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So, Thursday evening I got a Bearded Dragon. I've been told it's male, but haven't checked myself. He seems pretty tame, but I don't want to go lifting his tail and making him uncomfortable just yet. Besides, I don't think he likes me very much. I gave him some broccoli after he ate three super worms, which he seemed to approve of. I swear he looked over his shoulder at me, and his eyes said: "Hmm, maybe you won't be totally useless. Just mostly."

He's a year old, and came from a family that bought him for their young son last Christmas. Said son lost interest fairly quickly, and the mother decided that now is the time to get rid of him, because they're moving. Perfect opportunity for me to get a free Beardie with a tank and lights. (Heat and UV) I also got a supplement bottle with him, some 'complete vegetable powder'. I don't know if he was given calcium growing up, but I'm thinking no. I've gotten a powder calcium and vitamin D3 supplement, as well as a water treatment with calcium. It's supposed to take chlorine and metals out of his water.

Anyway. He hasn't been handled much, if at all, and his cage was... sparse. He had sand, a flat basking stone, and a food and water dish.
Friday night I added two logs, which he climbs and basks on, a safe fake plant to liven up the tank, some rocks, and a patch of terrarium liner on the cool end of the cage, where his food and water dishes are. He ate about three large crickets, and some carrot top greens. I tried broccoli again, but he ignored it. I took him out a few times, and he tolerated it.

Saturday he ate two crickets, that were left over from the day before, and a few super worms. Half heartedly ate some red tipped leaf lettuce. Licked his glass. Looked disgruntled when I picked him up. Basked and licked his glass. Had a drink.

Today he hasn't eaten anything. There's crickets, carrot greens, and carrot shavings in his tank, but he hasn't touched a thing. He's been digging a lot, too. I don't know if this is a sign of something, or him enjoying his new cage. I gave him a shallow bath, for extra hydration. I don't know if he's ever had one, but he seemed pretty calm. He drank a lot of water (I counted how many licks, 96) and once he was finished, insisted on climbing up my arm and getting out. So, I put him on me, because I'm his new awesome transportation vessel, and brought him back to his cage. Before putting him back, he coughed. I think. He made a small noise like he was starting to hiss, and then made one louder one that sounded a lot like this one: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9vIBVeV_554
He didn't start licking his lips after, and I put him back on his log.

Right now he's basking, head up, eyes open, and is alert. When I walk by, he tilts his head to follow me. (Or glare at me, I'm not really sure)

So, should I be worried about the 'coughing', or was he trying to hiss displeasure at me?

All my knowledge comes from google. I've had many pets, but they've been dogs and hamsters. I am not used to lizards, their habits, or behavior yet. His previous owner said he's usually lethargic, and stays in the corner where his heat lamp is. He seems active to me, now that there's stimulation in his cage. She also said he didn't eat much, and only had a bowel movement about three times a month.

This doesn't sound normal to me. I haven't seen him poop yet, and he's downed crickets, worms, and vegetables, and eaten pretty well until today.

His cage goes from 100-110 hot area to 80-85 cold area. I've decided Mondays and Saturdays will me supplement days. His lights are on a timer, eight till eight.

Any help/advise to make sure I'm giving him the best possible care I can? What'll make him poop?

Also: Thank you for reading this giant wall o' text.


Original Poster
His colours and patterns have gotten A LOT more pronounced, since the bath. Some darker patches behind his head on either side, and patterns on his sides. Also, his beard.

Can a bath do that? Is he ticked at me?

Edit: I'm going to go with him being ticked at me. His colours are calming down.


Extreme Poster
Hi there,
Im no expert but im happy to help as much as I can.

A few things Ive noticed straight off:

the fact that your beardie ate a little veg is wonderful, months down the line I still have to trick my girl into eating anything green.
beardies do enjoy a varied diet of veg and do often snub greens after a while.
heres a link to show you what beardies can eat http://www.beautifuldragons.503xtreme.com/Nutrition.html

also regarding feeding, what size are your crickets? and are you leaving them in her viv? its not recommended leaving crix in the tank with your beardie all day or night because it can actually stress them. if your using crickets as a main staple id really recommend feeding him outside his viv (in a large rubbermaid container/sink/bath). you can offer him crix two or three times a day and can easily scoop them out afterwards. ive spent far too long chasing crix around my viv!

twice a week isnt enough. I think alot of our memebers dust with vits 3 times a week and calcium once or twice a week, not on the same day.

