New Beardie and Questions

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I just got my first bearded dragon last night. I have done quite a bit of research, and checked out many caresheets, but it seems alot of them always have something different you should or shouldn't do, so I prefer to get advice straight fromt he source. This is all new to me, so bear with me. Hehe

Ok, I don't know how old the little guy is, and I can't get pictures up YET as my batteries in my camera died. Right now, he's approximately 5-6 inches from his nose to the tip of his tail. He's in a 20 gallon tank right now, but I am getting a bigger one tomorrow hopefully. His substrate is paper towels, so he doesn't try to ingest any of it, and so far I have a few rocks in there, a food bowl, and I DID have a fake plant in there, to collect water droplets for him to drink, and to give him something to hang out in.

I had bought a bulb for the lamp last night, and I obviously got the wrong wattage, as it is not getting NEARLY hot enough it needs to. I read that I can use a household bulb, but I need to know what wattage is safe? Its in one of the ceramic hoods from Petco as well. What would you reccomend, to get as a good bulb, that will give himt he 110 basking spot he needs? A brand, or wattage idea would be amazing. I would prefer to get suggestions on something I can pick up ASAP to make due until I can get him a nicer bulb next friday. So basically, what is the simplest and easiest bulb I can get today, that will give him his proper temps, and then also what do you suggest for a more permanent solution as far as brands, wattage, etc?

Also, he seems to be hanging otu on top of the plant, AWAY from his basking spot. I had read that its not wise to give baby beardies places to hide, as they won't get the heat they need and will hide rather than bask, so I took the plant out for now. Any other solutions for this? Im worried he is too cold, since he wont eat or anything, and want to get him a proper bulb ASAP and make sure he is warmed up and set. His basking spot is only reaching about 91 with the bulb I have now, so like I said, need suggestions ASAP because I don't want him to be cold.

Also, any other suggestions for better care for him would be absolutely fantastic. He was kind of a sudden acquisition, which I usually NEVER do, so I am trying to get him set up properly as quickly as possible. I already have a colony of crickets set up for him, as well as some calcium powder, and I was given mealworms for him as treats as well. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Also, want to add, he's currently quarantined off from all my other reptiles, so I can't put him in front of the windows to try to give it a bit more heat right now. The only windows that have the sun beating on them, are right where my snakes are.
Thanks again!!!!!!


Juvie Member
I would forget just about everything you've read from the care sheets and start over doing research right here. Most care sheets out there are useless :p Sounds like he/she is around 1 month old based on its size. Wattage isn't important, what's important is how you're measuring temperatures and if you're doing anything to regulate them. Is your thermometer one of those things that sticks to the glass? You need to get an infrared temp gun to properly measure the temps of the basking spot. Or, if you have a digital thermometer with a probe, the probe must be sitting on the basking spot. Temperature on the basking spot should be between 100-110 degrees. Next, you really need a dimmer switch for your heat bulb. If your fixture doesn't have one, return it and buy one that does, flukers and zoomed both sell fixtures with a dimmer. Without one, it will be nearly impossible to make the temperatures perfect. Buy a 150 watt basking spot bulb, and dial it in from there- this should have been done a week before you bought your animal, improper temperatures can be fatal. When you say you're buying a new tank, I assume you mean a 40 gallon breeder (36X18X16). If so, the 150 watt will still be too hot for that tank on full blast... So it will work fine with the dimmer. As for not basking, give him a few days. It took mine a couple days before he started to bask all day as normal. The first week in a new home is very stressful, it's normal not to eat a whole lot at first. Another thing I want to touch up on, you need to be using a reptisun 10 UVB bulb, not the coil version, the long tube. Any other brand (or type) is likely to cause eye problems and must be avoided like the plague.

What are you feeding your beardie? Do you have calcium and vitamin powder? What are you offering for salad?


Original Poster
Gah!!! I always get told "Read the caresheets" and then I end up doing 90% of the opposite of waht they say haha

I do have an infrared heat gun. Its one that the mechanics use, as it came off of a SnapOn truck. It works pretty well. Have to get about 4 inches away fro an accurate reading though.

