Leo newbie - just a couple questions

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Gray-bearded Member
We took in a partial albino leo from a law student that was rehoming her because law school is so demanding on her time. She seems very well cared for, and healthy. She is 1.5 years old, a total sweetheart, and seems to be adjusting well to the move.

We have had her 2 days, and finally got her to eat tonight. What is normal qty of crix for a 1.5 year old & how often? She ate 5 with assistance, she needs help hunting them, her previous owner said she needs that little assistance because of some vision impairment due to her albinoism. My teenage daughter doesn't mind catching and holding the crix, and she did munch 5. Is that a decent amount for her first meal with us? And I am understanding every 2 days for feeding?

We have her in a 20gal long, she is by herself, has cool hide, warm moist hide. Warm side is 89/90 and she likes that side. Also lots of soft fleece blankies that she LOVES to nuzzle into. Have calcium dish, water dish, and food dish (not that she will use the food dish, as we had to help her see the crix.

So since she has never had supers, what would be best way to get her to realize they are food? We have been offering them via hand-feeding, but she doesn't seem to know what they are.

Anyone foresee a problem with the fleece blankies? My 4 beardies all have them, they are claw tested to the max. Figured they would be soft on her tender little feeties, and she seems to love nuzzling them.


Gray-bearded Member
Original Poster
Oh, for those that aren't familiar with me, we have 4 bearded dragons, and a california kingsnake. We have rescued sick/emaciated dragons and brought them back to health to have a loving forever home with us as our pets, not to be bred. The kingsnake is a rescue, too. We breed supers for our dragons, so have virtually every size available -- good clean feeders for our animals. We breed hornworms intermittently (starting again this spring) for our dragons.


Juvie Member
Please do not feed her super worms! They are much too large and if she eats them they will impact her. Save them for your beardie. Here is a link to a really good page on leopard gecko care. Just scroll down a bit.

I dust the feeders with Repashy calcium plus vitamin and mineral supplement, and have nice healthy geckos. And I've never heard of anyone giving their leos fleece blankets. They are smaller than beardies and the little fuzz stuff might cause problems, so this is not something I would consider doing.


Gray-bearded Member
Original Poster
most people think 2" when they hear superworm -- we breed them, so the one we offered her was white (freshly shed, no chitin at all) and was only about 3/4" long, it was a baby. She was not interested in it anyway, but it was smaller than a silkworm.
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Aww your profile picture is precious ❤️‍🩹
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