Introducing ourselves (finally) and Kaira. Updated, new pics

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Juvie Member
Original Poster
Oh, I'm I said a lot has been going on. I told Tracie everything, I just forgot to post on here lol.
Kaira's been doing a lot better. The new vet was great. She listened to what I had to say, my concerns, opinions, etc and was actually open to new ideas (such as a steam cleaner). Again, she said Kaira looked good, healthy, and hydrated (I guess I got a little too worried on that one). She did the fecal, but she didn't get a very good sample. However, they went ahead and looked at it (allowing Kaira to stay warm in an incubator while they were doing the test! :D ) The sample was probably enough to determine if something was wrong or not though (all three of us agreed...the vet, Tracie and myself)...even if it was a small sample, a bad case of parasites would have shown up. Guess what? They didn't find a thing!
As far as the dosage, this vet agreed that a "drop" wasn't a good, accurate way to give medication.
She also agreed that bleach was too harsh on them with the fumes that it can leave. Also, that the coccidia isn't going to "crawl" all over the'll stay where it's "left" (as long as she didn't walk through it or anything). So the cleanings were ridiculous (considering the low counts of coccidia) and potenially dangerous.
I was told I could put everything back in their cages and switch to a cleaner that wasn't so harsh or a steam cleaner as long as it got hot enough. (I haven't had time to get a temporary cleaner, so right now they are still on paper towels and just have their hammocks, this should change tomorrow...Kaira will be so happy!)
Oh, and the diet I was told I HAD to feed...50% crickets...not true. She knows the other animal hospital and is going to ask why this vet told me that, because she had never heard that before. As long as I had variety and supplements, I was fine.
I'm still going to take Kaira back one more time for a fecal, just as a precaution, and Taz to just get him checked out.
I'm sticking to that vet from now on. Everything she said made a lot more sense and she explained everything to me. The other vet didn't seem to really care all that much and acted as though she was all "high and mighty" and I had no right to question her. They also had me fill out a detailed thing, all the questions asked on the "health" forum, which really impressed me. Everything I was doing was fine. Kaira is gaining weight like she should. BTW Taz finally started to eat "better". He'll eat just about anything that's put infront of him...absolutely loves silkies still. He's been gaining weight also, so that's a relief.
Basically, the vet is a good one, a keeper. I trust her with my babies and will probably start taking my cats there too lol. As of right now, they are both free of parasites (although Taz hasn't been checked yet, cross my fingers, he doesn't have any :? ) they are both healthy, they are both getting the care they need, and the right diet. I'm so relieved. I think the other vet was just looking for $$$, handing out meds way too quickly, not keeping up with the new information on beardies, and thought she was the only one with the answers. I still can't wait to call Monday and tell that office that I've found another vet that I'm more comfortable with providing care for my babies and that I need to cancel my appointment lol. Harsh, but whatever.


Juvie Member
What a difference a vet makes. Wow. Sounds like you do have a keeper with that one. You must be so relieved with this information. I have to say again that sometimes our instincts are what we should be listening to. You felt all along that the meds were too harsh and that Kaira was doing worse because of them and you were right. Anyway, I'm glad to hear this news. Keep up the good work. You're a good beardie mommy.

Edit: I found this info on using vinegar and peroxide as cleaners. I know other people use them with success.


Juvie Member
Original Poster
Yes, I think I did find a keeper! It has made me feel so much better, I was a mess. I didn't know what I was doing so wrong that she would need that about of medication for. It just didn't make sense. I can understand the low count that was found, she went through relocation stress twice. I think the move to the bigger cage really got to her. Her basking spot changed to the opposite side of what she was used to and she had a lot more open space. I could have been doing something wrong too...I don't really know. I'm just glad she's better and I found a good vet. :D Now we just need to make sure Taz doesn't have anything and just do a double-check on Kaira. I don't want them to get sick or be "a little sick" and me not know it until it is to the point where they need the meds that can cause so much damage or even to the point where they need meds at all.
You're right though, we have to follow our own instincts sometimes to get the right answers. We can't rely on one person (even a well-educated person) to know what our babies act like when they are healthy and when they don't feel good. WE are the ones that really know them, not a vet.
I thank Tracie for saving Kaira from such a hard road of the medications. She would be sick right now if I had stuck with the same vet and hadn't gotten the information and guidance from Tracie.
Thanks again, Tracie! :D
And thank you, I'm trying to be a good mommy to them. I hope I can do everything right from now on.
How's Tank been doing? Did you get the new UVB?
I've thought about the peroxide, but isn't it just about the same as rubbing alcohol? I've read or Tracie told me or both lol, that alcohol can still leave the fumes...but I also know that it evaporates very quickly. That's a good thought for the "furniture" if it isn't too strong. I don't know how easy it would be to use a steam cleaner on some of their things :? . I was actually using the vinegar alone...doesn't do a thing lol. Stupid me. It's all working out now or seems to be.


