How long can a beardie sit in a carry-on/Plane to anywhere


Juvie Member
Beardie name(s)
How stressful is it for a bearded dragon to sit through a 12-hour plane ride?
With the long airport lines and everything. Getting to the hotel where pets are allowed and everything.?
Do they enjoy these 'trips'.? Has anyone done something to this extreme.?

You'd think they'd die with the long lines and how long it took me and my family to get to and from Mexico.
But apparently, these are hardy creatures. I've never taken a Bearded Dragon to Mexico.

& if it's your ESA, they have to let him go along.
What do you guys think.?

AHBD Sicko
A beardie should have no problem at all, some would be more stressed than others, some would just fall asleep. Remember, beardies are shipped all over the country [ and some to other countries ] every day.


Juvie Member
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A beardie should have no problem at all, some would be more stressed than others, some would just fall asleep. Remember, beardies are shipped all over the country [ and some to other countries ] every day.
I figured.

I just hope they'd treat him like a carry-on & not a 'barking dog.'
Treated with top priority.

I've been through horrible lines just to get on the plane.
A lot of metal detectors/Detectors.

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

You definitely need to inquire from the Airlines regarding their policies on reptiles being able to fly. As AHBD stated they usually travel pretty well most of the time.
Do you already have a standard sized airline carrier?



Juvie Member
Original Poster
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Yeah for my cat.
But it's small enough to be used.

It was more so a question if bearded dragons are claustrophobic but I definitely thought about the airline deal when I was last in Mexico.

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