As for the bulb, do you know where I can buy these? I don't have a dimmer switch on my hood, but I am 90% positive I can safely adapt one onto the dome I have for the lamp now. My husband is a mechanic, and also does electrician work. I will be able to buy one that has teh dimmer built in next friday at the latest, but hopefully sooner if all goes well. As for new tank, I decided I am not going to buy a whole new one, I am going to put the boa that is in my 40 gallon breeder into a tub since he doesn't like the tank anyways, and then put the beardie into the breeder tank that way it saves money, and then he still has a good setup.

You said I have to use the UVB bulb, so does he need a lamp over the basking spot, and another lamp over the UVB bulb? Does the UVB bulb require a special dome as well? Or can I use a metal one rather than a ceramic one? Because I have an extra metal one, but if its not safe, I won't use it. Better safe than sorry.

As for food, I am giving him crickets right now. He ate about 10-15 of them today. Dropped them in one at a time, so none were left loose. I also was given that bearded dragon pellet stuff, but wasn't sure about it so haven't used it. I do have calcium powder, its the Zoomed Repti Calcium with D3. The guy I got the beardie from also gave me a small packet of flukers powder, but haven't used it. As for greens, haven't given him any yet. Wasn't exactly sure what to get him, and I have to go to the store to get them as all I have in my fridge is lettuce, and read that it wasn't healthy for him. What do you reccomend?
As for temps, his basking spot is still low. Only at 91. The ambient temp is about 85 though in most spots, it gets a little cooler away from the lamp though.

For the basking bulb, would the zoomed repti basking spot lamps work?

Thanks for all this help!!! Looking up to make sure the bulbs are in stock, and then headed to get them shortly.


Juvie Member
I have a 150 watt zoomed bulb and it gets the job done. You can wire a dimmer switch in (some places sell dimmers that plug right in, too). Petsmart should have the flukers dome with dimmer in stock, petco might sell them as well. This is the fixture you should use for the reptisun bulb, Mount it to the back glass of the viv with 3m double sided tape or 3m command strips. You want your beardie to get around 12 inches to the bulb at the closest point in the viv.

Crickets are fine, dust them with calcium +D3 one feeding a day, 5 days a week. You should dust them with the multivitamin one feeding a day, two days per week.

For salad, I give my beardie a mix of dandelion greens, mustard greens, collard greens, and turnip greens every day. Pinch the leaves so they're small enough for him/her to eat, of course. A good feeding schedule is crickets 1-2 hours after lights on, add greens right after, and feed crickets 3-2 hours before lights off. Feed them as much as they want, they won't over do it :)


Original Poster
Thank you!!!!

I went to walmart and got a house bulb for the basking spot for now. I couldn't make it aIll the way to petco again, and I read onhere that you coul use the clear house bulbs for basking spots. So plugged it in, letting it warm up, in ten minutes going to check the temps. If its too hot, we already have a dimmer panel hooked up. Its a panel with the dimmer switch, you plug the lamp into the panel, and you can do it that way. I can also plug in two things at once if I choose, but it works to keep the heat lower. This one was a 150 watt as well.

He's eaten the 10-15 crickets are so so far today. Im losing mroe of them than he is eating hehe. I am scared of bugs, so I pull them out with the tongs and I keep either killing them, or losing them haha. So we are working on it!!!
150 will be too hot, i used a 75 watt in a 20. i use a 100 watt in my 40 right now. but you do have the dimmer which is good! i wouldn't move him/her into a 40 gallon until he gets a little bigger which won't be long. i moved mine in when he got around 10 inches. I also did not care for crickets but after a few weeks i could handle them by hand without a problem. i even let mine out one at a time on my floor and let my little one hunt them down now lol.


Original Poster
The 150 watt seems to only get about 100 degrees so far. And its been on for a few hours. Im monitoring it abotu every half hour. He is out basking now.

