Huge Apologies for Email Floods!

beardie Sicko
Staff member
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Cailyth, Pinky, & Brain
I sincerely apologize for the massive flood of emails some people may have just gotten today.

I just tried upgrading our mail server software and was looking into some errors. I then discovered why I think people were no longer receiving email notifications. I fixed that.

What I didn’t realize is that our Forum Software keeps track of all emails it tries to send and will retry, even if the mail server is down. I quickly tried to delete the backlog of email queued (over 130K messages), but several thousand already went out.

I’m likely going to send an email out to everyone on the site as well to say the same.

On the plus side, I think people should be getting their email notifications properly now. 😰

beardie Sicko
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Cailyth, Pinky, & Brain
I had over 2000 emails from Relocation post and Abnormal Poop post
Yeah. For some reason, your email address (and 1-2 others) were the most massive in the queue. Partly because you’re one of the most active people on the site, but I think something else was going on To cause your messages to loop in the mail server.

beardie Sicko
Staff member
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Cailyth, Pinky, & Brain
@hdochow was the other really big one in the queue for some reason. Again.. some of the most active people, so it may have to do something with it. I just don’t know why/how it was repeating. I suspect that the mail server was re-queuing the failed message to try again when it could… but the forum software just saw that it failed so also decided to queue a new message, not realizing that the mail server already handles these to be “retried”.


Sub-Adult Member
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Sir Henry of Scales
🎶 It's raining emails! Hallelujah!!! 🎶

aaaand now i have the weather girls running through my head

...wonders how many @xp29 got...

beardie Sicko
Staff member
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Cailyth, Pinky, & Brain
I don’t think any, actually. I think xp29 has email notifications disabled. :)

xp29 Addict
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Ruby, Sinatra, Zsa Zsa
I don’t think any, actually. I think xp29 has email notifications disabled. :)
Yeah mines turned off, it's pretty rare I use email for anything. I only keep an email addy because for some stuff your forced to use it.

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