearded smoothie with whatever greens and veg that I have on hand mixed with enough water to blend. My girl is picky and often wont eat her veg but she enjoys her smoothies. I often add a tiny pinch of calcium to bump up the nutrion leval. I usually make a pretty good sized batch and parcel it out into freezer bags. I offer her some beardie smoothie a couple times a week. Pretty litle guy.


Original Poster
Chula":3mr0xjri said:
Im no expert but he looks good to me. Alert and active and thats certainly not what I would call a black beard. If thats him currently I would say your in decent shape. If he were my dragon I would continue to offer appropriate live feeders and give him some time. Its been less than two weeks. If he starts loosing a lot of weight then it may be time to take stronger measures. You could always offer plain baby food dripped on his snout he may be a bit dehydrated from not eating some baby food will give him nutrition and moisture without stressing him. I make a bearded smoothie with whatever greens and veg that I have on hand mixed with enough water to blend. My girl is picky and often wont eat her veg but she enjoys her smoothies. I often add a tiny pinch of calcium to bump up the nutrion leval. I usually make a pretty good sized batch and parcel it out into freezer bags. I offer her some beardie smoothie a couple times a week. Pretty litle guy.

That's him yes, we have had him 12 days now at first he had black beard all the time and slowly slowly he's been having less of the beard which is nice to see as I am hoping it means he is getting less stressed even if it is slowly.
He is alert and active most days I wouldn't say he is any kind of lethargic but I am worried he could get that way with the food situation. :(
This pic I took was one of his best days so far he had a bath, he ate (just 1 locust but hey! It was Something at least)
He hasn't eaten anything for the last 2 days though. His last food was a single medium locust.
He did poo today though! So that's good at least. I didn't see it as my boyfriend removed it but he said it was normal (not dried up) so that's good.
I like the idea of some veg smoothies actually I think I will try that, good source of water too. Thank you


Original Poster
Day 13 of new bearded dragon ownership Skaarl has randomly just decided he wants to start eating again. barely even a slow start. yesterday he ate 5 locusts and a couple of leaves and today he has upped it to 7 locusts, a leaf and a bit of sweet potato so I am thinking it can only get better.
seems to be that time really was the answer.

I did not get a chance to try the baby food or the smoothies yet but some great suggestions none-the-less.
I still think I need to do something about the dryness I am trying to think of something to do in the future, probably put a live plant in there. I just don't want to change too much now that he's eating I dont want to stress him out.

thank you all repliers :)
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