Just got my little Ryu last weekend. He's 4 months old and I want him to have a good life with me. I'm already having troubles with getting him to eat, but I legitimately have no idea why. I've followed all the advice I could from some experts (one guy has owned bearded dragons for over 20 years), yet nothing works.
First couple of days, he ate his crickets (properly dusted with calcium powder) without issue. Little nibbles of his veggies, but otherwise no complaints. Now he won't eat at all. Nothing besides an odd cricket if it is right in front of him. He otherwise ignores his crickets (or runs away when I place them in front of him). Just sits on his basking spot or hides inside his little rock cave. Attached is a picture of his cage and everything I use with it before I set up and put him in it, all brand new and bought alongside him. Temperatures are 96 F in the hot zone, 90 in the cool, and atop the log (basking) is 106. I use Desert Substrate as flooring.
(Note: The cage used to belong to my previous Bearded Dragon - Safi - who passed away 7 months ago).
Crickets are 2 week old ones. Smaller than the gap between his eyes, so not a choke risk. Veggies are mix of Bok choy, some kale, and pieces of pepper with nutrition pellets snuck inside.
It's possible he's still stressed out from the moving to a new home, but I legitimately cannot think of anything I'm doing wrong that makes him turn from gulping down all he can to not touching a thing like he has. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
First couple of days, he ate his crickets (properly dusted with calcium powder) without issue. Little nibbles of his veggies, but otherwise no complaints. Now he won't eat at all. Nothing besides an odd cricket if it is right in front of him. He otherwise ignores his crickets (or runs away when I place them in front of him). Just sits on his basking spot or hides inside his little rock cave. Attached is a picture of his cage and everything I use with it before I set up and put him in it, all brand new and bought alongside him. Temperatures are 96 F in the hot zone, 90 in the cool, and atop the log (basking) is 106. I use Desert Substrate as flooring.
(Note: The cage used to belong to my previous Bearded Dragon - Safi - who passed away 7 months ago).
Crickets are 2 week old ones. Smaller than the gap between his eyes, so not a choke risk. Veggies are mix of Bok choy, some kale, and pieces of pepper with nutrition pellets snuck inside.
It's possible he's still stressed out from the moving to a new home, but I legitimately cannot think of anything I'm doing wrong that makes him turn from gulping down all he can to not touching a thing like he has. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.