Is this a normal looking vent for a beardie?

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Gray-bearded Member
Hello helpful kind people, I have a few questions. First, is this what a beardie vent is supposed to look like? (I know this picture is red. But that is my camera and Nim didn't like being held like that either. And no, he is not on his back. I would never do such a thing.)

Also, when I lift up his tail to sex him it looks like he is close to a prolapse? Or is this normal. Both pics give you a pretty good look.


He also hasn't been pooping every day. It seems a bit more like every other day? He can't be impacted. Is he at the age pooping slows? I know you are going to ask the mandatory questions, so here they are. I think that is all of them.
How old is your dragon? About 5 months.
How long is he? Last I measured he was 15 inches.
What do you feed your dragon (bugs & veggies)? His diet consists of wild organic dandelion greens and Zoo-Med's Can O' Crickets.
How often? 6 large crickets cut up in little pieces with the wings, hopper legs and head removed. Twice a day and some dandelion greens for dinner along with the crickets.
Do you use supplements? Yes, calcium was one feeding a day 3 days a week. But is now the recommended one feeding a day 5 days a week. And vitamins are the one feeding a day for two days.
What size cage is he in? 10 gallon but will upgrade to a 20 gallon soon.
What substrate are you using? Repti carpet.
What are the temperatures in the tank (basking spot and cool side)? Cool side is about 80 something and the basking is 103 to 104. Any higher and he freaks.
What UVB light are you using? Reptisun 10.0
How close can your dragon get to it? Six maybe seven inches. It is also on top of his large mesh lid. Will mount it inside the tank when he get the 20 gallon. And will also get a better fixture because I think I have a inadequate one.
How often to you bathe your dragon? Every other day. He drinks the water I drip on his nose and the baths are 10 minutes long.
What is the humidity? 30 to 40% depending on the house humidity.
I think I have answered all of the questions. If I missed any I will kindly answer them. I worry so much about this guy. If you people give this the 'okay' then I will have one less thing to worry about. Thanks in advance for replies. :D


Gray-bearded Member
Original Poster
There probably isn't anything wrong with Nim. I just need to know if that is normal. I find the slightest things to worry about. I'd probably worry about the pineal eye on the top of his head if I didn't already know what it was. And I heard something about a 'inflamed cloaca', but that dragon was on crushed walnut. And he also has very small pores for a boy. Maybe that is why he has less attitude? Oh and if this is a 'inflamed cloaca' maybe that is why it seems that he poops every other day? It hurts to go so he won't?

Thanks for the reply. :D


Gray-bearded Member
I suggest you get a bigger tank for him ASAP!! You say he is 15" long and he is in a 10 gal. tank...that is WAY too small for him..poor guy. Also, a dragon that age should be fed as many insects as it can eat in a 1o - 15 minute period...2 or 3 times a day. Hope everything works out for him.


Gray-bearded Member
Original Poster
Yes, I know that it is cruel to keep him in such a small tank. We have the 20 gallon we just need the money (which we'll have very soon) to get the tank supplies. And to convince my mom that there is NO WAY he can stay in that tiny tank until we move. We are getting ready to move at such a slow pace that he needs the 20 gallon, NOW.
Now, about the feeding. I fully regret that I didn't do as much research before I got him. I didn't know there was such a thing as feeder roaches. If I did I would've established a colony and then got Nim. Again, here is more money problems. We can't buy crickets in bulk, and I don't want to start a colony of those things. Why can't we buy crickets in bulk? Too much money and mom doesn't think they last long enough. 12 canned crickets a day seems to be working well though. He is probably longer than 15 inches now. He is growing like a crazy weed. Mom has the annoying mindset that, 'beardies are reptiles, they can skip a day without eating'. I tell her time and time again, 'no, he is growing. He needs as much food as he can get'. I care a lot more about Nim than mom does. And since I don't have a job, her money is used to feed Nim. I WILL get a job when we move but that will be a long time away. But, luckily, mom has agreed that this month we will upgrade him to the 20 gallon, start a dubia colony and get other things for him. So I ask my baby to hold on a little longer. Mommy is trying her best.

(I'm sorry if this sounds defensive. I love this bugger to bits and would do anything for him. I'm just so worried. Please don't think me as a cruel owner. I am trying my hardest to give him what he needs. Which also includes a checkup at the vet.)