Baths are simply the BEST way to hydrate your beardie. Your new boy sounds like my girl, who will drink and drink an drink from her bath! They also absorb water through their vents so its super for them really. It also helps with pooping and shedding. The water should be warm and no deeper than 'armpit' height.
about the hissing - Dex enjoys her bath but when she's decided she's had enough she will puff her beard at me until i lift her out. if she ever splashes herself too she will often hiss at the water. Hissing is another way your dragon is letting the world know its grumpy. Id watch he's not snorting any water when he lifts his head out after he's drunk, that could also be a cause of the 'coughing'.

Poop glorious poop:
We spend a startling amount of time discussing poop on this website! Your dragon could just be 'holding it' as he's still undergoing a bit of relocation stress. If he holds on for another couple of days you can offer her cabbage or applesauce and you can massage her belly in the bath. Alot of beardies refuse to poop in their vivs and wait everyday for a bath!

Dex did this too. Its usually a sign of seeking security, especially at night. By the sounds of it you dont have a hide or an enclosed cave for him yet so Id definatly recommend buying or building one. As soon as I made one for Dex from a shoebox and toweling (can post pics if you'd like. It takes 5 minutes to make) she stopped digging and started snuggling in there at night.

Hope this has helped, and you already sound like a wonderfully devoted slave!

Although you mayve answered some of these already it helps us alot if you could answer the following for us:

How old is your dragon?
How long have you had your dragon?
How long is your dragon?
What is the sex of your dragon?
What size enclosure do you have your dragon in?
What type substrate do you have on the bottom of your tank?
Do you use UVB lights?
If so, Is it a coil, compact, fluorescent tube, or Mercury Vapor bulb?
What is the brand name and number of your bulb? Wattage (if MVB)?
How old is your UVB bulb?
How close can your dragon get to the UVB?
Do you use a separate basking bulb? What kind and what is the wattage?
What are the basking temps?
What is the cool side temp?
Do you take the temps with a stick on thermometer, a digital thermometer with a wire and a probe end or a temp gun?
Where exactly are you taking your basking temps?
Do you use a heat rock or heat pad?
What do you feed your dragon? Please be specific.
How often do you feed and what time do you feed (morning, afternoon, night)?
Do you gutload (feed) your crickets, worms, etc?
Do you use vitamin or calcium supplements? What brand(s)? How many days a week do you use each of them?
Is your dragon having regular bowel movements (poops)?
Do you bath your dragon? How often?
Do you mist your dragon or offer water other than in the bath?


Original Poster
Thanks for the great reply! I've been browsing the site, and see your posts quite often. 8]

Wow, thank you. That site is just what I've been looking for, food wise. I'll be able to set up a varied diet of veggies that's always okay to have as a staple now. The crickets are big, and I've been leaving them in, yes. I have rubbermaids available and will start feeding him them in there. I think I'm going to look into silkworms, too. I have a 20gal tank lying around -- Maybe I could breed them.

I don't have a vitamin supplement right now. I'll be able to stop by a pet store tomorrow and pick one up, though. And thank you. I'll supplement him more often, now. The liquid calcium seems like a waste now - I'm going to start bathing him more, and he'll probably save drinking for that time. Ha.

Hissing at the water, that would be so cute! I've read that water temp should be 90-100. I didn't fill the tub enough to get to his armpits, I was worried. Hopefully he did inhale water though, and that cough'll be a one time thing.

I've poked around more, and found that the markings on his belly are 'stress marks'. He had them when I got him home, they were one of the first things I noticed looking him over (I went: "Oh cool. He's even got markings on his belly."). Silly me.
I actually gave him some applesauce today, a couple hours after my post. Was just trying to get him to eat something. He didn't have much, but he was happy to lick a little off a spoon. I'll grab some cabbage tomorrow, preparing for the worst, anyway. Thank you.

That sounds interesting, but doesn't seem to fit with what he's doing. He was digging under the log (One log is raised on a rock, and a flat piece of wood is laid across that, it makes a mostly closed in, shady area). I thought he'd snuggle up in that place to sleep, but he's out light a light right now, lying on top of the log, in pretty much the most exposed place he could be.

But now I'm totally going to make him a little den anyway, just in case he wants one and doesn't know it yet. Can I use regular old towels?

Thanks. 8] I want to do all I can to make him happy and healthy. I don't think he's had much of a life so far.

Oh wow. That's going to get answered, and saved in a word document. I bet I'll be using it a lot.

Thanks for all your help and information!


Sub-Adult Member
As for the coughing things, i don't know, ill get Tracie.

As much as you don't want to check on the sex of the beardie, you need to, it kinda sounds like he is gonna lay eggs. :shock:


Original Poster
Well, that would be something. o_o He hasn't been near any other dragon, so if it turns out to be a female, no harm with the egg laying, right?
I'd just need a name change.


