Introducing ourselves (finally) and Kaira. Updated, new pics

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Juvie Member
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Yeah, they are both getting big! I'm happy to hear Tank is doing so much better. :D That's got to be such a relief. About the taking him to the vet. Even if he does have parasites, it doesn't mean you have to actually give him the meds. They can rid themselves of parasites on their own. I'm not saying you should take him, though. You know what's best for him. I chose to treat for several reasons, one was because of the high counts, but I won't go into detail about everything. If their counts had been lower to start with, I wouldn't have put them on the meds. After I get them free of parasites, I'll still get their fecals checked at least once a month, but I won't put them on medication unless the counts are extremely high. Plus, I'm about to upgrade their tanks. Kaira's moving to a 75 gallon and Taz a 40. So, with the stress of the move, they'll need to be watched closely. I'd rather not move them, but Taz is getting too big for his cage and Kaira is too. They still need to have a few tests done, but we need to do them in a certain order, so it may take a couple of weeks. We'll see where it goes from there.
They've never been caged together, though. We also wash our hands between holding them or any of their things. They're in the same room, but never come in contact with one another. That doesn't prevent the spread of everything, but they aren't passing parasites back and forth from one another. They never touch anything the other one has either, different feeding tubs, bath tubs, "furniture", everything.
I'm still working on the pictures...still super busy.
Actually, we don't feed silkies anymore. There are some risks that go along with them and we don't want to chance it. I'm allergic to roaches, so we can't go that route either. We're kind of forced to feed crickets now. They get PWs and butterworms (if I find ones small enough for Taz). How big is Tank now? I thought about trying supers for Kaira, but I've always read you're supposed to wait until they are about 16" long and/or 6 months old. I want to quit crickets asap (as they are the feeder most likely to carry parasites), but Taz still has a ways to go before he's large enough for supers. Supers don't have the risk (at least that I know of) of parasites as crickets do or at least not as much of one.
I hope he likes the silkies, though.

fresnowitte Sicko
Aawww! Poor little Kaira she looks so uncomfortable with all that skin busting loose.
WoW! Taz the Spaz is gorgeous what color, an I love their names. :love5:


Juvie Member
Original Poster
fresnowitte":6e558 said:
Aawww! Poor little Kaira she looks so uncomfortable with all that skin busting loose.
WoW! Taz the Spaz is gorgeous what color, an I love their names. :love5:
Oh, it was horrible to see her go through that. I always hate when they're shedding...Taz is in full-body shed right now and Kaira is on her tail and legs.
Thank you. They are complete opposites in coloration, I love seeing their colors develop as they grow. We put a lot of thought into their names, thanks for the compliment. It's funny though, when we go to the vet's office everybody pronounces Kaira's name wrong. I don't say anything lol. It's really like Cairo (with an "a" and obviously we used a "K"), but most think it's "Kyra". :D


Juvie Member
Tank is just over 12 inches long and over 90 grams. I read on another list that I belong to that they needed to be over 12" for supers but now that I look on here it does seem to be that 16" is the consensus. I have been watching him when he eats them and I will only give him 2 a day but he actually chews them. It's so cute. You can hear them crunching in his mouth and his poops have been fine. But maybe when I finish these remaining 9 supers that I have I'll wait a bit longer. I didn't think you could feed supers as a staple. According to here: they can only be fed occasionally as well as PW's which I still feed at times too. Just curious, what problems are there with silkworms? Seems you can't win with live feeders. :banghead:

Tank is in full body shed now too and very uncomfortable. Poor thing. Can't wait to see his color when he's done. He seems to be taking so long to shed this time. Last time he shed everything in about 3 days. This time he's been shedding for a couple weeks.

That's great that Kaira and Taz are getting bigger tanks. Are they regular glass fish tank-type tanks or are you getting specially made enclosures? I'd love to get a specially made enclosure someday. I like how they look but they're so expensive. Also I want matching ones for my snakes too so I can stack all three and make a wall unit-type look. That's my dream for someday.


Juvie Member
Original Poster
Laurmann2000":1891a said:
Tank is just over 12 inches long and over 90 grams. I read on another list that I belong to that they needed to be over 12" for supers but now that I look on here it does seem to be that 16" is the consensus. I have been watching him when he eats them and I will only give him 2 a day but he actually chews them. It's so cute. You can hear them crunching in his mouth and his poops have been fine. But maybe when I finish these remaining 9 supers that I have I'll wait a bit longer. I didn't think you could feed supers as a staple. According to here: they can only be fed occasionally as well as PW's which I still feed at times too. Just curious, what problems are there with silkworms? Seems you can't win with live feeders. :banghead:

Tank is in full body shed now too and very uncomfortable. Poor thing. Can't wait to see his color when he's done. He seems to be taking so long to shed this time. Last time he shed everything in about 3 days. This time he's been shedding for a couple weeks.