Also, stupid question, but how do you give them water? I know they get it from the greens, but I also have been spraying down his fake plant (which I put back in, because he REALLY Likes it, and isn't just hiding on it anymore) and he licks the water droplets. Yeah, Im going to keep him in the 20 for a bit longer. Just because I also have to save up the money for the cage for my boa, as hes growing out of the 40 gallon now that hes off his nine month fasting period.

Also, watching them eat is the neatest thing I have ever seen hehe. He is just so cute hehe
SandyCheeks":wgoxdp44 said:
The 150 watt seems to only get about 100 degrees so far. And its been on for a few hours. Im monitoring it abotu every half hour. He is out basking now.

Also, stupid question, but how do you give them water? I know they get it from the greens, but I also have been spraying down his fake plant (which I put back in, because he REALLY Likes it, and isn't just hiding on it anymore) and he licks the water droplets. Yeah, Im going to keep him in the 20 for a bit longer. Just because I also have to save up the money for the cage for my boa, as hes growing out of the 40 gallon now that hes off his nine month fasting period.

Also, watching them eat is the neatest thing I have ever seen hehe. He is just so cute hehe

is the 150 a focused bulb or just a regular household? i wouldn't really spray his plant because you don't want humidity to rise and the water can cause bacteria. best way to keep him hydrated is misting him, or placing droplets of water on his nose and having him lick it off. also make sure you bathe him a few times a week to keep him nice and hydrated. put warm water not hot up to his shoulders.


Original Poster
Umm.. Its a GE Crystal Clear "decorative" bulb. Gives off 2710 lumens it says. Its doing alright so far. Its hard as heck to find a houeshold bulb that is clear, and not soft white, like I was using before. I got the idea for the houeshold bulb from another post on here. Its a temporary solution til friday when I can get the good ones from petco if I need to.

He seems to get mad and fiesty when I mist him, so I was worried about stressing him out that way. I will definitely bathe him though :) That sounds like fun! I have a big garden tub for him to runa round in hehe
as long as you got the temps you are good! just ease him into everything. hold off from handling and bathing for about a week let him take in his new home. i made the mistake of moving mine around a lot because i was so excited to have him lol. made the adjustment period longer and he was nervous/not eating well.


Gray-bearded Member
Have been reading all these post, and there are a few things that you might need to adjust. First of all , your beardie should be able to get within 6 -10 inches of the uvb tube light. Second, the bright light basking bulb needs to be place right beside the uvb light to protect his eyes from the uvb rays. Third, there is no need for you to spend the extra money on the high dollar basking bulbs. The clear or bright lights work just fine! You do need to place the uvb tube light inside the viv so there is nothing blocking the rays. You can get your dragon within the suggested range to the light by using different basking platforms, trees...just make sure that whereever he decides to bask, that the basking light is right next to uvb. You should give your dragon baths 3 -4 times a week, and at least a couple times a day drop water from a syringe, or a spray bottles on the top of his nose. You will want to take it easy when first bathing him. You can put a washcloth down on the bottom of the tub or sink. Hold him underneath with one hand and gently drizzle the water over his back with your other hand, talk real sweet to him and rub his back and little least thats what I did,,,and it worked really well.
Make sure your temps are correct...they are very important.
Another thing,,,if you try to give him his greens and veggies first..before you give him any crickets,,he may be more likely to eat the salad.
The information about not spraying inside his viv is don't want to raise the humidity too much.
You should be letting him eat as many crickets as he wants in a 10 - 15 minute period. That can add up to alot of crickets!! Sometimes it is easier to feed them in a separate tank. Like you could use the smaller one when you get him moved into his bigger viv...but I would wait a little while and let him grow a little more before moving him. In the meantime you could use a big plastic bin.
It helps alot to just read around on this forum,,,you can learn so much,,,and not just take one or two persons opinions,,although most of them on here are pretty much correct. For instance, there is a section in the enlcosures section on lighting....go check it out!
Congratulations on your new baby and good luck!


