Is it okay to leave live doobie roach in tank?


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Beardie name(s)
Goldie & Spike
Hey Every1 I’m Shamar/Marii So today I decided to do a thing and get my kiddos live food. I have a quick question tho. If I lost a live shmini/little Doobie roach in the tank will my female bearded dragon be OK?


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Gray-bearded Member
Beardie name(s)
Rocky, Ruby
Your beardie probably ate that dubia roach so quickly LOL
Yes, it's fine. Once your beardie spots's gone. They have feeding bowls that are escape free.
I like those.

(When it comes to crickets, however, I take no chances- tupperwear, headcount and make it a game!!)

AHBD Sicko
Hi Marie, just a suggestion but I think it might be best to remove the tub of little pebble stones, some beardies eat loose rocks and while 1 little rock might not be a problem if eaten, there could be serious problems if he swallows a couple.

xp29 Addict
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Ruby, Sinatra, Zsa Zsa
2 Of mine Zen and Chomp (before she passed) would eat rocks at any opportunity. Heck they even tried to chew them up so broken teeth are a possibility also.

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