Lethargic after vet.

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I took my Nigel, female, to the vet Tuesday night for suspected impactation. Vet reviewed my enclosure and it’s all good.

Vet administered 15cc of fluid in her abdomen. Since then she’s been lethargic.

Is it just stress from the visit? She’s moving slower and doesn’t chase her bugs, but is still eating them.

Her belly is still bloated looking due to the fluids.

She’s my first beardie. Any feedback would be appreciated. Thank you all.


BD.org Sicko
Hi rh, how long have you had her and how long did your dragon go without pooing ? And did the vet give her a shot in the abdomen ? The best home remedies always help and they are baby food squash, sweet potato or prunes mixed with a drop of olive oil or raw honey. You can also give her a warmer than usual bath , a little deeper too. Just give her these natural laxatives until she gous. Post a few pics of her + her set up as well. Here's how :

https://www.beardeddragon.org/useruploads/ Then use the XIMG to upload them


Original Poster

I got her August 2018 when she was about 2 months old (a guess) she was about 4 in. It's been about 12 days without poop, feel a hard lump in her lower abdomen. Vet gave 15cc fluid in the abdomen. Vet also said give 4-5 drops of mineral oil until she passes. She has been eating her bugs but no interest in her greens.

I am getting carpet for her enclosure. Her temps 72 F on the cool side, 98 F on the basking side.

Her diet is Dubias as her staple bug.
Dandelion and Mustard greens as her staple greens. I had her in the tub 3 times this past weekend, she hates it, but she was able to swim around a bit.

Thanks for the help on posting the pics!


BD.org Sicko
I'm sure she'll go with all the extra fluids + mineral oil. I wish you would have come here first, we always get them to go. :) And despite sounding like it's a long time, 2 weeks is not unusual in the least bit as far as pooing, [ for a sub adult /adult ] especially this time of year when they slow down. Did you by chance ever see sand in her poo ? You want to be sure she's not ingesting any and may want to remove it. Is it calci sand or play sand ? No need for the shot in the belly at all and although mineral oil can work it is actually a petroleum by-product , from the distillation of gasoline. I'd never use it when olive or vegetable oil is available or even honey. So she probably feels sick now but should pass the stool soon enough. Just be patient, no more shots + mineral oil but just use the natural laxatives that I mentioned as well as the warmer bath. BTW, what type of MVB do you have and how old is it ?


Original Poster
I’ll definitely be posting here first! It’s regular sand. I have never seen it in her poop. I have ordered some reptile carpet for her.

I’m glad that you think she will be ok! Probably just not feeling good with all the stress. I just replaced the MVB about 3 weeks ago. It’s repti-zoo brand


BD.org Sicko
Beardie name(s)
Hiccup he is 6 and Blaze is 5
I haft to ask what bulb is in the dome and is the white bulb a all in one ?


BD.org Sicko
Beardie name(s)
Hiccup he is 6 and Blaze is 5
Ok I would agree w/ AHBD and get rid of the sand and glad to hear you are --- I am not sure how reliable that thermometer is your using --- I would like to have you check it - you can get a digital probe from Petsmart or Petco for like $5 -- they are most accurate like the infrared heat gun -- I am wondering if your temps are off and that is the issue for the pooping thing--- I know its not uncommon for them not to poop for long periods of time but just to be on the safe side its good to check --


BD.org Sicko
Keep a very close eye on the treated dragon.

They can very easily aspirate the saline / water pumped into their stomach under pressure when incompetent vets will try push a suspected impaction through the intestinal track under pressure .

One of my friends had this done to their female who was lively , alert and looked fine (not even bbing) before the vet but was sent home very cold, very lethargic, full-on bb, and was having difficulty breathing , dead inside 2 hours !!!

( The vet essentially f-ed up and drowned the dragon , but refused to admit it . )


Original Poster
Oh dear!!! I hope that doesn’t happen to my girl!

I know the vet wasn’t trying to push the impactation. It was fluids for hydration.


BD.org Sicko
Staff member

Wow, your poor girl, that is quite a bit of fluid for her. Are you sure that she was that impacted?
Is she black bearding at all or not?
Let us know what the temperatures are when you recheck them with your temp gun, those are
very important.
You can use non adhesive shelf liner, felt, textured tiles, or paper towels for substrate instead of
the sand to cut down on chances of more impaction issues.
I hope she is going to be alright. Be sure to keep her around 80 in her tank overnight too, since she
isn't feeling 100% right now.



Original Poster
I rechecked temps and they are 94.6 on warm side. 70.3 on cool side. Her light just came on so it will probably get warmer soon.

She’s not black bearding. She’s alert. I am getting ceramic bulbs tonight for overnight.


BD.org Sicko
I'm relieved your little dragon has survived his nasty vet ordeal ( I was expecting to see bad news when I checked for an update ).

This is how you could set up the timer and dimming thermostat for the basking globe ( if not an MVB ) , the UV and the CHE (or heatpad) :

Cheapest inline dimmers are like these : https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/White-Inline-100W-Manual-Lights-Knob-Dimmer-Switch-for-Lamps-Lights/192845870699?hash=item2ce682766b:g:FkwAAOSwRG1cr-IA
note no dedicated temperature probe and no means of automating the temperature control , but better than nothing and will save the expense of trying a few different wattage basking globes . Will be trial and error to set the dimmer so your basking globe and CHE or heatpad are set at the desired temperatures.
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