Hatchling Member
that is so great that u found a vet that you are happy with!!!!!! how did you find one in your area?... i can't seem to find one... i can't wait till tuesday!!!!! i get my order of silkies and hopefully(cross fingers) he likes them and if not they can go to my american toad and then i will try phenix worms... but as i said in many posts before i am so happy for you that kaira is doing well and taz is getting used to his surroundings!!!!!!!!!!


Juvie Member
Thank you for asking, Tank is doing a little better, I think. He's eating a little more so that's great. Still not what he should be eating but better. His UV is supposed to arrive tomorrow so I've been bringing him outside for some UV. When he's in his cage he is filled with stress lines. It's so sad. When I bring him outside in a few minutes the stress lines are gone and he's a beautiful yellow color. So different. I sure hope the Mega Ray does the trick.

BTW peroxide does not have any where near the fumes of alcohol. It's completely different which is why it's such a good cleaner. Anyway, it's just a thought.


Juvie Member
Original Poster
Just a little update.
Well, first, DragonFairy37, how'd he like the silkies?
Laura, how's Tank doing? Is he still eating better? Is the light helping any?

Ok about Kaira and Taz. I finally got the Nolvasan/Virosan...yesterday I guess (lol my b-day). That's what was recommended by the vet and Tracie to that's what I'm going to try for now. The peroxide isn't a bad idea though. I read an article about all the benefits of it. So, tomorrow I plan to do a good cleaning of everything and get them back in with their "normal" things. Kaira's been a little ticked without them. Poor baby.
They both have vet appointments tomorrow. I'm so worried. I just hope everything is ok and they don't have to go through any medication. I'm getting a pro-biotic anyway, just in case something ever does happen or they already/still have parasites. :(
I'll post some pictures later if I get a chance (they're both shedding, poor Kaira seems to be struggling with her tail) and I will let you know the results as soon as I find out.


Juvie Member
First Happy Birthday Abi!! :p
Good luck at the vet today. I hope you get a clean bill of health. It'll be so nice for you to just go about normally with them instead of having all this extra headache and worry. Let us know how it goes.

As far as Tank...he's eating a tiny bit better. Yesterday was his second full day with the Mega Ray. He seems a little less stressed though still shows lots of stress lines. At least there are times now when he has minimal or no stress lines. Those times are not very often though. I'm hoping today he continues to improve. Poor baby is still the same weight as when I got him 3 weeks ago. :banghead: Thanks for asking.


Hatchling Member
oh!! happy birthday!!! that is good to hear about kaira and taz at least they seem to be doing well... i hate watching them shed... it makes me feel so bad!!! boomerang(i finally named him lol) has been sheding for about a week now... i really hope the vet visit goes well

well i didnt end up getting silkies because the pet shop did not order them still :| !!! so i got more crix and of coarse he is still not eating them! but i got like 10 wax worms so he gets one or two every couple of days and he is eating babyfood so... he is such a little sweetheart!! he actually wants to be held now lol.. he only shed the tip of his nose some of his tail one of his feet and parts of 2 he has a lot more to go :(

oh.. before i forget again.. what level of vetrinary are you going into? and how many years of college does it take to be a vet


Juvie Member
Original Poster
Thank you!
I think I made a typo or it was early morning here lol. Their appointment is tomorrow morning. :?
I really hope everything goes all's such a roller-coaster ride...I'm sure you know how that feels.
Tank seems to be showing improvement with the new could just take him a few more days. He'll be just fine. I'm positive he'll gain weight soon and live up to his name lol. :D I wouldn't worry about the stress marks too much. They're pretty common in babies (from what I've read). Taz is just now starting to lighten up, but he still has his the majority of the time. Kaira has them quite often still...they aren't as nearly as dark as Taz's, but she still gets them. You're doing great. It was just a small set back.

Thank you too!
Yeah, it's really hard for me to watch Kaira shed. I try to make her as comfy as possible, but it's a natural thing and there's only so much we can do.
I love the name!
At least he's eating something. He might just want some variety...I keep saying that, but I think it's true. They get tired of the same thing would we lol.
It's good to hear he's calming down. They are so wild when they are that young lol, Taz still has his nickname: Taz the Spaz lol.

I'll let you both know how it goes!


Hatchling Member
abi - thanx... yeah he does need variety... he seems to like the baby food..he tries to eat the spoon !! lol

laura - dont worry tank will gain weight and get happier.. boomerang hasnt gained much at all either and he still has stress marks even when he goes to sleep lol

hey by any chance do you know if exo terra - repti - glo uvb bulb is bad for bearded dragon.. because i am going to be getting him a repti-sun 10.0 but i dont know when i can... i am still in need of getting a thermometer with a probe... so i just wanted to know if that is bad for my baby

by the way.. you dont have to type out dragonfairy37 lol call me CJ or Cassy but CJ is easier lol


Juvie Member
DragonFairy37":f2fec said:
laura - dont worry tank will gain weight and get happier.. boomerang hasnt gained much at all either and he still has stress marks even when he goes to sleep lol

hey by any chance do you know if exo terra - repti - glo uvb bulb is bad for bearded dragon.. because i am going to be getting him a repti-sun 10.0 but i dont know when i can... i am still in need of getting a thermometer with a probe... so i just wanted to know if that is bad for my baby

by the way.. you dont have to type out dragonfairy37 lol call me CJ or Cassy but CJ is easier lol

Thanks CJ. :wink: He did better today. Ate better and looked better. I'm so psyched. I hope he continues to do better each day. BTW I LOVE, LOVE the name Boomerang. It's just perfect.

