- Beardie name(s)
- Falcon
I'm curious bc we got Falcon back in Jan at 12" long when he was roughly 5 mo at 103g.
He's currently 9 mo, 252g, 15" long. He's been 15" since beginning of May.
I don't know if growing 3" since Jan is slow or normal I'm having a hard time imagining him getting any bigger. I went to the pet store the other day and saw an adult beardie in a tank and he looked so big !
Is mine a runt ? lol
He's a healthy boy tho: eats gut-loaded bugs for dinner w his salad everyday (and gets a salad in the AM too). I give him a multi-vitamin 2x a week (one w D3, one w/o D3). He gets calcium daily at dinner. His tank is a 4x2x2/120gal with 2 basking bulbs and a UVB tube. He also gets daily sun if whether permits for almost 2 hrs. He also sheds quite often/regularly so that's good !
Just curious to know your thoughts. He is my first reptile/beardie.
He's currently 9 mo, 252g, 15" long. He's been 15" since beginning of May.
I don't know if growing 3" since Jan is slow or normal I'm having a hard time imagining him getting any bigger. I went to the pet store the other day and saw an adult beardie in a tank and he looked so big !
Is mine a runt ? lol
He's a healthy boy tho: eats gut-loaded bugs for dinner w his salad everyday (and gets a salad in the AM too). I give him a multi-vitamin 2x a week (one w D3, one w/o D3). He gets calcium daily at dinner. His tank is a 4x2x2/120gal with 2 basking bulbs and a UVB tube. He also gets daily sun if whether permits for almost 2 hrs. He also sheds quite often/regularly so that's good !
Just curious to know your thoughts. He is my first reptile/beardie.