Lighting controlled with Herpstat 2 thermostat


Hatchling Member
Beardie name(s)
So, my husband got a Herpstat 2 thermostat and has been setting it up today. I have found it to complicated. We currently have the new basking surface (slate tiles) registering at 99 degrees. The thermostat has a "bask assist" feature so as to dim and brighten the basking light to help control the temperature. When the lights come on (150 watt basking bulb and UVB) at 7:00 am, it takes about 1.5 - 2 hours for the tank (120 gallon) to reach its max temp for the day. Is this about right or should I add a CHE? I have a 75 watt CHE bulb in a dimmable receptacle I could add to the thermostat. Once heated, (for our house temp), the thermostat maintains until the lights go out 6:00 pm. Then our house drops to about 72 degrees at night.

KarrieRee Sicko
Beardie name(s)
Hiccup he is 6 and Blaze is 4
So, my husband got a Herpstat 2 thermostat and has been setting it up today. I have found it to complicated. We currently have the new basking surface (slate tiles) registering at 99 degrees. The thermostat has a "bask assist" feature so as to dim and brighten the basking light to help control the temperature. When the lights come on (150 watt basking bulb and UVB) at 7:00 am, it takes about 1.5 - 2 hours for the tank (120 gallon) to reach its max temp for the day. Is this about right or should I add a CHE? I have a 75 watt CHE bulb in a dimmable receptacle I could add to the thermostat. Once heated, (for our house temp), the thermostat maintains until the lights go out 6:00 pm. Then our house drops to about 72 degrees at night.
Try the 75 watt and see how long it takes to heat it up

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