Is this color of urate ok?


Sub-Adult Member
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Is the color at the end of her urate ok? Looks kinda purple to me. I know her poops don’t look good. I’ve been trying to fix that. This one is more formed than it has been.
The urate was also a bit firm and powdery. But I could squish it and it didnt retain a shape. I’m not sure if that’s hard or not. I’ve been trying to fix the hard urate. But, it has felt like this for a few poops.


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AHBD Sicko
Yes it's O.K. The color fades from dark to the light part and gives the illusion of grey/purple but it's just grey.
She's very well hydrated ! How's she been since laying her 3 clutches ? She seems very healthy .


Sub-Adult Member
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Yes it's O.K. The color fades from dark to the light part and gives the illusion of grey/purple but it's just grey.
She's very well hydrated ! How's she been since laying her 3 clutches ? She seems very healthy .
Ok, thank you very much! She has laid 2 clutches. She might be needing to lay a third soon though. She’s eating a lot of greens and I saw a bump near her butt. And someone said it looked like eggs. But, it has been almost 8 weeks since the last clutch, so I’m not sure.

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