Help! No strength, won’t eat, very strange behavior.


New member
My beardie is acting very strange. I went to get him out of the cage to hang out and he didn’t seem like he wanted to hold onto me and kept trying to go sideways. I went to return him to his cage, and he seemed very weak and not able to hold himself up. He was also refusing food, which he never does. I left him alone for a while and went back to check on him and gave him a bath because I thought he might be dehydrated and that was causing his weakness. He was floating sideways-ish in the water and that was a little concerning for me. He was also making a slight wheezing-ish type noise. He has been very lethargic and seems to have a hard time crawling on his rock or moving around at all. I have been trying to call all of the emergency vets that are open on the weekend and in my area and I am not finding anyone that deals with exotic pets at all. The only place is the OSU facility in Stillwater and that is quite far from me so I am Just trying to make it until the morning when I can take him to our regular vet. I’m just wanting to see if anybody has dealt with this at all or has any ideas of what it could be. I know the fact that I said he was making a wheezing. Noise is going to lead everyone to believe that it’s an upper respiratory infection, but I really don’t see that as being a possibility for him, or that it would cause some of the other issues that he’s having but I could be wrong. And help is appreciated. We are going to the vet as soon as possible so don’t worry.


Sub-Adult Member
Photo Comp Winner
Beardie name(s)
Sir Henry of Scales
if this was my dragon i would be at the vet as soon as possible, which it sounds like you are trying to do. try this website. if there is nothing in your immediate area, try entering the zip code of the closest large city to you. i have to drive 2 hours each way to get to our vet, but it is definitely worth it. as for the bathing, unless your dragon is drinking the bath water, the bath is going to do nothing as far as hydration. it is a myth that they soak water through their skin or vent. i am curious to why you think it isn't possible for this to be an RI. that's my first though of what is going on.

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

Based on your description it sounds like he could have aspirated some water if he was leaning or
floating sideways in the water. They are notorious about aspirating or choking on water.
For now, try to keep him a little warmer overnight, around 75-80F to help boost his immune system.
You might be able to ward off infection that may be developing.
You are in Oklahoma? I actually went to OSU years ago & they do have a good veterinary medicine
department & veterinary school.
Let us know how things go at the vets.


KarrieRee Sicko
Beardie name(s)
Hiccup he is 6 and Blaze is 4
My beardie is acting very strange. I went to get him out of the cage to hang out and he didn’t seem like he wanted to hold onto me and kept trying to go sideways. I went to return him to his cage, and he seemed very weak and not able to hold himself up. He was also refusing food, which he never does. I left him alone for a while and went back to check on him and gave him a bath because I thought he might be dehydrated and that was causing his weakness. He was floating sideways-ish in the water and that was a little concerning for me. He was also making a slight wheezing-ish type noise. He has been very lethargic and seems to have a hard time crawling on his rock or moving around at all. I have been trying to call all of the emergency vets that are open on the weekend and in my area and I am not finding anyone that deals with exotic pets at all. The only place is the OSU facility in Stillwater and that is quite far from me so I am Just trying to make it until the morning when I can take him to our regular vet. I’m just wanting to see if anybody has dealt with this at all or has any ideas of what it could be. I know the fact that I said he was making a wheezing. Noise is going to lead everyone to believe that it’s an upper respiratory infection, but I really don’t see that as being a possibility for him, or that it would cause some of the other issues that he’s having but I could be wrong. And help is appreciated. We are going to the vet as soon as possible so don’t worry.
What is the surface basking temps-- how are you taking them? Uvb is it a coil long tube fixture?

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