Original Poster
Ok, yeah holding back from handling him is REALLY hard. I was so excited to get a Beardie, so now I am having trouble leaving him alone. hehe. I am banning myself from handling him now though!!! I don't want to make him more nervous!!!

The cheap bulb I got has been around 101-103 when I check it. (Basking bulb) I just had to put another rock under his other two, to make it go up higher. Apparently the lamp was too far away to give him the correct basking spot, but temps are good now. He slept in his little fake plant thingy last night.

As for a UVB bulb, I will defintiely get the one that mounts inside the tank. I read somewhere, they you can substitue the UVB rays with the calcium stuff... I don't want to do that long term, but will that work for a week? Or should I still pick up the UVB bulb and whatnot? Im all for saving money, especially since I am so broke, but if I absolutely have to have it, then no doubt in my mind that I will buy it today. I can go without soda or whatever for a week, if that means making sure he is healhty. I made a list of greens to go get him today, so I will make sure I try offering them to him first and see how he does. He didn't seem to want to eat this morning, I fed hima bout an hour and a half after I turned his lamp on, and he only ate about 6 of them. The little suckers go under the paper towels, and I think I made him nervous standing there as well. So may try a tub. Would a LARGE tupperware tub work for feeding him in? As for humidity, even spraying in the tank the humidity NEVER rises. Its kind of funny, because I had my gecko in that tank who NEEDED humditiy, and I could never get it to stay the right percent, but now I hav ethe beardie in there, and my gecko in a more humidity friendly cage haha.

I have been browsing alot. Thats how I found out I could use a household bulb, which works for me!! I am all about saving money where possible!! A three dollar bulb compared to a ten dollar bulb is good for me!!! I also know that everyone has different ways of doing things, so I definitely try tog et a general consensus before doing anything lol. I learned that from other forums as well hehe.

Thank you by the way!! i will have to get some pictures of the little (guy/girl) I read up on how you can tell to sex them, and from teh pictures I have seen, and what I have seen of the little one, I am thinking "he" is actually a "she" lol. If I get a picture of his tail area, will someone be able to give me a definite answer? Thanks!!!


Gray-bearded Member
It is ok to go without the uvb for a short period of time..especially if you can take him outside in the natural sunlight,,,that is the best thing in the world for them!! They need the uvb to absorb the it is not a substitute for uvb..
Large tupperware tub will work just fine..its easier than trying to make sure there are no crickets left in his viv.
Just order the uvb tube light small enough to fit inside the viv...then go to walmart and get a T8 under the counter fixture the correct size for your uvb light,,you can use velcro or command hooks to mount it. Again, if you need to wait a week to get the uvb bulb..that will be ok,,I take my two outside, at different times of course, for probably at least an hour a day..each...they love it. My newest, Deuce, who I have had for a week today,,had never been able to run around outside,,he LOVES It!!! Puff, my girl,,she has been outside ever since I got her a year ago...she loves it too!!! and the fact that it is SO GOOD FOR THEM!! makes me happy!! I am a stay at home mom to two mini long haired dachshund, 3 kitties I found on the side of the road over a year ago, a green anole, and a 3 legged little siamese boy cat that also needed a forever home, and of course my two dragons.,,and my husband..then I watch my two grandchildren all the my hands are pretty full!! LOL. You will get all this stuff worked out and it will be a breeze.


Original Poster
Awesome!! Thank you!!!

I worry taking her outside though, as she is SO quick!!! I am scared I am going to lose her lol. She's so tiny, that she could get lost fast lol.

I'm also a stay at home mom right now, but trying to find a job. My husband left a few weeks back, so its just me and the kiddos. Then I have 7 snakes total, if I count his, 2 tree frogs, a leopard gecko, my dog, a foster dog, the kitten I found at 4 weeks old, and then the stray cats outside I feed lol. So I know what you mean!!!

I gave the little one some collard greens I bought at the store today. Shredded them up really really small. Didn't see him eat them, but I try to leave him alone since my cat kind of stressed him out from running around the outside of his cage :/
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