I'm about to turn out the lights!!

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I can not for the life of me figure out what my dragon is doing.

She has eaten little to nothing for about 4 months...maybe a little less. She is crazy lazy and I'm sure she is in some state of brumation. The thing is she seems more confused about it than me. She will start being more active and eating just a little then go right back to not eating and just laying around. She will sit in her hammock for days sometimes without moving.

Anyway, I talked to the breeder who I bought her from and he said to turn out the lights for a couple weeks and when she is ready to come out she will start scratching at the glass.

I know this guy is very knowledgeable but I wanted your opinions.

As you can see in the pics taken yesterday she is still a very good weight. I don't think she has lost much weight at all...if any.

So should I kill the lights?



BD.org Sicko
Staff member
Is it spring now where you live? Has anyone gone over your tank setup with you to make sure everything is perfect? Could you fill us in on the brand & type of UVB you're using, how old the bulb is and what the distance is of it? Also, what are the tank temps and what type of thermometer are you using?

How old is your beardie


Original Poster
diamc":32dj98rd said:
Is it spring now where you live? Has anyone gone over your tank setup with you to make sure everything is perfect? Could you fill us in on the brand & type of UVB you're using, how old the bulb is and what the distance is of it? Also, what are the tank temps and what type of thermometer are you using?

How old is your beardie

No one has gone over my setup. This is my setup right now...40gal, tile for substrate, right side is warm, left side is cool with a hide on both sides and a hammock about 4-5 inches from the Zoomed UVB reptisun 10.0. Food bowel on the left side...she gets offered water every day or so and a bath once a week for about 30 minutes. She is offered repcal dragon food about every day as well as greens and gets crickets a couple times a week (when not in brumation) and super worms about once every 2 weeks or maybe less than that. She has always gotten rep-cal for vitamins and calcium.

Oh yes it's getting warm here in Houston TX....just dropped my heat bulb to a 60w today from a 100w because the room she is in is getting pretty warm. Her basking spot is about 103 (+/-) and about 79 (+/-) on the cool side.



BD.org Sicko
Staff member
Could you fill us in on the brand & type of UVB you're using, how old the bulb is and what the distance is of it? Also, what are the tank temps and what type of thermometer are you using?

How old is she? She's a very pretty girl, awesome coloring.


Original Poster
diamc":3pc6ng6i said:
Could you fill us in on the brand & type of UVB you're using, how old the bulb is and what the distance is of it? Also, what are the tank temps and what type of thermometer are you using?

How old is she? She's a very pretty girl, awesome coloring.

I edited my last post but you had already replied. :)

Zoomed UVB reptisun 10.0 about 5" from her when she is in her hammock....where she spends a good amount of time. I'm using a zoomed RT-1 for my temps.

She is a little over a year old...bulb is only a couple months old.



BD.org Sicko
Staff member
That's good that you're using a temp gun, that was my main concern, the temps. Perhaps the drop in wattage will make a difference, the temps you have now are perfect.

Is the Repti-Sun a strip fluorescent or coil/compact bulb?

When she was eating, how many feeders would she eat in a wk? What greens does she prefer?

Have you thought about increasing the baths to see if it makes any difference?


Original Poster
diamc":1ovuvusi said:
That's good that you're using a temp gun, that was my main concern, the temps. Perhaps the drop in wattage will make a difference, the temps you have now are perfect.

Is the Repti-Sun a strip fluorescent or coil/compact bulb?

When she was eating, how many feeders would she eat in a wk? What greens does she prefer?

Have you thought about increasing the baths to see if it makes any difference?

It's a strip fluorescent.

She would eat about anything as far as greens go. She is a bit picky on the rep-cal dragon food though...only the green color ones get eaten.

She would eat 12+ crickets 2 times a week or so....super worms every now and then. Those are the only options I have here really.


BD.org Sicko
Staff member
Good choice on the Repti-Sun fluorescent.

Isn't it something how they can pick out a particular color and know just what they like!

She's still growing at a little over a yr so you could actually give her more feeders when she is interested in wanting more again. Beardies over 1 1/2 yrs old can have 50 small feeders (like crickets) or 35 large feeders (like supers) a wk. Are you still dusting her food with calcium at least 3 days a wk and with vitamins 2 days a wk?

I'm not sure if you saw this before, but thought I would share the list of the best green/veggies to feed: http://www.beautifuldragons.com/Nutrition.html We find it to be a big help.


Original Poster
diamc":3111530c said:
Good choice on the Repti-Sun fluorescent.

Isn't it something how they can pick out a particular color and know just what they like!

She's still growing at a little over a yr so you could actually give her more feeders when she is interested in wanting more again. Beardies over 1 1/2 yrs old can have 50 small feeders (like crickets) or 35 large feeders (like supers) a wk. Are you still dusting her food with calcium at least 3 days a wk and with vitamins 2 days a wk?

I'm not sure if you saw this before, but thought I would share the list of the best green/veggies to feed: http://www.beautifuldragons.com/Nutrition.html We find it to be a big help.

Well she is not eating at the moment but I when she was I did not stop giving her calcium.


Original Poster
I still can not figure this out.

She is still not eating but she is moving around a little more. Then she will sit in one spot for days....it's like she's confused about brumation or something. Like she isn't sure what she is supposed to do.

If she has not moved by tomorrow when I get home I think I will kill the lights for a couple days and see what she does.

Still not losing weight btw.


BD.org Sicko
Staff member
Hi there,

Thats good you are using a temp gun, but I didn't see you make a mention of what your temps are? ( I double checked but couldn't find them in any of your posts)



Original Poster
silverado991":3prx782y said:
103 basking 79 cool side it was hiding in there lol

my new male hides hours before bed and eats once daily sometimes every two days your case is different but they should be brumating at this time unless you had a weird birth month and he was borderline ready to go down for brumation this winter and did not

how old is he ?

She is just over a year old.
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