I found my Ruby!!!!

okay, yes...Ruby is the name of the red dragon that I dont have. Butttttttttttttt yesterday, when I went to purchase some supplies, I saw HER! okay it may be a HIM but whatever. I waited by the supply room for the store rep to grab something and tada the beardie cages. There was a baby...I never ask to see them outside of the tanks (yup we know that's what they are in the store) and that little thing jumped, ran up her arm because she didnt want to go back in. However, she was so alert- I was impressed. I spoke about how tiny she was and then was directed to the bottom tank.
The gates of heaven opened...it was my RUBYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY. Looooooooooooook at the picture.
I couldn't get her out fast enough. I held her. The second beardie I ever held in my life. I was so proud. She was social. The girl explained that she plays with her, made sense. After a minute, I put her back and she began to bask. I stood back and stared. The girl said, "that's all she does." I was in awe, I didn't get into the right temps etc...she was shedding, she was happy, I saw perfectly clear nails- I was in awe. All I kept saying was "I want her, I want her."
Ruby got off the basking area and came to the front of the tank, the girl lost her mind. She said, "She never does that." I just stared and stared. I said, "I want you but I can't"- I pull out my phone and show pictures of Rocky to the girl (human) and got sad about Ruby. I then said, "Ruby I really can't"- Ruby walked off and never came back LOL

I want Ruby! This picture doesn't show her color at all but she's red.


BD.org Addict
Photo Comp Winner
Beardie name(s)
Ruby, Sinatra, Zsa Zsa
She is gorgeous 😍 i know it's hard to walk away. I've seen several lately i would die for lol 😆


Gray-bearded Member
Original Poster
Beardie name(s)
Rocky, Ruby
I went back and zoomed the photo, she does look to be hypo🙂
So does this mean get her? I called and she's still there.
(I verified via her clear nails when I was there LOL) I think I should get her for the sake of this site.
UGH I am fighting the urge so bad. You know how long this has been my dream~


Gray-bearded Member
Original Poster
Beardie name(s)
Rocky, Ruby
I'm sure she would love a loving home :)
I called and she's still there. I'm so ridiculous. I think I will take Rocky to the store today and see how he responds. Everyone keeps telling me NOT to do it but what do they know?
My thoughts and rationale:
two separate rooms or two separate floors
I have proof that beardies can interact with each other, simply not be housed together
But Rocky is so territorial, even towards humans
He runs the house- he was just on my lap but decided to run off. I'll be back.


BD.org Addict
Photo Comp Winner
Beardie name(s)
Ruby, Sinatra, Zsa Zsa
They can be extremely territorial. Even if they seem to get along you'll never be able to leave them unattended together even for a few seconds. When we have more than one out, me or Christina one is in the room at all times. If your Ruby turns out to be male, they will fight on sight every time.
I'm not going to try to discourage you from getting Ruby but make sure it's something your all in on, it's alot more work when you have more than one.


Gray-bearded Member
Original Poster
Beardie name(s)
Rocky, Ruby
They can be extremely territorial. Even if they seem to get along you'll never be able to leave them unattended together even for a few seconds. When we have more than one out, me or Christina one is in the room at all times. If your Ruby turns out to be male, they will fight on sight every time.
I'm not going to try to discourage you from getting Ruby but make sure it's something your all in on, it's alot more work when you have more than one.
I need you to TELL me what to do. You have guided me along my journey and haven't failed me yet. Rocky and I went for a walk this morning and were stopped and questioned. That took a lot of time. I did some errands then said I would call the store. Ruby is still there.
I went to a store closer and they had red beardies but they were smaller and paid me absolutely no mind at all. There was a cute one that was active but not the same. I will post in a moment how I made fool of myself momentarily.
I can't keep calling the store looking for Ruby. I know I am going to creep the store out soon LOL

In my mind, I know it's a no but in my heart it's a yes.
Go back to my earlier posts, you know RUBY- RED- ANOTHER BEARDIE was on my wishlist.
My concerns are the obvious and travel with the two. I am thinking Rocky could remain the same and Ruby would be enclosed inthe car but Rocky may not be able to concentrate. It's not as easy as I am making it out to be, I am sure.


BD.org Addict
Photo Comp Winner
Beardie name(s)
Ruby, Sinatra, Zsa Zsa
If you do get another i think you should 100% get a female. It's way less chance of fighting. Rocky will bob, stomp, display, ect but honestly thats fun to watch. You will need to avoid line of sight though or he will harrass her none stop.
You have a years experience now, you know what your getting into. If your willing to put in the extra work i say why not. 🙂


Gray-bearded Member
Original Poster
Beardie name(s)
Rocky, Ruby
If you do get another i think you should 100% get a female. It's way less chance of fighting. Rocky will bob, stomp, display, ect but honestly thats fun to watch. You will need to avoid line of sight though or he will harrass her none stop.
You have a years experience now, you know what your getting into. If your willing to put in the extra work i say why not. 🙂
Years? I have 1 year~lol all of this drama, I mean fun has happened in 1 whole year LOL
I think I will take Rocky on a date to meet Ruby today.
I know you saw my post about the gecko- I think that sets me back 5 months, lol

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