That's great that Kaira and Taz are getting bigger tanks. Are they regular glass fish tank-type tanks or are you getting specially made enclosures? I'd love to get a specially made enclosure someday. I like how they look but they're so expensive. Also I want matching ones for my snakes too so I can stack all three and make a wall unit-type look. That's my dream for someday.
Yeah, Tank is about the size of Taz now. I'm so glad he's gaining weight and eating now. He's catching up quickly...I don't think you'll have to worry about his size anymore.
Kaira weighed 204 grams last night after stuffing herself full of crickets! She usually loses a few grams after she goes to the bathroom though lol. She's definitely getting a belly on her. I can't remember...does Tank have a small tail nip? I believe Kaira does (comparing Taz's tail to hers anyways). That can affect the size they need to be to eat supers (Kaira's probably missing a 1/4"-1/2", that's just a guess).
Everybody has their own opinion on supers (on everything for that matter), but I'm waiting until she's about 6 months old to try supers. I use that site a lot, especially for veggies, but the thing is that variety is key. That's really what matters. Obviously waxworms shouldn't be fed too often. I wouldn't feed mealworms at all, now I'll add silkies and hornworms to that list :banghead: . If you notice on that site, though, only one feeder is considered a good staple...silkworms. Here's why I don't feed them anymore though:
If you want more details, send me an e-mail or PM and I'll explain more, I did tons of research.
No, PWs aren't a good "staple". They are allowed 50 PWs a day five days out of the week. Crickets are fed for the most part (I hate it). Taz is a little small for a few of the butterworms, so Kaira gets more of those, but they are high in calcium also, so she can have up to 5-8 a day on the same days she has PWs, the other 2 days are strictly cricket days, so they get their vitamins and D3. I'm sure somebody is going to argue with me about this diet :? , but I have gone over it again and again. I feel "stuck"...that's why crickets are back in their diet...they can't just have PWs and butterworms. They'd both eat 150+ PWs a day if I let them. I've struggled, weighed my options, asked numerous questions, and that's what I came up with for now. As they get older, I'll get rid of crickets and try supers (and some "safe" worms).
Oh,I know what you mean. Both of Kaira's and Taz's first sheds seemed to be quick and easy, but Kaira's on her third now and Taz just shed his whole body yesterday (second shed), it takes them a little longer the second time around. Taz was running all over his tank trying to get that skin off, poor thing. He showed me the red he's developing on his beard though lol...he was grumpy. Try giving Tank an extra bath right now, that should help some. I bet he's going to be gorgeous though, he already is! Let me know if/when you post pics.
We had to settle for glass right now. I'm really worried about the stress of the move on them, but I think now is the time to do it. They're still on the meds and their counts are lower. I just don't want them to get better, then be moved, then get stressed and have to go through it all over again. We plan on custom enclosures, but we need to concentrate on getting them better right now (vet bills haven't been cheap either :? ). I think I know which ones you are talking about though, they would be so nice to have. We purchased undercabinet light fixtures and things that we could use now and later (makes it cheaper). Although, we got Kaira a 36" ReptiSun 10.0 for her new cage (plus one of her 18" bulbs...we didn't want 3 fixtures we had to plug-in, plus her basking light(s)) we have to find a fixture lol for a 36" bulb).
I'm's early. I have pictures...just have to get them uploaded. Hopefully I'll get around to it today, but I have to clean even more for the "big move" lol.


Juvie Member
Tank has a full tail, no nips. I'm not worried about his size at all now. He's doing great.

I'm so bummed about the silkworms. I read the other thread. I just emailed Mulberry farms to see if I could change my order. I know they haven't shipped them yet so I hope they let me change to a different feeder. I can't believe I waited this long to order silkworms and the day after I do order them I find they're not good. Grrrr. You can't win. I got my shipment of 250 Dubia roaches today and I can't believe how smell-less they are. LOL It's wonderful. Too bad you're allergic. I hate those crickets.

I took some pics of Tank today even though he's shedding. I just had the opportunity so I went for it. I'll let you know when I post them. But here is one to show you how pudgy he looks. :D


Juvie Member
Original Poster
He looks GREAT!!! He's definitely got the same belly as Kaira lol. I'm so happy he's doing sooo much better. What a cutie! :D
Sorry about the silkies, I sent you a PM. We lost a lot of $$$ because of it. I'd rather be safe than sorry. You're lucky you can use roaches. I wish we could. They are so much safer.

pscaulkins":53b49 said:
Wow Amalsg07, your babies are growing and cutie pies.
Thank you! They've gained quite a bit of weight since those pics.

I'll try to post more this weekend...Kaira's going to be moving today :? , we'll see how that goes.



Juvie Member
Original Poster
KAIRA IS NEGATIVE FOR PARASITES!!!!!! :blob5: :blob8: :blob5: :blob8:
I just got the call from the vet and Kaira is good...finally. Taz is making more progress faster than Kaira did too. No more pinworms :blob5: :blob8: and only 3 or 4 coccidia on the slide. :blob5: :blob8:
Sorry, we've been dealing with this for over 2 months now (when Kaira began to have problems). I'm so happy. Taz still needs to be on the Albon for a little while, but Kaira has the "all clear". She's been moved into the tank, so I'm surprised her counts didn't spike, but I'm not going to complain. Taz will be moved soon so he will still be on the Albon during the move and hopefully the outcome will be the same. It took Kaira a lot longer than Taz to get better, though. Even with the slight set back of pinworms, he's getting rid of the coccidia faster than Kaira was able to. I'll have both of them checked again in a week, hopefully Taz is clear by then and Kaira doesn't have anymore problems.
Anyways, I just had to get it out lol. They are finally on their way!


