Looking for a diet for my bearded dragon!

Emily B

Original Poster
Beardie name(s)
I got a bearded dragon at around 4 months ago, he is now around 7-8 months and I'm struggling to find a feeding plan for him, I'm new to owning any reptile. So what should I start feeding my 7-8 mother old headed dragon? How often should I feed him, and when should I feed him?


BD.org Sicko
Beardie name(s)
Hiccup he is 6 and Blaze is 4
I got a bearded dragon at around 4 months ago, he is now around 7-8 months and I'm struggling to find a feeding plan for him, I'm new to owning any reptile. So what should I start feeding my 7-8 mother old headed dragon? How often should I feed him, and when should I feed him?
What have you been feeding him and how often?

Emily B

Original Poster
Beardie name(s)
What have you been feeding him and how often?
Well I've been switching it up trying to find what works best, I got him from my sister who fed him Dubai roches (as many as he'd eat) so I continued to do that! But starting yesterday I stopped and started feeding him as many crickets as he'd eat, and than as for his salads I use kale with chopped up yellow squash


BD.org Sicko
Beardie name(s)
Hiccup he is 6 and Blaze is 4
Well I've been switching it up trying to find what works best, I got him from my sister who fed him Dubai roches (as many as he'd eat) so I continued to do that! But starting yesterday I stopped and started feeding him as many crickets as he'd eat, and than as for his salads I use kale with chopped up yellow squash
ok so feed salads every day Nutrition Content ignore the kale info its outdated and the crickets are ok but I would go back to the dubias -- you can also feed silk worms as a staple - BSFL as well - horn worms are a good treat worm along w/ super worms-- meal worms - I would stay away from the wax worms - they are really fatty and can cause liver damage if fed too many --

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