So I think we figured out the problem. We took him outside today and let him bask in the sun for about 10 minutes until he warmed up and then gave him a
bath and he pooped!!!
Now, he really had to push, he pushed hard about 3 times until poop started coming out. This is not normal for him at all, usually it slides right out (gross I know lol).
One thing to note is that his urate was about 1.5 inches long and hard. Usually its soft and pliable. So this tells me he was dehydrated? I'm assuming this dehydration took place when he "brumated" for a few weeks without eating or
The other question I had for you all is about roaches. I've been feeding him about 1-2 LARGE fully grown roaches daily. Could this have impacted him slightly? Should I just feed him the smaller roaches?
Anyway, I am glad he pooped and now I am just trying not to repeat whatever issue caused it initially.