Juvie Member
Abi, that is great news. I'm so happy for you. You must be so excited to finally be almost rid of the obsessive cleaning. Not to say you shouldn't still clean well, but at least you can put things back in their tanks and start to enjoy them more. I'm so happy.


Juvie Member
Original Poster
Laurmann2000":51180 said:
Abi, that is great news. I'm so happy for you. You must be so excited to finally be almost rid of the obsessive cleaning. Not to say you shouldn't still clean well, but at least you can put things back in their tanks and start to enjoy them more. I'm so happy.
It's been quite a relief. I just hope they don't have to go through it again. We'll still be cleaning...paper towels only, nonporous "furniture", and we'll be getting a steam cleaner too. We don't want to change anything, really. We still feel that a very clean environment is necessary for them...I mean every dragon needs a clean environment, but we won't get anything porous or anything with "added risks". They can't go through a lot of changes at once...can't switch their basking spots, change their cages around, we have to add new things slowly, etc. They will finally be able to both be able to have food dishes now, though. That's a relief...Taz flips over his paper plates with veggies ALL of the time :roll: . Not too much will change, honestly. We're just happy to know they are better. Taz will be off the meds ASAP, which is also a relief. The less meds, the better.
We still have to figure out how to make bigger hammocks and Kaira needs some new rocks or something (she's using a rubbermaid shoebox wrapped in paper towels as "stairs" lol) so she can get high enough to bask. We got her 36" UVB today, finally (I placed the order on the 1st!). She's been going with two 18", which is ok, but not for a long period of time. So she'll have a 36" and one of the 18" for her 48" tank lol. We didn't want a 48" bulb, since we already had the other ones. Anyways, that's another story.
I should be posting pictures later today or this weekend. Life has just been crazy!
Thanks! :D We are so happy that they are feeling better.


Juvie Member
Original Poster
jscott":11d61 said:
just wanted to drop in and say hi :wave: .

how is the zoo doing? everyone cleared up now?
Hi! Thanks for checking up on the babies. We don't know just yet. They decided to be difficult and not give me a "sample" last week before the vet's office closed. I'm going to try to get one from them tomorrow...they've been a little "off" schedule, though. As far as we know, Kaira is still all clear...we're just going to check one more time (and of course continue to monitor it, not every week though). I did decide to take Taz off of the Albon, though. He is still pretty young and was on it longer than I felt "safe" with, even though Kaira was on it longer because it took her longer to get her counts down. Plus, his counts were so low last time, I'm hoping his system kicked in and was able to "deal with" the last few coccidia he had. We'll just have to wait and see if his body was able to regulate itself. The ill effects of the meds hadn't started yet and I didn't want to risk it by keeping him on the Albon. Hope that makes sense. I just worry about over-medicating them.
I will probably post pics later (I finally got them on my computer, again :roll: ). They're getting so big!
How are your 3 doing? I haven't been able to keep up with many threads. :oops:


Juvie Member
Original Poster
I figured I should post a few's been awhile. Both of them are still growing like crazy. I don't have much more of an update...we'll find out more later this week about the parasites. Kaira's last two fecals have been "negative", the vet said we don't need to have her checked every week now. Taz is still fighting it, but doing really well still (knock on wood).
Here's some pictures of Kaira, she's shedding in most and they are about a month old...I've been so busy.

I love this one, she's in her "bull dog" stance lol

She's such a piggy, she loves her squash :roll:

I had just given her some probiotics. It's been awhile since I've seen her do this, but she used to when she wanted something. She wasn't too hot (just a little FYI)...just wanted attention and I guess some more yummy probiotics. I have close to 20 pictures of her just doing this. LOL...her teeth are developing nicely!

Same day as the one above...she was "showing off", she loves to pose for the camera. She's definitely getting some yellow-coloring in her beard. Her arms were shedding and really bothering her, too. :(

Here's Taz, he's shedding in most of these too...poor babies!

He looks skinny before and after a body shed, but, trust me, he's not...nice round belly.

He looks so mad...and like he's wearing a mask :lol:

It's starting to come off.

And he finally got it all off...just to start again. He's shedding his legs right now.



They're both getting so big too! Kaira's about 285-290grams (she probably weighed 240-245grams in the pictures above) and Taz is about 145-155grams (he probably still weighed around 100grams then...he's had several big growth spurts). I can't believe that Taz is just over 4 months old now and Kaira is just shy of 6 months old. Time flies. It's been a rocky road, but we're getting there. :D I need to get some more recent pics on the computer and posted...seeing as it took me so long to post these, I doubt I'll get around to it anytime soon. :(
Hope everybody and every beardie is doing great! :D


Gray-bearded Member
awww, bulldog beardie :mrgreen: . poor taz and his rough sheds, is he still grouchy?

sorry i havent said hi in a while, real life you know?
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