Gray-bearded Member
If you already have the 20 gal. which by the way,,is actually already too small for him also..but I understand you are doing the best you can with what you have. Anyway, you should already have everything you need to move him into it. Just use paper towels or newspaper for the substrate,,or even half of the bottom and use the repti carpet you already have for the other half. You have a basking light,,right? Just move that over to the 20 gal. You can use cardboard boxes for basking platforms if you need. The same with the uvb light,,it is a tube type light correct? So just move him over and thats that!!! Really though, its not complicated,,you already have everything..
I also understand about the feeders...they can cost alot.
Good luck,


Gray-bearded Member
Original Poster
Thanks. :) Yes I have a tube UVB. The Reptisun 10.0 to be correct. I could use paper towels as the substrate. But mom likes the ones with the prints, so we'll have to get plain white 'cause Nim thinks the prints are edible. I do have a basking bulb. I guess I could work something out. And I know the 20 gallon is too small. But it'll be fine till we move. It will give him more running room than the 10 gallon, that's for sure. I also don't think I have the right fixture for the Reptisun. But I will get that at Wal-Mart like everyone says. I am also going to up the canned crickets to 14 a day and give him more greens. But that will be next week. Do you think that is why he isn't pooping as often? He is eating less so he doesn't feel like going? I do feel fecal matter in him. Again, thanks for the kind reply. I know that in a week or two everything will be straightened out. :D

AHBD Sicko
Nim looks very healthy, you've done a great job with him, and he will be O.K. in the 20 gal. tank for a while. If you keep an eye out on Craigs list or other ads in your area, you may find a large tank for sale at some point. It's great that he eats greens, you see how many people have trouble getting their beardies to eat greens, but if he eats them twice a day and he's growing so well, I say good job. To save money on cage furniture [ you probably already know this ] you can collect pieces of wood and nice basking rocks, just wash the rocks well in very hot water and a little soap / vinegar, and the log / stick can be put in the oven for 40 minutes or so at 250 to kill any pests on them. Will Nim eat collard , turnip or mustard greens ? You don't have to but a large bunch, just take some from one of the bunches at the super market and bag it up, it will probably be a dollar or so. Try one or two types to give variety. But all in all, he has a good growth rate and looks very healthy.


Gray-bearded Member
Original Poster
Thanks. That gives me wondrous piece of mind. :D Yes, I already have a log and rock from outside in his tank. I have actually never tried other greens for him. But will before the snow comes, 'cause when the snow comes dandelion greens will be out of the picture. I want to make sure he will eat other good greens before the dandelion greens die. I will check my local Craigslist for tank specials. Once we have the money of course, LOL. :D I have been slowly trying to put variety in Nim's diet, but it seems the only things he seems to eat are dandelion greens and any bug. But I haven't tried all the greens listed as okay in the Beautiful Dragons food chart. So, my Nim is healthy little bugger. Now I all got to do is get some sort of a fecal done. Again, thanks for all the advice. This site is AWESOME! :D

Esther19 Addict
Petco is having their dollar-a-gallon sale. 40g breeder=$40. You would need to buy a lid, though. I would suggest the hinged lid for $20. Then you could mount the UVB inside the cage and still lift up the front part.


A 10 gallon tank is 20 inches long, and you said your beardie is over 15 inches long. I am also going to say, thats too small (and cruel)

Without a small tank, your temps go out the window because, the reptile cant sit in the cool side without the back end of him being on the warm side. Im surprised you have a heat gradient in such a small tank.

Collard greens and mustard greens I get in the produce section, and I spend maybe 3 dollars a week. I think you should start feeding greens, fruit and veggies. 6 dead crickets a day isnt enough for a beardie (also cruel). From what I understand, when they die and they become freeze dried, they lose nutritional value.


Hatchling Member
I'm going back to your original questions. Nim's vent looks perfectly normal. It also does not appear to be the start of a prolapse when you hold his tail up. No redness, no irritation, no inflammation.

The can of crickets are supposed to be gut loaded and are not freeze dried, so they should be OK nutritionally and even help with hydration because I believe they are kind of watery. I do not recommend canned food only, but if that's all you can do right now it's better than freeze dried.

I would definitely try different veggies from the beautiful dragons site. I get 1 bunch of greens a week, each week a different type, and I top it with grated squash. Squash is great nutritionally, is cheap, and keeps for a long time in the fridge. I also supplement with veggies we have for us.

Move him to the bigger tank as soon as you can. In the meantime,try to have him out of the tank in a room with you to get some exercise.


Gray-bearded Member
Original Poster
First, wow, I didn't know so many would answer this. Thanks to all of you. :D

Burra":1cfrcqt7 said:
I'm going back to your original questions. Nim's vent looks perfectly normal. It also does not appear to be the start of a prolapse when you hold his tail up. No redness, no irritation, no inflammation.