Extreme Poster
Hi again ^_^

Females can lay infertile eggs. My little girl (once Dexter now Dex!) just suprised me with 17 eggs last night.

This is the temporary hide I made for Dex. I think i'll have to make a wooden one IDENTICAL to this one because when itook it out and tried to give her a store bought one she just shoved it out the way.

Dex used to do the same. Dig dig dig and then give up at night and lay spread-eagle ontop of one of her stones. After putting her in the hidebox for a couple of nights she soon realised what it is and now shuffles over to it every time the lights go off. As you can see its just a shoebox with a door in. And you can use any kind of softness inside, I used toweling because she has always seemed to enjoy the texture.

she is quite the cuddlebug!


Original Poster
Thanks for the picture! She looks all happy and adorable.

I just gave Dodongo a bath a gain. He didn't seem as tolerant of it this time, and still didn't poop. I did some tummy messaging, too. He had a small drink, and then started trying to climb up on me right away. He's on my lap now, wrapped in a towel, and giving me this: "Woman, what are you doing?" look.

He still hasn't eaten anything today. I'm going to grab my paycheck from work, and then go shopping. Maybe try him on different greens and squash from the website you gave me.

Tomorrow I'm picking up some more things from the pet store, and I'll also grab hidebox materials then.

Thanks again. 8]


Original Poster
I think I'll check him when I get back from shopping. He's on his plank and giving me one good evil eye at the moment.

I hope the store has Lemon Grass. It's pretty much got the highest fiber of all the things safe for him to eat occasionally.


Extreme Poster
Superfictious":f4edc said:
Thanks for the picture! She looks all happy and adorable.

I just gave Dodongo a bath a gain. He didn't seem as tolerant of it this time, and still didn't poop. I did some tummy messaging, too. He had a small drink, and then started trying to climb up on me right away. He's on my lap now, wrapped in a towel, and giving me this: "Woman, what are you doing?" look.

He still hasn't eaten anything today. I'm going to grab my paycheck from work, and then go shopping. Maybe try him on different greens and squash from the website you gave me.

Tomorrow I'm picking up some more things from the pet store, and I'll also grab hidebox materials then.

Thanks again. 8]

Thank you ^_^ She is a heartmelter alright!

I wouldnt worry about her not enjoying a bath, its something she'll get used to. Dex's usual bathtime routine is in the water, drink, splash self, flare beard at water angrily, waddle over to me and flare halfheartedly in hopes of getting out, then stomp around in the water till she tires herself out.
Sometimes its tempting to get your little one out of the bath as soon as they start to sulk, but they really should stay in the water at least 15 minutes to gain all the benefits from bathing.
Try and be a strict momma about bathing when you start or she'll walk all over you.

I wouldnt be too worried about her not eating and pooping regularly just yet. Beardies nearly always suffer from relocation stress. When they are still uneasy of their surroundings they generally wont do either.
Be sure to be persistant and keep offering her fresh food regularly.

Veggie wise many of our memebers are STILL fighting that losing battle (myself included), some beardies are just reluctant green eaters, and some absolutely demolish every green in sight. Others will ONLY eat one magic green and snub everything else. So try not to panic. I know its hard being a new momma.

About the eating/pooping/stress marks though it really would help if you could post your tank set up and temperatures.
Its quite the wall of questions to wade through the first time but it really helps us help you ^_^

Keep us posted

Oh and dont worry about the beady eye. They just like to keep an eye on us. We slaves can be SO inconvenient.



Hatchling Member
don't put a hide in till he/she is eating properly and fully settled - beardies like hides but don't need them and they can go into them and forget/refuse to bask which means they don't digest properly and don't get enough of the uvb light which in turn can make them ill. This is a particular problem if a beardie is already stressed from something else - like settling into a new home


Extreme Poster
Id like to respectfully disagree.
Giving them a place to hide on occation can help them to gain security and boost their confidence with their home, knowing that they have a 'safe place'.
It definatly had this affect with my girl, who was practically feral when we adopted her, was not eating and was biting us.
I first put in the hide at night and placed her inside.
I did this for the first few nights and then during the day she opted to shelter inside for one or two snoozes during the day.
Now she seldom visits it during the day other than to run in and out but nearly always sleeps in it.

I would still suggest a hide, but to remove it in unlikely event that she opted to stay inside it all day. to stay inside it all day.
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Im needing some questions answered about my female beardeddragon, I honestly have no idea on age , she was a recuse, as ive had a couple in my life an have experience. So 9 weeks in , she earing well pooping well getting comfortable, then approx 3-4 days ago the digging started. So I got a dig box set up in her 75 g tank. Well within 2 hours she dropped an egg. Now only one egg an its been 10 hours.shouldiBworried
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