I don't know anything about the exo terra UVB but if you're afraid he may not be getting enough UV bring him outside for a few minutes. Tank looks so much better when I bring him outside for some sun. It's amazing.

Abi Thanks. I'm so glad to hear that other baby beardies have stress lines too. I didn't know it was common. I'm so relieved to hear that. BTW I post pics of Tank that I took today here if you want to peek: [ Invalid URL Removed / p= t=87940 f=30 ]


Juvie Member
Original Poster
LOL, I'm so sorry. You never mentioned your name or anything, CJ. I apologize.
As far as the reptiglo, they really aren't good bulbs...I believe one can even hurt their eyes. I'd just type in "UVB" or "reptiglo" in the search box and see what pops up. I'd personally recommend the ReptiSun 10.0, but I've heard good things about the mercury bulb that Laura uses. The cage requirements are a little (lot) different when you're using a mercury bulb, though, so be careful. What are you using to measure his temps right now? You can buy a pretty cheap digital thermometer and humidity gauge at Walmart. The ones I use have one probe, which you stick on their basking spot and then you put the "reader" thing on the cool side of the tank. They're pretty accurate and I think they cost around $13. I spent more on one with just one reading (not the probe and the actual device) and it isn't all that accurate. I use it with my silkies sometimes, but I think it was a waste of money, honestly. I'd go with Walmart. (I use a temp gun and have a thermostat also, we went a little overboard lol).
Not trying to change the subject or anything, but why is Boomerang on baby food? I know that it's used when dragons won't eat and I know he was/is having some problems with that, but have you talked to anybody specific about how much you give him? Just curious, sometimes allowing them things like baby food for too long can cause problems. Or they can become little brats like Kaira and expect you to hand feed them ALL the time lol :D
I also agree with Laura, if you're worried about his UVB, allow him some natural rays. (Be careful as to how long his out there, what the weather is like, what you "put" him in to take him out, watch the bugs, etc.). I've heard of people who have good UVB lights taking their beardies outside or letting them sit by a window, it's really good for them. I should try it actually, lol, I've just been so tired with everything else! :angry5:

I looked at the pics and he looks amazing! Stop worrying! I think you've got everything under control now.

*A little update*
Kaira shed most of her tail today..she's still got the tip left. I'm going to have the vet check out the majority of her tail that has shed (hopefully the rest is off by then too) because it seemed to take longer than last time for her tail to shed and the new scales look really dried out to me. I'm probably just being paranoid. She gets a bath every day still because of the meds she was on, so I'm almost positive she's not dehydrated (I don't think over-hydrating them would cause that, but I don't know). We'll see what I'm doing wrong tomorrow. :(
Taz is shedding his body and head first...opposite of Kaira. His colors look really cool right now lol. The red scales underneath look pink due to the shed. I'll try to get a picture...he doesn't like his picture taken though. I always get that "What the heck do you want?" look from him lol.

12 hours before the vet...I'm so nervous.



Juvie Member
I really can't wait to see pics of your kids. I bet Taz is gorgeous and Kaira is getting huge. Abi, stop beating yourself up. I think you're worse than me. LOL You are doing everything right. Her slower shed is probably because she WAS a little dehydrated at one point. I'm sure they're both fine. You really need to take your advice you gave me and relax, enjoy them. I know, easier said than done. :wink:


Hatchling Member
Abi - i use a thermometer with a probe (finally) i just got them yesterday... and i feed him baby food because he wasnt eating ANYTHING for about a week so then i was searching through some forums and i saw that you can feed babyfood to dragons that arent eating well so i decided to buy some... he is actually eating some not alot but some... he is starting a beardie belly lol not very big yet but... at least it is there... when he stopped eating his belly was almost completely flat... and good idea about the search on repti glo lol i should have thought of that

laura - thanx for the advice i took him outside yesterday but i was scared to let him down in the grass cuz he is like a bullet when he runs lol after i get everything i need for school i will be getting him a new uvb cuz this one makes me kinda nervous


Juvie Member
CJ when I bring Tank outside I put him in a tupperware-type container and sit next to him. I would be afraid to put him down too and I'm also afraid to just hold him because he might jump out of my hands. So in the container he can sit safely and I don't have to worry about him getting away. I make sure he has a little shade but also that the sun shines on him.
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