The can of crickets are supposed to be gut loaded and are not freeze dried, so they should be OK nutritionally and even help with hydration because I believe they are kind of watery. I do not recommend canned food only, but if that's all you can do right now it's better than freeze dried.

I would definitely try different veggies from the beautiful dragons site. I get 1 bunch of greens a week, each week a different type, and I top it with grated squash. Squash is great nutritionally, is cheap, and keeps for a long time in the fridge. I also supplement with veggies we have for us.

Move him to the bigger tank as soon as you can. In the meantime,try to have him out of the tank in a room with you to get some exercise.

Thank you Burra, for answering my first question. That is mainly what I wanted. I discussed the tank move with mom and she is okay with it. So, Friday, which is payday, I will get the paper towels since that is the only thing I need. And maybe a higher watt bulb for basking and a new fixture for the Reptisun. Because whether the one I have currently is the right one or not, it is old. So it would be nice to get new. :D I have already tried two types of squash for my bugger, it was no for both. One was the acorn squash and other spaghetti. There are more types to try. And the canned crickets, they look gut loaded and they do have moisture. I also drip some water on them to moisten them some more. I won't use freeze dried or pelleted food ever. And the canned crickets also have nutrition. It is listed on the can itself. :D I also try to give him exercise. Maybe tomorrow after his breakfast. I have nothing better to do. :D

Esther19":1cfrcqt7 said:
Petco is having their dollar-a-gallon sale. 40g breeder=$40. You would need to buy a lid, though. I would suggest the hinged lid for $20. Then you could mount the UVB inside the cage and still lift up the front part.

Even though our closest Petco has awful beardie care I'll check it out. The Petco isn't that close either, one hour away to be exact. We hardly go to it. I was thinking of mounting the UVB in the 20 gallon. I just didn't do it for the 10 gallon because I knew it was going to be temporary and the light would be too close. I already have a hinged lid for the 20 gallon. And will get one for the 40 because they are great. The 10 gallon lid is such a pain. Thanks for the reply. :D

Jtara":1cfrcqt7 said:
A 10 gallon tank is 20 inches long, and you said your beardie is over 15 inches long. I am also going to say, thats too small (and cruel)

Without a small tank, your temps go out the window because, the reptile cant sit in the cool side without the back end of him being on the warm side. Im surprised you have a heat gradient in such a small tank.

Collard greens and mustard greens I get in the produce section, and I spend maybe 3 dollars a week. I think you should start feeding greens, fruit and veggies. 6 dead crickets a day isnt enough for a beardie (also cruel). From what I understand, when they die and they become freeze dried, they lose nutritional value.

Okay, yes I KNOW that is cruel to keep him in the 10 gallon. I have mentioned it already. This Friday he will get moved into the 20 gallon. So this week I will give him more exercise than I have usually been giving him. I have such a good heat gradient because the basking light is a low watt and our house gets pretty cold. When we had some hot summer days I usually had to turn off the light for Nim to cool down because it was so hot in the house. Luckily mom likes it cold so once the fans and AC kicked on his was okay. And I am feeding him 12 canned crickets a day. Not 6. I would NEVER give him 6. That is for a heartless person to do, that I am not. Plus he gets a lot of greens with that. And it used to be that he was perfectly full after 6 for a single meal. Then another 6 for dinner along with greens, and he was satisfied. But he seems to be hungrier now so I'll see if he is okay if I up it to 14 a day. Plus they are canned so they still seem like live. Like if you froze some crickets and then thawed them. That is how they look. (Okay, that sounds defensive. But, whether you meant to sound like this or not, that post sounded like you were judging me on how bad a owner I am. I am not, I care for this beardie more than anyone can know. Not even my mom understands how much I care. I would do anything for Nim. I am trying as hard as I can to make his life the best. My life is rough right now with the moving and my brother going into the Navy. We humans are barely making it on food and other utilities. But I will not give up Nim as he is still growing like a weed and I have had him for four months, we love each other too much. Plus we have this connection, there is something about him. And he is great for me while I deal with this move. He helps me think about something other than moving. That is what mom has said.)


Gray-bearded Member
Original Poster
noelerhard":1ugz5wnw said:
We all know you're a great Mom! Nim is lucky to have you. :D :D :D

Thanks, noelerhard. I really do think Nim is lucky to have me. He loves me and I love him. Nothing is going to change that. :D
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