Meet Koa! (and me!)

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Hi guys, I'm Elise! For a long time, I've been looking at this site for information, but now that I just got a beardie, I can actually join the community! XD

Koa is a two-year-old male I got from a couple that couldn't take care of him anymore. He's just a common color, but I think he's gorgeous. <3

EDIT: I had some confusion with lights, but it's resolved.


Hatchling Member
Welcome to the wonderful world of dragons!
You probably should of done your light research BEFORE getting one. Not rely on this site, but that’s fine I’ll explain.
You should get rid of the red night lamp, that will disturb your beardies sleep. If it is higher than 65 f in your house at night. You don’t need any night heat sources, but if it does, you need a CHE, a bulb that produces heat, not light, beardies need it dark at night. What’s your substrate? Loose is not good. Your other bulb is your UVB, the UVB is like the sun, it should be reptisun 10.0 t5 tube bulb, any compact or coil is bad for their health and will not give off proper UVB. Can you go over his set up, food, health, etc? You can post photos here


Original Poster
I did read about lamps, I guess I just didn't find the right sources, because none of them described the lamps I had... Thank you for the advice, I'll get a CHE bulb right away. :) As for subrate, currently I have a reptile carpet, but I'm going to exchange it for newspaper. I know sand can be harmful for eating.


Sub-Adult Member
Hi Elise, Koa is a beauty. I switched from the reptile carpet to the non adhesive shelf liner, so easy to keep clean & bugs can’t hide under it. Looks like Koa will get a lot of ❤️
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